This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1704 Strange Jungler

Chapter 1704 Strange Jungler
Peanut waited for Lin Cheng to arrive on the road after clearing the field, but it was Lin Cheng's Rexai who dug a tunnel from the red square F6 and launched a gank against Chaowei.

Seeing Rek'sai copying from behind his ass, Wei Gusi in front of him was about to have a red bar, and Chaowei was in a bad state and decisively dodged backwards.

Lin Cheng showed his little brother a gentleman penguin.

Chaowei responded with Giggs baring his teeth.

On the other side, Little Peanut made a pitiful crying expression, and finally realized that he had been playing a psychological game with the air from the beginning to the end.

Turning around to help Wei Gusi push the line, Lin Cheng also gained half a wave of experience by the way.

Then Wei Gusi returned to the city, and Lin Cheng went to control the crab.

At this time, there is no need to swipe the upper half of your home, F6 has already been refreshed.

After playing F6, Lin Cheng originally wanted to go to the stone man, but found that there seemed to be a chance in the middle, and Rexai turned back.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is here again! This Rek'Sai hasn't hit the blue buff for more than five minutes. He seems to only be in the bottom half of the field."

Wan Wan: "Rek'Sai doesn't have a blue bar, so it's reasonable not to have a blue bar."

Just now, because Lin Cheng helped Rookie grab the line, Weigusi went home first and chose to save TP and run back. Victor did not evolve E and had poor line pushing ability.

So Chaowei just kept his eyes on the grass in the lower river, and didn't have time to step on the tunnel that Rek'Sai had set up before.

Wei Gusi went online before the pawn line entered the tower.

Lin Cheng leaned towards the tunnel next to the F6 intersection of his home.

"What did Song Yijin say? Can you catch it? If you don't hurry up, Victor will be six soon."

"Okay! I'm afraid, you come directly."

Rek'Sai plunged into his own tunnel, from the ground into the undergrowth of the river.

Seeing Rek'sai, Chaowei retreated immediately.

Rookie decisively flashes to E Mingmeng.

Covered by spiral ripples, Victor could no longer move.

Chaowei is very detailed, and the backhand goes to his feet to put down the gravity field before being frightened.

But Lin Cheng is even more of a thief.

Rexai was not in a hurry to dig a tunnel under Victor's feet, but just sprayed a shock wave to press the position on the flank.

The scope of your gravitational field is only that big, if you have the ability to stay in it all the time.

Rek'Sai's movement speed is faster underground. As long as Lin Cheng is in a good position and holds E, he is not afraid of his opponent running away. After all, Victor, who didn't dodge, is pressing in front of the blue square tower in order to push the line.

The fear was over, and Victor chose to lean in the direction of Xin Zhao on the upper river.

Generally speaking, if the opponent does not have the upper vision, he may not chase because of the existence of Xin Zhao.

But is Lin Cheng a normal jungler?
Wei Gusi flashed and handed over, why not chase after?
Lin Cheng: "Xin Zhao is below, chase after him!"

Rookie: "OK! OK!"

Wei Gusi stuck in place, almost at the same level as Victor, and went in to explore the grass on the upper river.

Rek'Sai began to dig the tunnel.

At this time, a little cold light came first.

Then Rookie anal tight.

A Xin Zhao rushed out of the grass, and stabbed Wei Gusi.

"I rely on!"

Rookie was taken aback.

Someone lied about the military situation!

Who said Xin Zhao is here?
Fortunately, Rek'Sai followed closely, and W broke through the ground to attack Victor and knocked Xin Zhao back a step.

The Q skill resets the basic attack, and the two Queen's Wrath stacks are full of anger. Rek'Sai directly bites Victor to death.

After killing Victor, Rek'Sai quickly escaped, and knocked Xin Zhao into the air again to allow Vigus to move away.

But Little Peanut is very rigid, so he kills Wei Gusi in a flash.

Before Victor died, he poured all the damage on Vigus, and Rookie was not spared.

The mid laners of the two sides completed a one-for-one exchange, and Xin Zhao and Rek'Sai pulled apart.

Xin Zhao couldn't keep Rek'Sai.

Lin Cheng also reckoned that he might not be able to beat Peanut without an E.

Rek'Sai's E skill CD was too long in the early stage, and if she entangled with Xin Zhao, it would be fruitless.

Rookie: "Wow~~~ Didn't you say that Xin Zhao is below? This wave is lucky to have Victor first, otherwise it will blow up."

Lin Cheng: "It's okay, you still have T, Victor doesn't have T, it's even more uncomfortable on the other side."

Wei Gusi and TP, seeing Zhao Xinqing and Lin Cheng didn't care, the excavator went straight down the road.

At this time, Lacus + the policewoman in the bottom lane are pressing the line, and Lin Cheng takes a shortcut from the wild tunnel and quickly arrives at the triangle grass.

Just when the opponent pushed the line into the tower and began to retreat.

"Old Dai! Keep someone here."

The blue duo all press forward, and Lux ​​backhands to Q.

But as soon as this Q was lost, Mr. Dai decisively flashed.

Aphelios escaped from the bondage of light in a flash, and Yingyan Q gave the policewoman Lacus a falling light mark at the same time.

Rexai digs a tunnel and enters the scene.

Aphelios' Q imprisoned the two of them. Rexai calmly beat Lax with a set of damage, and did not use the E skill to K the head, and deliberately gave the head to Mr. Dai.

And Beryl's Thresh got out of the hook when the policewoman was imprisoned and successfully forced out Ruler's purification.

From the viewer's point of view, the replay of the mid-lane wave has not ended yet, and the bot-lane Lin Cheng succeeded in gank again.

Wan Wan: "Brother Chengzi!!! This Rek'Sai has a great rhythm! He can be found everywhere."

"Little Peanut actually helped push the line in the middle and moved down, but he still couldn't keep up with Brother Orange. Rek'Sai has a very mobile tunnel in the jungle."

Zeyuan: "No! This person insists on not farming wild monsters, right? It's almost 7 minutes and he only farmed five groups of wild monsters, which is outrageous."

Wanwan: "This is the crowd hunting jungle! Brother Chengzi has been leading the level of arresting people all the time."

Zeyuan: "It's embarrassing, isn't it? The reason why he is ahead in rank is because he is on the line, and he has to do things every wave of the line."

Wanwan chuckled and was about to refute.

It just so happened that in the camera, Rek'sai helped the bottom line to push the line and dirty a cannon cart.

Mr. Dai pinged a question mark at Lin Cheng's feet.

"Haha! Is this the team bully jungler? Can this cannon be dirty?"

Zeyuan didn't hold back, "That's Deft! If it were someone else, they wouldn't even dare to ping the question mark."

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi is busy helping his teammates. It's normal for Deft to take the head and let Brother Chengzi eat a cannonball. A hero like Rek'sai needs as many advantages as possible in the early stage."

"Ha ha!Little hands are not very clean"

"Mr. Dai's question mark is the essence, 233333"

"Brother Chengzi: I gave you the head, how dare you have any objections after eating a cannon car?" "

"The next day, Father Mr. Dai was expelled from the team because he stepped into the training room with his left foot first"

"This jungler is so strange, obviously only five groups of wild monsters have been brushed, why can he reach level six (funny)"

"Suggest a strict investigation!opened! "

"Paralyzed!It is estimated that RANK has a lot of junglers following the trend."

"I'll open it later, brother Chengzi sucks blood in the jungle, why can't our junglers suck blood? (Akimbo)》

"Remember to block teammates first"

Lin Cheng's non-wild play made the audience look stupid, but in fact, if you analyze it carefully, you will know that he is walking a tightrope. If Lin Cheng can't always do things, Lin Cheng's doing so can easily turn into shopping.

But it happens that his GANK can always achieve results.

The main reason is that the teammates cooperate very well. Rookie's flash of fear in the middle lane keeps people away, and his stability in the bottom lane makes him the first player. These are important factors to ensure the success of Rek'Sai's gank.

(End of this chapter)

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