This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1703 He is playing a very new thing, not a jungler anyway

Chapter 1703 He is playing a very new thing, not a jungler anyway

Lin Cheng was startled by the good news on the road.

"Nice! Brother, you are too fierce, level two solo kill!"

Rascal was a little embarrassed, "I brought the igniter, it won't win by force."

Dai Xian: "Guangxi played well! Keep up the good work and try to steal Lin Cheng's starting position."

Lin Cheng: "Then when Wen Youzan recovers from his illness, I'll come and grab your AD."

Mr. Dai: "..."

Teammates laughed.

Just as the opponent's duo was pressing the line, Lin Cheng touched the triangle grass after brushing the stone man.

Knowing that Little Peanut is Lan Kai, Xin Zhao directly brushed it up with a high probability, and the ground hearing technique did not detect Xin Zhao's movements.

"The policewoman should keep an eye on the river."

"It's okay! They're coming, I don't have to go around."

Lin Cheng's Rek'sai swept around his triangle grass, but didn't find the opponent's vision.

The red team chose to slowly push and hoard the line. At this time, the blue team's duo is only at the first level, and even if Rek'Sai comes, it will be difficult to catch.

But Lin Cheng took a look at the opponent's position and thought he could try.

"Caitlin has purification, so I can only try to move Lux."

"But we only have one level, and this soldier line is too difficult."

"It doesn't matter, I can give Lux a second, Zhao Qianxi, wait until I come out to hook... You are learning Q?"


"That's fine, pay attention to the angle of the hook, I can push the pawn away."

The gank difficulty of this line is really extremely difficult, but Lin Cheng doesn't want to give up.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi wants to catch it at the third level, but it's too difficult, right? It's impossible to catch it with such a large wave of soldiers."

Wanwan: "KT's duo is only level [-], and Thresh can't go first."

Just when the opponent's cannon line began to press forward, Lin Cheng's Rek'sai began to dig a tunnel from under the triangle grass.

The KT duo turned back and pressed forward.

Rek'Sai's came out of the tunnel mouth by the wall.

Lehends reacted quickly, and Lux's Q skill was shot.

Two flashing sound effects sounded one after another.

Rek'sai stepped forward and was about to be hit by the binding of light, Lin Cheng flashed.

A shuttle flash evaded the shackles of light, Rexai appeared at Lux's feet, W broke through the ground and knocked Lux ​​into the air.

Ping A raises his hand, Q Queen's Wrath resets the basic attack and swings out.

Another flash came from Thresh.

Beryl even dodged ahead of Lin Cheng, and directly hooked from the flank at close range and ignited.

It happened that Lux was knocked flying to the ground, and Thresh's hook rubbed against the soldier and hit it accurately.

Lehends couldn't deliver a flash at all.

Although the policewoman immediately put traps on Rexai's feet, it was impossible for Lin Cheng to stand still and let the traps take effect. After that, WAQ walked around and scratched Lax fiercely.

Aphelios only flattened A's damage, and Rex's E Wild Bite converted 100% of his true damage to kill Lacus.

Although the female policeman used the pawn line to ace Rexai twice, but that's all.

Ze Yuan: "Rek'Sai really wants to do something when he digs a tunnel... Flash W! Hey! Thresh is hooked, is he really going to kill him?"

Wan Wan: "First kill! Brother Cheng's first kill in the jungle! It's a beautiful wave of GANK! There's no thinking, it's all manipulation!"

Zeyuan: "It's reasonable! This wave of normal junglers really won't make shots. How can this kind of pawn line catch people? It's just for Brother Cheng to operate."

Wanwan: "Agreed! If Brother Orange gets hit by Lacus' Q, this wave is absolutely free. The female policeman takes the trap, and there are so many minions around, but his first move of flashing past Lacus' Q is too accurate."

The guide playback footage is given.

More details were discovered. The angle Thresh flashed and hooked was actually very ambiguous. It seemed that there was a soldier blocking Lux's side.

But Lin Cheng's Rek'Sai happened to flash W to knock Lux into the air, and pushed away the minions around him at the same time.

Thresh's hook went through the minion and hit, and then there was a follow-up kill.

Zeyuan: "What is this? Is this also in your calculation? Brother Chengzi! Open? I suggest a thorough investigation!"

Wanwan: "I believe everything is in Brother Chengzi's calculations...Of course, there may be a little bit of luck, but good luck doesn't favor fools."

"unbelievable!Wan Wan's face is too outrageous"

"Luck doesn't favor fools, fans against the sky!" 23333》

"This wave is really outrageous, the little soldier almost blocked the hook"

"Suggest a strict investigation!Someone is already in a hurry"

"It's reasonable, I'm a jungler and I won't go in this wave. It's normal for this line to be hit by 2 and 3"

"Ranked junglers will definitely be sprayed if they are given away like this. How dare you catch them? "

After killing Lacus, Lin Cheng went back to the city beside the pawn line and ate a few pawns' experience.

Of course, this can't be called rubbing.

This is protection money!
It's not bad that Lin Cheng resisted not scratching the cannon cart to save the siege from the bottom lane.

After returning to the city, Lin Cheng immediately ran to the upper half and took a look at his blue buff.

Well~~~ not stolen.

As we all know, Rek'Sai doesn't want blue.

Lin Cheng glanced at the map, and was not in a hurry to hit the blue, and went straight to the river.

Finding that the upper river crab has been killed by Xin Zhao, Rekseka's vision circled into the Dragon Pit.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Don't you play blue? Brother Chengzi, you don't go wild when you pass by! You don't want to grow? You have to go wild in the early stage of this version."

Wan Wan: "Is it possible that he is playing something very new? Brother Chengzi's gank ideas and wild farming ideas seem to be a bit unusual."

Lin Cheng observed the various lines, and chose to touch the middle road after going up the wall from Longkeng E.

At this time, Little Peanut squatted in the grass on the road.

The pawn line is stuck a little outside the blue square tower, which is a very dangerous line for Jess, and Peanut is helping to squat back.

He pings the blue square triangle grass.

Rek'sai is a special jungler. The E skill tunneling allows this hero to gank from a long distance away from the wall. Just now in the bottom lane, Lin Cheng directly found the opportunity given by Lux's position near the triangle grass.

Little Peanut squatted for a while, but did not squat until Rek'Sai was finally ready to return to the city.

As a result, the blind monk suddenly kicked up and gave Jess two slaps, and Xin Zhao canceled his return to the city.

But the blind monk W touched the soldiers and retreated.

Xin Zhao still chose not to show his face.

Wanwan: "Red Fang pinged the triangle grass, and Little Peanut seemed to think that Brother Cheng would touch Jess, but Brother Cheng didn't move on the road at all."

Zeyuan: "Inertial thinking kills people! A normal jungler will definitely go up when seeing this kind of pawn line, but is Brother Orange normal? He will not be so gank in the first wave normally!"

Wanwan chuckled, "Of course! Brother Chengzi's wild strategy and gank strategy are really weird, and it's normal that Peanut can't figure it out... But I think Brother Chengzi may know that Xin Zhao is on it, so he didn't go there on purpose." of."

Zeyuan: "Peanut, stop squatting! Brother Chengzi has gone to the middle lane, and there is no one on the top lane!"

"LOL!Peanut Butter's feet are numb"

"Fighting Wisdom with the Air"

"The legendary idiot master? "

"Brother Chengzi's jungle thinking is too clear, and he will stop brushing after half of the wild area at the beginning"

"In addition to the top-level operation, he is very similar to our silver jungler, 23333"

"The counterpoint has already been suppressed by 16 knives, which is far from the big score"

"Do you really remember that you are a jungler?"Passing by three groups of wild monsters without brushing"

"He is really playing a very new thing, it's not a jungler anyway (dog head)"

(End of this chapter)

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