This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1664 Quantitative Change Causes Qualitative Change

Chapter 1664 Quantitative Change Causes Qualitative Change
In the end, this match was easily won by the two vampires Lin Cheng and Rookie.

Tian Xiaojuan looked at her data and fell into deep thought.

Although she knew that she was really good, this was the first time she ended the game with 0 kills and 0 deaths, and she didn't even make up a few soldiers.

His mind was full of images of Lin Cheng saying that he wanted to make people's heads dirty, but he also got dirty with his troops.

Lin Cheng: "How is Xiaojuan? Is this fun?"

Tian Xiaojuan: "Not at all, I feel like I'm here to play games."

Lin Cheng and his teammates laughed out loud.

You quite understand it.

Played another game, this time Lin Cheng didn't deliberately play bad games, and finally let Tian Xiaojuan have a normal game experience.

In order to make up for the sins they committed last time, Lin Cheng and Rookie crazily helped in this round, and Tian Xiaojuan became visibly happy in front of the live broadcast camera.

While Juan was always happy, Lin Cheng finally thought of Kuro.

"By the way! Can you give me a VIP ticket for close seats at the next concert? I promised to ask for a ticket for my friend."


Tian Xiaojuan agreed immediately, "I will give you a special work pass at that time, and you can even enter the backstage."

"that would be great."

Lin Cheng said casually, "I'll treat you to barbecue next time."

"OK! As long as it's not vegetables."

Tian Xiaojuan hates eating vegetables extremely, she is also the only Korean who Lin Cheng knows not to eat kimchi.

When Lin Cheng participated in the show together for dinner, he saw with his own eyes the scene of Tian Xiaojuan's eyes losing luster by forcefully eating zucchini. He once thought Tian Xiaojuan had food poisoning.

After Kuro's commission was completed, Lin Cheng pointed at the camera seriously, "Li Shiheng! Remember to kowtow to me."

The live broadcast room has already filled the screen: Kuro kowtow!

At this time, a bullet screen appeared on the top of Tian Xiaojuan's live broadcast room.

"My friend likes a very outstanding girl, always collects everything about her, and silently waits in her live broadcast room to post barrage and tip. May I ask my friend if this is considered dog licking?"He has been under a lot of psychological pressure recently, and he feels that he has been useless."

"Ah~~~ I don't know about this either."

Tian Xiaojuan always felt that this fan was alluding to something, "It shouldn't be counted! But I don't understand you boys... Lin Cheng!"

She asked Lin Cheng for help.

"what happened?"

Lin Cheng understood the situation, "Honestly speaking, this fan of Xiaojuan... Is your friend referring to yourself?"

After a pause, Lin Cheng changed his words again: "Forget it! This is not important, let's make a hypothesis..."

"You! It's your friend."

Lin Cheng suddenly increased his tone, and Tian Xiaojuan couldn't help snickering.

"Be serious!"

Lin Cheng coughed twice: "There is no need for psychological pressure to bring this fan into your friend's perspective. I want to tell you, it doesn't matter even if it is licking a dog."

"If you feel that there is little hope, then I suggest that you can spread the net a little bit."

"If you lick one, it can only be a spare tire, but if you lick a hundred, they are spare tires."

"This is the so-called qualitative change caused by quantitative change, and you can experience the joy of licking a dog."

Tian Xiaojuan was laughing like crazy.

The barrage exploded.

"unbelievable!Quantitative Change Causes Qualitative Change"

"But what he said is quite reasonable"

"He knows how to lick dogs, KKKKKK"

"Actually chasing stars is also the truth, he understands too well"

"Licking one is dog licking, licking a hundred is wolf war (dog head)"

"I realized that I only liked Xiaojuan before, but I will like everyone who is a girl in the future"

Chatting and chatting, seeing that it was past eleven o'clock, Lin Cheng and Tian Xiaojuan bid farewell to the broadcast.

"Wenyou Zan, when will you go back to the dormitory?"

Brother Cuzz was in the middle of RANK, turned around and said casually: "I'm going to be very late, you go to the dormitory to sleep first, I didn't lock the door."

"OK! Sleep on the sofa by yourself, don't wake me up when you come back."

Cuzz: "..."

That's my bed!
Sighing silently, the grapefruit thief turned his head and gritted his teeth and continued to bloodbath the Thousand Points King game.

The teammates are all night owls, Lin Cheng said hello to the rest of the team members and prepared to go back to the dormitory.

He ran to the door of his room and knocked.

"Is Miss Shengxi asleep? I'll get the quilt."

Chi Shengxi hadn't rested yet, and opened the door to reveal half of his face.

There was a hint of blush on her face. Sister Sheng Xi drank a lot during the dinner, but although she was drinking, she seemed to be drinking well.

Lin Cheng still felt a little bit of a pity.

She is not wearing black silk today, nor is she wearing glasses.

A girl with flushing black silk glasses.

"Are you the only one back?"


Chi Shengxi stepped aside to let Lin Cheng in.

She had already taken off her coat and dress, and was wearing Lin Cheng's large T-shirt. The hem of the T-shirt covered Chi Shengxi's thighs.

Lin Cheng looked and looked at Bai Shengsheng's long legs under her T-shirt.

"My sister doesn't have any pajamas, so I'll just take your clothes and make do with it, okay?"

"Of course, sister Sheng Xi, you don't have to be polite to me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng suddenly leaned in front of her and winked, "But can you lend me the clothes you wore? I promise not to do strange things, I just want to study the structure of girls' dresses."


Chi Shengxi was used to Lin Cheng's occasional strange jokes. She pointed at the dress she took off on the sofa and raised her eyebrows, "No! Take it to the toilet and study it slowly. Just don't get any unknown liquid on my sister's clothes. "

"Cut! Just kidding."

Lin Cheng curled his lips a little bored, "You didn't wear stockings today, so I wouldn't do such perverted things."

"That's really sorry."

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes, turned around and sat back under the covers Shi Shiran.

At this moment, Lin Cheng seemed to see something.

When she bent over with her back to her, the lower edge of her snow-white buttocks seemed to be exposed.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see clearly, Sister Sheng Xi had put the quilt back on.

Lin Cheng secretly hated why his T-shirt was so long.

Not in a hurry to find the quilt anymore, he leaned over to the bed and squatted down to stare at Chi Shengxi.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as Chi Shengxi picked up the tablet, he saw Lin Cheng's eager eyes.

"Sister Shengxi, are you really not wearing underwear?"

"Yeah! You guys are weird."

Chi Shengxi tapped Lin Cheng's head lightly with a tablet, "How could my sister do such a thing, just to wear a dress, and today she wore a less obvious style."


Lin Cheng looked suspicious.

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes at him, "Don't believe me? Open it and see for yourself."

While speaking, she stretched out a beautiful white foot from the edge of the quilt and lifted it up.

Lin Cheng said with a probing tone, "Oh, what you said, I really opened it up."

Chi Shengxi suddenly wanted to laugh.

This guy used to be shy when he flirted with his sister, but since the last time in Iceland, he seems to have no psychological barriers.

"Sister is joking with you, don't do such rude things."

However, it was too late to change his mind at this time.

Lin Cheng leaned forward and grabbed the edge of the quilt, and Lin Cheng quickly lifted the quilt.

Under the light, Lin Cheng's curiosity was finally satisfied.

"Yeah! You bastard."

Chi Shengxi subconsciously put his legs together, trying to reach out and press down on the quilt.

Unfortunately, she is too weak.

Sensing Lin Cheng's gaze, Chi Shengxi turned her head away, her cheeks were always a little red, and Lin Cheng couldn't tell whether Sister Shengxi was shy or not.

"Okay! Ah! Why are you..."

(End of this chapter)

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