This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1677 First victory!Destroyed

After winning the Blood Tower, Lin Cheng went home and spent a huge sum of money on his body. The rocket belt + magic shoes + killing book equipment silenced everyone.

It's only been a little over 10 minutes, and he didn't even buy the killing ring too much, he just bought the killing book in full.

In 12 minutes, the second dragon was also easily captured by KT.

Lin Cheng pushed the line down ahead of time to cover his teammates to take Xiaolong, but when he found that the opponent had no intention of fighting, he simply went to make up for the pawn line pushed by the clockwork in the middle.

At this time, Rookie has reached the lower half ahead of schedule.

"Verus is not purified, see if there is a chance to jump the tower."

"Be careful about Xin Zhao's position, if you don't have a chance, forget it."

Knowing that there were people in the lower half of his house, Thresh stood on the partition wall above the triangular grass to ward.

It happened that Syndra was in this position.

Rookie reacted quickly, and immediately warded through the wall, and saw Thresh playing Q on the opposite side.

Verus didn't dare to go out to eat the route at this time, and covered Thresh by the side for vision.

Rookie aggressively crossed the wall to avoid Thresh's Q skill, and RE poured directly at Verus.

The DK duo was pushed unconscious at the same time.

The policewoman let the bullets fly.

Lux Ultimate Flash.

The KT duo supported with two ultra-long-range big moves, and Verus died suddenly on the spot.

Thresh also failed to survive, and was successfully taken away by Syndra.

Lin Cheng's Akali in the middle didn't continue to eat the line, and quickly moved to the lower half to cover Syndra's retreat, for fear that Rookie would be blocked in the wild by Clockwork and Xin Zhao who drove past.

While covering, Lin Cheng was also shocked.

"Song Yijin is awesome! You people from Incheon can only move forward, right?"

Rookie: "..."

From this wave, we can see Rookie's aggressiveness.

KT didn't have Xin Zhao's location information at all. The blind monk was playing Xiaolong. Generally speaking, normal LCK mid laners would not be so aggressive, but Rookie knew that Verus hadn't been purified and saw someone, so he jumped over and attacked.

If Xin Zhao is here, a big move to guarantee Verus Rookie is a pure gift.

It was hard for those reckless IGs to change their habit of fighting without vision.

But there is no if, this wave of Rookie's risky attempts has brought high returns.

The red duo was killed, and Mr. Dai removed the tower coating without any pressure.

The second dragon was taken down, and the blood volume of the red side's next tower was also very low.

At 13 and a half minutes, the red Fang Zhongye turned down to help defend the bottom tower with residual blood.

Soon, the system prompt sounded.

Akali solo kills Gwen in the top lane.

No matter the head, the players who are guarding the tower in the lower half of DK are already paralyzed.

In fact, this wave of Hoya has already taken the line of the second tower very carefully, but after Lin Cheng determined Xin Zhao's position, he made a decisive move.

The rocket belt is close, and RE starts.

Gwen turned on W in time, but although Akali's RE was displaced outside the circle, in fact, the falcon dance mark was already attached inside the circle.

Knowing that his opponent was isolated and helpless, Lin Cheng didn't even bother to draw the defense tower's aggro, he spiraled to avoid Gwen's primer shower, resisted the damage of the defense tower twice and directly made a second-stage ult.

Gwen didn't dodge, and it was too difficult to use the E skill to avoid Akali's second stage R.

Landing close AQ, Akali's second-stage E directly killed Gwen.

The difference in equipment levels was too great. If it wasn't for the gap between the two big moves, Lin Cheng would have killed Gwen in just a second.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is already super god! Just use the second tower to kill Gwen unreasonably."

"Hoya is also miserable! Before the sixth level, he had a small disadvantage in the lane and was beaten out of TP. As a result, Cheng Zi ran down the road to get a double kill. Totally blown through."

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi could have forcibly killed Gwen a long time ago, but he didn't do it because he didn't have Xin Zhao's vision. Just now when Xin Zhao went down the road and showed his head, Gwen actually had the word "death" written on his forehead."

After a pause, Wanwan couldn't help but said again: "Although everyone says that Brother Chengzi is very aggressive, but after careful study, you will find that Brother Chengzi will not act recklessly because of his superiority."

"I think Rookie is the most reckless in the KT team now. Just now, Syndra dared to flash someone's face when he had no vision. Brother Cheng Zi rarely makes such a risky attempt."

The barrage is lively.

"here we go!Tie Cheng miscellaneously criticizes Rookie for being foolish and reckless! "

"You are the only ones out there, right?What about offal?Charge with me! "

"Break in the upper middle?The first step is to tear fans apart"

"You know traffic (funny)"

"Wait for the rhythm after KT's first defeat"

"Let's not talk about the road, anyway, Rookie tried his best! "

"One thing to say, Brother Chengzi seems to play aggressively, but it is true that he is rarely reckless because of his face"

"Here is going to name and criticize a certain AD who flashed forward (dog head)"

"Here comes the question, KT is the most reckless broiler, who is the most cowardly?" "

Lin Cheng single-killed on the top lane, and Mr. Dai also made a wave on the bottom lane.

The KT duo has been using the length of their hands to consume. After Verus' blood volume was consumed, it was not easy to stay under the tower until the clockwork came to help clear the line.

But just when Clockwork had just finished clearing the pawn line, Mr. Dai was probably encouraged by the good news from the road, and began to operate.

Seeing that Thresh's hook fell through, the policewoman saved up a headshot and suddenly the wind moved forward. AE followed up with another headshot, and the half-blood Verus died suddenly.

The teammates next to both sides did not respond.

KT's team voice cheered.

Everyone played very relaxed, and this round can be regarded as having played well.

Because of the death of Verus, although the clockwork cleared the line and guarded this wave, the next wave of troops came and DK got down the tower and was still broken.

KT's advantage on the court is already infinite.

However, Brother Cuzz had an accident when he invaded the wild area before the third dragon was refreshed.

Probably too much advantage, the blind monk didn't wait for his teammates to cover him and ran to the wild to fight against the three wolves, but Xin Zhao rushed out and caught him.

At first Cuzz refused to accept the fight.

"Don't fight! Everyone on the other side has passed."

Hearing Brother Yuanshen's words, Cuzz turned his eyes and wanted to run away.

It turned out that the blind monk touched his eyes and was picked off by Xin Zhao's knock-up.

Thresh and Clockwork outcrop.

Cuzz flashed subconsciously, hitting the wall of the Three Wolf Pit.

Lin Cheng didn't hold back.

"I told you to stop playing with Song Yijin for a day, and stop messing around by the wall."

Rookie: "???"

Blinking into the wall, the grapefruit thief naturally had no way to escape.

Thresh came up with E skill and received Q steadily, and the blind monk died suddenly.

Zeyuan: "It's started, right? Exactly 16 minutes! Brother Cuzz played steadily, and the energy dissipated after exactly 15 minutes, right?"

Wanwan: "Save Ultraman Cuzz, there is no delay!"

After capturing the blind monk, the red team immediately assembled to occupy the view of the river.

There are 20 seconds to refresh the dragon.

This game is Fire Dragon Soul, DK wants to stop KT's Dragon Soul rhythm and gain time for development.

"Did you let Xiaolong go? Li Qing can't catch up with his resurrection."

"You can fight! There is no need to let go, I can fight after I have done my ultimate move."

Originally Beryl commanded the release of the dragon, but Lin Cheng felt that he could try.

Generally, Lin Cheng doesn't interfere too much with the team's decision-making, but his opinion on the key team is very important.

Every time Lin Cheng said he wanted to play in the training match, there would be no second voice in the team.

As a result, the four of KT huddled together and hard-topped the river position.

The female police clips sealed the side intersections to ensure that the other party could not go around comfortably.

The red side also knew that they couldn't delay, once they waited for the blind monk to revive and rush over, they couldn't fight the frontal group at all.

Seeing the opportunity, Xin Zhao directly flashed and stabbed the back row hard.

The red party rushed forward.

Gwen turns on W and Xin Zhao faces off together.

"Take care of yourself first, I'll block the back row."

The opponent's Ueno equipment was poor, and with Lux and Syndra's backhands, Lin Cheng knew that it would be difficult for him to die suddenly in the back row.

He only needs to solve the opponent's back row.

Thresh stood very close to Verus, Lin Cheng decisively moved the rocket belt, and RE started to find the clockwork.

The shadow flames on Lin Cheng's body were almost done, and just the instant damage dealt by REAQ, the clockwork lost most of its health.

Xu Xiu backhanded QR.

Lin Cheng also didn't have any saving skills, so he threw the W Xia array to the side and immediately handed over the dodge shock wave.

He knew it would be dangerous for him to be pulled by the blaster.

Thresh's hook to Verus was still too big. Lin Cheng didn't have a stopwatch at this time and couldn't control it. Even in the Xia formation, he couldn't guarantee safety.

After all, the clockwork skills are all AOE, Verus is still Poke flow, and does not rely on level A.

Akali flashed to the edge of the Xia formation, pulled two steps of AQ down, and Verus lost more than one-third of his health.

Thresh also got AOE.

Seeing Akali appear, Deadom subconsciously raised his hand and made a big move.

Thresh has already made a big move, and E's doom is pendulum.

However, Lin Cheng deliberately dragged himself in the Xia formation just to wait for the big move.

White light and shadow flashed.

Akali cuts through the opposing duo, dodging two key controls at the same time.

Turning back, AQ played passive damage, and Verus died suddenly.

Thresh hooked backhand.

Lin Cheng activated the second-stage falcon dance, just in time to avoid Thresh's hook.

Akali got close to the clockwork and directly forced out Xu Xiu's stopwatch.

But at this time, pressing the stopwatch is simply waiting for death.

Lin Cheng pressed himself to get up, and easily took away the clockwork.

"Double Kill!"

Double C was killed, Thresh became Akali's toy, and Lin Cheng easily chased and completed the kill again.

"Triple Kill!"

Lin Cheng cut off the back row alone, and his teammates on the other side also took care of Xin Zhao and Gwen.

Double laps sound great, but the brothers are so poorly equipped.

Gwen came up with the W to cut, but was killed by Syndra directly in the circle with a set of damage. Xin Zhao was charged and did not disturb for a few seconds, Syndra won the double kill.

The red side was knocked out and wiped out.

Zeyuan: "I can't fight! Even in a 4v5 teamfight, KT is very calm. Brother Cheng took out DK's back row by himself. This Akali is invincible! The DK coaching staff can consider the next round of BP. "

Wanwan: "This is Chengzi's Akali! What's the use of BAN Daomei? I hope the DK coaching staff will release Daomei next time. Don't be ignorant!"

Taking advantage of the opponent's group destruction, everyone in KT turned around and pulled out the two outer towers in the middle of the red square.

Cuzz was punished by resurrecting a person to fight a dragon.

Dragon Soul listened to the cards and used the second-generation vanguard to knock down the opponent's only second tower in the bottom lane. In just 18 minutes, KT's economy on the field has already led by more than [-].

How to lose this situation?
Even this year's EDG will not lose!

Although Brother Yuanshen sent two waves later because of his small vision, it has nothing to do with the situation. In 22 minutes, Dragon Soul Group DK was forced to pick it up.

The result was a wave of explosions.

Akali, who has a three-piece suit and a full layer of killing books, doesn't need to make a big move to kill the opponent with double Cs, and two Qs will get it done.

The team was easily destroyed again, and the KT dragon was no longer needed, and the game ended in a wave in the middle.

I updated almost [-] words today, I am not a waste! ! !

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