This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1680 Wouldn't it be a crushing game again?

Chapter 1680 Wouldn't it be a crushing game again?
After the coaches of the two sides bumped each other, they left the field, and the players made the final rune adjustments.

Lin Cheng's Poppy chose the main line of determination: Grasp of the Undying, Explosion, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, and secondary witchcraft: Manaflow Band, Scorch.

This method of belting is Lin Cheng's favorite method, except that the main system is quite normal except that the blasting does not treat the opponent as a human being.

However, the method of carrying his secondary department of witchcraft is a bit different from others.

Poppy is relatively short of mana online. Don't look at the low mana consumption of Q skill, but E skill is a big mana eater. Poppy's mana attribute is poor. If you play a little aggressively online, you will be short of mana.

This is normal, Bobby is a hero with high skill damage and short CD. In Lin Cheng's opinion, if he changes to a hero without blue bars, LOL will start the Bobby League.

Because of the lack of mana, almost all poppy players in the lane now use corruption potions as their starting items. In this way, the benefits of biscuits of enlightenment and time-warping tonics in the secondary system will be very high.

But Lin Cheng himself is more inclined to point out the witchcraft department as the secondary department after comparison. .

The early income of biscuits will be more intuitive, but every time Lin Cheng orders biscuits, he hardly eats them. For him, biscuits are equivalent to 150 mana points. Now the biscuits have been cut down to only five yuan. It is simply unacceptable for Lin Cheng.

In contrast, although the effect of the mana flow belt is not too obvious in the early stage, it is easy to stack on the top road, and the income will be higher after the stack is full, and Poppy will basically not be short of mana in the middle and late stages.

If the laning pressure is not high, Lin Cheng still prefers the mana flow belt purely to solve the mana problem.

More importantly, pointing the mana flow belt can simultaneously point out the anxiety of the sorcery system. This rune has a really strong consumption ability in the early stage.

In this round, Lin Cheng still chose the corruption potion to pretend to go out, and went straight to the road to stop the triangle grass.

DK didn't come to disgust Lin Cheng anymore, and the two sides started off peacefully.

It's not difficult to hit the wine barrel on the road. In other words, the hero of the wine barrel is equal to all beings. Except for some specific heroes, most heroes can mix with the wine barrel at a [-]-[-] level.

Bobby is very invincible when he is passive, but Lin Cheng is more aggressive when he grabs the lane.

Wine Barrel's online damage is not as good as Bobby's, and his strength lies in his recovery ability in one hand. Hoya's posture is very low, and he drinks old wine when he is beaten by a first-level student W, making up his mind to hang out with Lin Cheng to the end.

The first wave of collision between the two sides in this game occurred in the bottom lane again.

In the first 3 minutes, the bot lane was relatively peaceful, with Aphelios with Purification and Thresh on one side, and EZ+ female tank on the other. Normally, as long as the two sides don't want to give the opportunity to bot lane, they won't be able to fight well.

But it happens that this bot is the relationship between the current and former, and there are always people who can't help it.

That's how the story happened.

At around 3 minutes and 40 seconds, Brother Yuanshen didn't make the first move this time, and Kelli's female tank took advantage of the opportunity when the pawn line was pushed back to connect to the ** line and suddenly made the first move.

The female tank is stuck in the grass behind the sidewalk, and the E skill points to Aphelios who has just retreated out of the middle grass.

Beryl was very focused, and Thresh's E skill Pendulum of Doom, one step behind Aphelios, shot in time, just in time to break the female tank's E Zenith Blade.

But because Thresh didn't brush the female tank away with one step behind Aphelios, the female tank still stunned Aphelios with the backhand Q skill.

EZ follow up output.

"Back! Back! Back!"

Thresh threw the lantern one step behind Aphelios, A and EZ covered Aphelios' retreat.

EZ hasn't handed in E yet, Yuanshen brother knows that it's pointless to make a hook at this time.

Putting it all together, Thresh will be chased all the way once he has an empty Q, and the female tank in front of Hook can't beat 100% of this wave.

Because Aphelios brings purification and EZ brings healing, the DK duo has one more summoner skill to dare to fight so fiercely.

Aphelios and Thresh retreated, and the DK duo chased forward to fight for blood.

However, EZ's first W was blocked by Thresh, and Aphelios' blood volume was not quickly suppressed.

And the damage of Aphelios' red knife hit the female tank with W on, basically it didn't cause too much damage to the enemy.

After a few steps of chasing to the back of the grass on the side road, Deokdam beat Aphelios to half blood with a flat A, and suddenly jumped in the face when he saw Aphelios light a short-distance lantern EZ.

The red side dare not fight because of lack of skills, until this time the blue side has a lot of blood.

But it was suddenly discovered that EZ jumped in the face, Thresh directly ignited.

Mr. Dai flattened A and cut the green gun to Q and hit EZ.

It just so happened that Tongbi's bullets ran out, and a falling light appeared in Aphelios' hand.

The half-blooded EZ realized that something was wrong and retreated early.

Until this time, the blood volume of the blue team's duo is still profitable.

But just after EZ took two steps away, Aphelios fired a bullet that fell into the sky.

Thresh turned back and pressed forward.

Without giving the opponent a chance to react, Mr. Dai immediately dropped Ming Q and imprisoned him.

Aphelios Purple Knife AQ and Ignition instantly reduced EZ to just over one bar of HP.

Thresh unhooked.

The female tank's position did not block the hook, Kelli decisively flashed Q to stun Aphelios and at the same time ignited it, trying to force Aphelios' position.

Don't underestimate the combat ability of the female tank in the early stage. It is not surprising that Aphelios' blood volume is about one-third of the female tank's sticking to solo kills at this time.

But it's a pity that Mr. Dai's purification is still in his hands.

As soon as the purification sound effect sounds, throwing an egg is destined to be a dead person.

Although he was healed a second before being hooked by Thresh, Deokdam was killed by Aphelios before he could press the flash.

At this time, the female tank did not flash and could only forcefully try to fight Aphelios, and when the E skill improved, it also dealt damage.

But just now when the ignition was purified and removed, it was destined that the female tank alone would not be able to do enough damage.

Mr. Dai opened the red knife Q to speed up and pull away, and Thresh came up to stick to the female tank.

The blue knife was brushed out, and after pulling away from the body, Aphelios cut down and slowed down again.
The female tank was chased all the way, and Aphelios was imprisoned by falling into the bright Q again, and chased and won a double kill.

Zeyuan: "Loss thief! Bottom road today, whoever can't help it, has an accident, right? The two DK brothers were ahead of a summoner skill and were killed by the line. This is too outrageous."

Wan Wan: "Deokdam's wave is really rough. At the beginning, the blood red side had a big advantage. As a result, EZ jumped face and got Aphelios green knife Q. Deft happened to cut out the purple knife. Falling Ming Q + Thresh Q formed Without the stability control, the EZ flash can’t even be handed over.”

Zeyuan: "Originally, it was very difficult for Thresh to hook EZ in the lane. In this wave, as long as the female tank top is exchanged in front of the blood, I can't think of any situation where the two brothers DK can't beat it. As a result, Deokdam gave the only scene that they couldn't beat to We demonstrated."

"No way? In the last round, KT's botlane who performed the worst all had double kills in the lane. This round won't be another crushing round, right?"

"As expected, the commentary on KT's game was the easiest, and it's another opportunity to get off work at the speed of light 2:0!"

(End of this chapter)

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