This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1681 Someone Sliding and Kneeling Backstage

Chapter 1681 Someone Sliding and Kneeling Backstage
KT went off the lane to complete the line kill, Guan Zeyuan started to go crazy with poisonous milk, and the barrage was busy apologizing at this time.

In the last game, the female policeman played a somewhat awkward role, and many viewers questioned Mr. Dai's bastard face.

However, Brother Yuanshen got sick and collapsed at the beginning of the game. At that time, the live broadcast room was full of "#原条级约#" barrages. In this round, seeing the KT duo's cooperative line kills, they all used "Sorry" one after another.

The voice in the KT team is also full of jubilation.

Taking off off the road, the natural advantage on the road, isn't this one stable?

Never had such a wonderful start!

However, things are not as simple as imagined.

Rookie's plane had to hand over the TP early to make up for the tears of the goddess. Xu Xiu insisted on going out in the middle to line up with the plane that had been repaired. Wei Gusi's state was not very ideal.

At 5 minutes, Cuzz wanted to catch a wave of microgusi before going back to the city to resupply and launch a GANK.

The middle roads of the two sides were almost level, Xu Xiu was standing against the wall of the river, and Xin Zhao drove the scanner and touched the upper grass from above.

There is no vision of the other party.

The half-blood Wei Gusi stood by the river wall and pushed the line, Cuzz of course couldn't stand it.

Xin Zhao's W Wind Slashing Electric Stab first hit Wei Gusi, and stabbed it out of the grass decisively.

Xu Xiu also reacted quickly, the moment Xin Zhao was hit by W, he released Q Hanxin Boyun towards the bushes.

When Xin Zhao dashed into Han Xin Bo Yun, his twilight sign was detonated. Wei Gusi just got the final effect, and Xu Xiu backhanded W and kept her away from strangers to shield herself.

Xin Zhao was frightened by the final effect before the E skill hit Vugus.

The advance was interrupted.

The opponent has no fear in his hands, and Rookie's plane W rides on the face and outputs.

At this moment, the blind monk suddenly touched W from the side intersection.

Obviously, Canyon knew that the middle lane might be targeted, and consciously helped Xu Xiu back squat by the side in advance.

The double middle field launched 2V2.

Xin Zhao backhanded A twice, the soldiers gathered and flew, and directly flashed to pick Fei Wei Gusi, who wanted to kill hard.

He also flashed forward like Rookie.

Airplane bullets swept wildly.

Xu Xiu still flashed, and Wei Gusi's residual blood flashed away.

Rookie didn't hesitate, and followed the flash to make up for the damage.

But it's a pity that the plane's last flash failed to kill Vigus.

And Canyon's blind monk is now invincible.

Xin Zhao entered the arena with the pawn line and ate the set of Wei Gusi, which did not have much blood damage, but he did not lose Wei Gusi in a flash, but let the blind monk's second-stage Q easily kill him.

The blind monk turned around and stuck to the passing plane again.

Rookie retreated and fought, but the plane was too weak in the early stage, and finally failed to turn Tianyinbo away and was double-killed by the blind monk.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Canyon double-killed! What does Cuzz mean? Is this Flash kidnapping teammates? Wei Gusi and Flash are too hard to think about."

Wan Wan: "We said that the plane is not weak in the early stage, but the middle and wild 2v2 fight is really weak. Even Rookie flashes to make up the damage and it is still close. This wave of KT's middle and wild rhythm is very explosive."

The rhythm in the middle is heavy, but it doesn't matter in the KT team.

"It's okay, this wave is a little bit wrong, it's not a big problem."

"Weigusi didn't flash."

Lin Cheng even encouraged Cuzz a few words.

The main reason is that Brother Cuzz is very strange. He is very brave when he is brave, and he is especially cowardly when he is cowardly. After this wave, if he becomes afraid to fight, it will be troublesome.

At any rate, he still dared to dodge forward now, which was much more pleasing to the eye than the bear who ran away with a jumper after a bloody battle.

The blind monk finished his work on the middle road, and came to the road again to put pressure on Lin Cheng.

But Lin Cheng didn't give him a chance. After Bobby W knocked off the barrel's E skill, he moved to hide from the blind monk Q, and easily resolved this wave of GANK.

Relying on the right to get off the route, Cuzz still managed to control Xiaolong in 7 minutes, but Rookie was targeted again.

Knowing that the plane was not flashing, the blind monk went around to the upper wild area on the red side. Just when the plane was about to take the tower off the line, the blind monk suddenly touched his eyes and flashed a big move. The raptor swung its tail and kicked the plane out of the tower.

Of course, Canyon will not engage in any RQQ misses. Weigusi outside the tower added some damage to the blind monk's second-stage Q and directly killed the plane.

Even Canyon took the initiative to give Rookie a gentleman penguin expression.

Welcome back to the LCK!

Zeyuan: "Ouch! The Rookie plane completely exploded! Canyon is so ruthless."

"Leave the dragon to you, Canyon is coming to find this plane that didn't flash. The plane is very hard to develop. This big wave of lines entering the tower is too hurt."

Wanwan: "KT's middle and field are completely out of rhythm in this round, and before Luphelios is ready to exert his power, do we still have to look at Brother Cheng? He's just Poppy... hey! How do you play in the top lane? Woke up?"

Lin Cheng's Bobby actually pushed the line and rushed to the middle of the road, but the opponent's attack was too fast, and he could only run back when he found that the plane was killed.

Xiaolong has already won, and the line in the middle is left for Cuzz to supplement and develop.

And Hoya became pissed when he saw the advantage of his teammates.

While Bobby was leaving, the pawn line was pushed back by the wine barrel to the outside of the red square tower. Just as Lin Cheng was about to return to the line from the river, he found that the wine barrel had thrown a Q and got stuck at the intersection above the grass in the river.

The rolling wine barrel continued to accumulate damage, and Lin Cheng didn't want to go up and eat it full.

The barrel got stuck in half of the river mouth, and Hoya stood below and gave a thumbs up.

Lin Cheng stood at the extreme position of the rolling wine barrel, and waited until the barrel exploded before approaching the pawn line.

The red square cannon was already bleeding, and Hoya took a sip of wine to top it.

He didn't want Lin Anwen to make up for the cannon.

Bobby harassed Jiu Barrel several times before when he wanted to repair his sports car, and he wanted to let Lin Cheng have a taste of it.

The wine barrel was almost full of blood, and Lin Cheng didn't really want to pay attention to him, so he insisted on eating the level A of the wine barrel's W and ran to the lane.

But Hoya is really oily and knows how to disgust people.

After the barrel A, he stuck to the position next to him, took two steps of E skills to push Poppy back, and threw another Q in front of Poppy in the backhand.

The cannon cart was almost gone, Lin Cheng ignored the others.

However, just when Bobby waded through the rolling barrel and asked A to take out the passive sports car.

A big guy was thrown out of the barrel.

Hoya tries to blow Poppy apart.

I fuck you uncle!
I just want to make up a cannon car, what's wrong with you?

Bobby turned his head towards barrel A and played passively.

Throwing the buckler, Lin Cheng immediately manipulated Bobby to take a step down.

Originally, Hoya was a big move thrown between Lin Cheng and the cannon car, but now Lin Cheng took the initiative to retreat away from the center of the blasted wine barrel, without being blown too far away.

Poppy was blown to the side of the barrel.

Q Holy Hammer slams into motion, Bobby walks up and hits the hammer.

Lin Cheng now has Yaoguang + Warhammer, and the damage is considerable.

Seeing that his opponent was losing his temper, Jiu Ke quickly retreated to his defense tower.

Poppy moved forward, and after the second-stage Q damage broke out, Poppy passed with another hammer.

The barrel retreated, W took a sip of wine and did not forget to exchange blood.

But Lin Cheng lost all his cannons, this wave just wanted to let the barrel die.

After chasing A twice, E starts a heroic charge.

When the wine barrel was about to return to the tower, Poppy knocked the wall of the wine barrel to the wall under the corner of the river, smashed down the Q skill, and made a passive level A shot with a curse blade.

The second-stage Q damage broke out, and the barrel's blood volume is running out.

But Hoya didn't feel that he was in danger, and got up and continued to retreat.

Bobby's pursuit was indestructible again.

The barrels go into the tower.

Seeing that the opponent's HP was low, Lin Cheng's Bobby seemed to hesitate in front of the tower before choosing to chase into the defense tower.

In fact, Lin Cheng deliberately followed the tower two steps behind.

He knows that when his next Q is good, the barrel E is almost as good.

And if Bobby W sticks to his face, he can't block the E skill of the barrel. He needs a little body position, otherwise it will be embarrassing to be counter-killed.

The defense towers start attacking Poppy.

At this time, the barrel's E skill has improved.

Hoya hesitated.

Reflexive top Bobby or E skill to pull away?

What if my E Flash Bobi didn't react and turned on W?
The opportunity to solo kill the world's number one top laner is right in front of him, and Hoya must consider whether this is the only opportunity in this life.

But when he thought that there was a Budou in the lounge watching the starters, he decided to play it safe.

Seeing that Bobby is coming passively again, the wine barrel is handed back to E, ready to be pulled away.

But Lin Cheng reacted too quickly.

At the moment when the barrel was turned E, Bobby flashed forward one centimeter, showing a W firm demeanor.

The barrel was briefly knocked into the air.

Poppy jumped up and slammed the hammer hard to the ground.

The Q skill is shot, and the limit distance covers the feet of the wine barrel.

Lin Cheng immediately turned around after the verdict of the big move guard was released.

Although Poppy W's knock-up is short-lived, it has a two-second follow-up ground-binding effect. If the wine barrel can't hand over the flash, it will be blown up by Poppy's big move in seconds.

The second-stage holy hammer slammed the damage, and the wine barrel died suddenly under the tower.

And Lin Cheng relied on the acceleration of W, and the remaining blood just pulled off the hatred of the defensive tower.

"Single kill! Hey! How did you fight on the road?"

The commentator is still puzzled, how could Hoya, who is obviously very stable, fight with Poppy in that position, and then be chased all the way into the tower and kill him solo.

until watching the replay.

Wan Wan: "Ha! The bloody case caused by the cannon cart! The wine barrel gave his life to stop Brother Chengzi from eating the cannon cart. This single kill is not to blame for Brother Chengzi, right? I will testify!"

Zeyuan: "Hoya~~~~ What are you doing? You can't justify losing the big move like Chengzi."

What's funny is that the director played back the scene of DK's lounge at the end of this wave.

Mr. Danny put his head in his hands and was speechless.

Although Budou, who was the substitute in this game, also held his head with both hands, the corners of his mouth were clearly caught by the camera.

"Haha! Skate and kneel in Budou lounge! The next game is coming!"

 Sorry for the late update
(End of this chapter)

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