This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1676 KT's Quick Play Game

Lin Cheng ran to the bottom lane to get a double kill, and KT's situation suddenly became clear.

Originally, Akali would become better and better when she played against Gwen, but Lin Cheng's changes were like a shot in the arm for her teammates.

Top lane advantage, this one wins casually.

Anyway, that's how the training match is.

Beryl directed Cuzz to take advantage of the situation to control the first dragon in the game.

"Brother Hegui, help beat Xiaolong. I'll cover the road. Lin Cheng may be in danger."

Lacus didn't stay to help move the little dragon, but immediately went back to the city and moved up.

Beryl is really well aware of the habits of his old teammates. He suffered a loss in the bottom lane, and DK will not let it go if there is an opportunity.

Although the operation is a bit stretched, Yuanshen's thinking is still very clear.

This can't be called killing familiarity!

And DK turned around and really planned to attack the top lane.

In the lower half of the area, the red party pinged the signal immediately, trying to attack Akali, who hadn't made a big fuss on the T-turn top road.

Xin Zhao was hit by a dodge in the middle just now and leaned against the upper half.

When Clockwork came back from resurrection, he caught Syndra's opportunity to return to the city to make up for it and grabbed a wave of lines.

Soon, Akali, who came back from T, took a step out of the tower on the top lane, and Gwen opened the big ahead of time to find Akali to exchange blood and push the line.

Although this wave did not force out the Akalixia formation, Lin Cheng's blood volume was less than half.

The reminder of Xiaolong's death sounded, and Xin Zhao and Clockwork got out of the triangle grass.

The line of troops entered the tower again.

The red side prepares Mitsukoshi.

Lin Cheng's Akali used the Xia formation tower to delay time, Canyon's very detailed A tower was knocked up, and he wanted to wait for the Xia formation to disappear and set fire to kill Akali in seconds.

However, Lux arrived first.

Yuan Shenge's E skill slows down and blocks the position, and the Q skill of Light Binding hits for the first time in the audience.

Xin Zhao was imprisoned under the tower.

Lux gave the ignition.

The Xia formation disappeared, and Akali shot at Xin Zhao's Q skill, pulling the passive AQ to hit the Qianlong Seal damage.

Xin Zhao's hands are short, A can't come out.

Lux's outcropping is doomed to the red team's failure in this wave of tower jumping, because Gwen has already carried the tower twice in order to force Akali's Xia formation just now. After Xin Zhao's blood volume was knocked out, the three brothers didn't dodge too much. Dare to operate.

The three of DK chose to retreat from the side in a group.

However, Lin Cheng's Akali is very fierce, once again pulled out the passive and immediately leaned towards Xin Zhao.

You know, Akali only has less than one-third of her health, so Lin Cheng is stuck in the stall where Xin Zhao has no E and no flash, using the advantage of the length of his hands to show off.

Anyway, Xin Zhao couldn't stab him even if he squeezed Q for the third time.

A clockwork backhand gives the QR.

The moment he saw the spiral ripples, Lin Cheng's E skill, which he had been pinching to death, shot.

The imprint was hung on Xin Zhao, and at the same time Akali used the first displacement of Falcon Dance to get out of the scope of the shock wave.

Dodging the clockwork big move, Akali activated the second-stage falcon dance at the moment when the flying effect of Xin Zhao's Q skill disappeared, and rushed straight to Xin Zhao at the edge of the triangle grass.

The Qianlong seal was printed, and five kunai were sprinkled down.

It happened that the Hex generator was passively triggered, and Xin Zhao died on the spot with a scream.

Xin Zhao was the first to die, and the two DK middle and upper brothers tried to counter Akali.

But the two had no ability to control, Lux gave the shield, and Akalila, who was low in health, passively accelerated back to the tower.

The red side didn't dare to stay, and the remaining two chose to retreat from the wild area in a group.

Rookie just walked to the second tower of the middle road and found that the road was in danger, so he leaned up. Syndra, who gave up a wave of soldiers, just outflanked the two brothers who were retreating from DK.

Gwen had just leaned against the wall from the triangle grass, and before she got off the wall, Syndra rushed over and directly QRE-fed her to death.

The clockwork that didn't flash was pushed unconscious on the spot, and was doomed to be unable to escape.

"Lin Cheng's head is here for you."

Seeing Akali approaching, Rookie chose to make a confession.

Lin Cheng scored a double play again.

Zeyuan: "It's completely blown up! DK knew that Brother Chengzi didn't have a flash and wanted to attack him, but Akali used the Xia formation to wait for his teammates to support him. It is a bit spiritual for Lux to appear on the top lane at this time."

"And if Rookie doesn't need such a big wave of lanes in the middle, he can just go up to support. I'll just cry, okay?"

Wanwan: "In just 1 minute, everyone in DK died once, and Showmaker was the worst. He died three times in 7 minutes and was disconnected."

KT already had a great advantage on the field, and Cuzz activated the vanguard at 8 and a half minutes.

Beryl left Mr. Dai ahead of time and ran to the middle lane to help grab the line and gain some experience.

DK did not choose to come over to compete for the vanguard.

However, leaving Mr. Dai to suffer alone, Beryl has no intention of taking only one pioneer.

"There is no eye nearby, let's go to Yuegewen first! The vanguard is not in a hurry."

"But it's almost half done."

"It doesn't matter! Orianna on the opposite side can't support us. It's still ours to kill Gwen Vanguard, and we can directly take it to the tower."

Cuzz was hesitant at first, but Beryl's command was firm.

"Let's jump over the tower! Don't worry about your vanguard."

When Lin Cheng spoke, the grapefruit thief resolutely gave up the vanguard and followed his own assistant to lean upward.

Hoya is very disciplined and puts the line early to guard under the tower.

And Xin Zhao also consciously did not leave the upper half, because he was afraid that the opponent would attack Gwen after taking the vanguard.

They never expected that the KT vanguard would run up the tower halfway through the fight.

Seeing Syndra and Lux, Xin Zhao stood behind the tower early and wanted to persuade the opponent to retreat.

However, the nature of the blind monk's appearance is different later.

Originally, it was difficult for Mitsukoshi and Gwen to move Gwen, but it was not difficult for four people.

Lux spotted Gwen's position and shot with the Q skill.

Gwen turned on W, Brother Yuanshen handed over the flash of the CD just now without hesitation, and entered the circle to ensure that the imprisonment will take effect.

This time the Q flash didn't have a show effect, and Gwen was imprisoned under the tower.

The blind monk touched Lax and entered the circle early, and the two-stage Q kicked Gwen out with the hula hoop.

Syndra enters the circle QE and takes control.

Akali RAQ directly kills Gwen.

Because of Beryl's aggressive Q flash, after carrying the tower, Lux was also poked up by Xin Zhao and couldn't be pulled away.

Lux was quickly killed.

But Xin Zhao is doomed to be unable to escape after killing Lux before he reaches the sixth level.

Akali's second stage ult came, and AQEEA cooperated with his teammates to get a double kill.

Zeyuan: "KT is fighting so fiercely! The vanguard gave up halfway through the fight and ran up to jump the tower, assisting Gwen and Xin Zhao for heads. This wave of 1 for 2 is still very profitable. Gwen's pawn line is at a loss."

Wan Wan's tone was high: "Brother Cheng Zi won six heads in just four minutes, and I don't know how to lose this one!"

After completing the tower jump, Cuzz went back to play the vanguard again, and Rookie returned to the center line to take a look at the vanguard.

Lin Cheng brought a large wave of soldiers to eat Tapi.

Xu Xiu in the middle lane originally wanted to take advantage of his teammate on the top lane being overtaken, looking for an opportunity to push the line to eat a layer of tape in the middle lane, but as soon as he sent the line into the tower, he found the female policeman coming.

Mr. Dai couldn't catch the line in the bottom lane, so he was very clever and just made up for the middle line.

If you want to eat Tapi on the next road, I will give you some tapas. Anyway, our thighs on the road have been pierced.

How many tapas can a Poke Flow Verus eat?Mr. Dai did his calculations very clearly.

He's so stressful!

Due to the death of DK Ueno, Lin Cheng led a large wave of soldiers and ate two layers of tape without pressure. Cuzz took the vanguard and ran directly to the top lane to release.

In 9 minutes, a tower on the red side was destroyed.

Wanwan: "KT's rhythm is still fast! In previous LCK games, there were often no kills in the first 10 minutes, and everyone played inactively, but KT showed a completely different offensive rhythm as soon as it came up."

"It feels like they are not playing the same game with others. Everyone has slowed down the early rhythm because of the TP changes. It seems that they are the only ones who are still desperately raising the rhythm to attack."

Zeyuan thought for a while: "Is there a possibility... KT plays so fast because Cuzz won't play the game after 15 minutes?"

Wanwan was happy: "It's possible! As long as the early stage advantage is large enough, I'm not afraid of Cuzz's follow-up."

"Laugh!The grapefruit thief offended you, right? "

"Grapefruit Thief: Wait for me!"Labor and capital sent to Boda"

"One thing to say, Brother Kezi is really good"

"Zhongfu Shuangyou, Cuzz as a thug, Cheng Zige's core, Mr. Dai's pendant, this KT really has something to say"

"Mr. Dai's pendant is okay (laugh)"

"God: There is no soul of AD!" ! ! AD should be the core! "

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