This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1706 This is a kind of self-confidence

Chapter 1706 This is a kind of self-confidence

"Very easy! KT won the first game overwhelmingly."

Zeyuan’s tone was a bit helpless, “No one thought that Brother Cheng would have such a good rhythm in the early stage when he went to the jungle. Could it be that GEN·G can’t win a victory like this? Before the game, I thought this was the best way to beat KT. opportunity."

Wanwan: "Well~~~ Actually, the main disadvantage of GEN G is that he is too unfamiliar with Brother Cheng's jungle style. There was no sample to study before. Brother Cheng always makes shots when the general jungler would not shoot. GEN G The players on this side were arrested a few times in front of them, and it feels like people are dumbfounded."

Zeyuan: "At this time, it depends on whether the coaching staff can play a role! The coaching staff needs to give some pointers during the resumption of the game. Brother Cheng can't let the next gank succeed so easily."

"Save me! Old captain, save me! You don't want your team to look like a toy in front of KT, do you?"

Hearing the anxious tone of the partner next to her, Wanwan felt an inexplicable sense of superiority.

Let you fan GEN·G.

This is what happens when you fight against Brother Chengzi!

As soon as the camera cut back to the commentary booth, the audience saw that the corners of Wanwan's mouth were slightly raised, and even her eyebrows and eyes showed a happy look.

And Zeyuan was staring at the post-match panel on the studio screen with his eyes wide open and his mouth open in a daze.

"world masterpiece!Take a screenshot! "

"Laugh!Too messed with these two! "

"The joys and sorrows of people are not connected · jpg"

"Wan Wan is overjoyed, just like Guan Gou saw 2200, and Guan Gou himself returned to the scene where GEN·G was eliminated by G2"

"Even if it's like this, it looks good at night, I really want to kiss (kiss)"

"Just one kiss?I can lick Wanwan's stockings to pieces! "

"Go away!night is mine

"I'm the only one who wants to hold a pipe dog and eat it (insidious)"

After winning the first game, the KT team returned to the waiting room.

Lin Cheng felt that something was missing.

After thinking about it carefully, I used to wait for my teammates at the door of the lounge to greet my teammates, but this time I am not used to coming back with them.

Kang Dongxun still left time for the players, and everyone chatted and relaxed.

"How? How about my jungler? Isn't this rhythm very explosive?"

Lin Cheng felt a little embarrassed and asked his teammates for credit.

"It's okay, keep going."

"make persistent efforts."

The teammates didn't want to praise Lin Cheng very much, they knew that this guy was a stickler.

"Just okay?"

Lin Cheng was a little dissatisfied, "Song Yijin, feel your conscience, who is stronger between me and King Ning?"

"...For now, you are amazing."

Rookie is tactful.

That doesn't count as bad-mouthing old teammates behind their backs.

After all, King Ning is buried in the ground now, and he is more powerful than Lin Cheng, an anchor that no one wants.

Coincidentally, King Ning explained the LCK game in his live broadcast room today.

At this time, the live broadcast room was full of rhythmic barrage.

"Did no one discover that Brother Chengzi learned his talent from the anchor? "

"Can teach professional players some talent, the anchor must be very strong, right?"Why not go professional?Don't you want to? "

"If the anchor really can't find a team, just find a class"

"After the Spring Festival, the factory recruits a large number of workers, and it is not a big problem to find a job of screwing"

Ning Wang has already been broken, and he is passionately facing the barrage.

"My mother repeats it again! I haven't retired, and it's not that no one wants it, it's just that I don't want to go to some teams."

"You said you were paralyzed, do I need someone else to sponsor me to play games?"

"De Yunse? Dogs don't even look at it! A bunch of stinky beggars!"

Unaware that his old teammates were breaking the defense, Rookie and Lin Cheng had an intense discussion about the next game design.

Lin Cheng said that he wanted to be a dog to him, so he thought of Lao Song as C.

After all, Xiaoyu is below, so I can't get off work with two people today.

At this time, Chi Shengxi walked in leisurely.

Today, Chi Shengxi was dressed in a casual KT white sweater jacket + jeans + white sneakers. She looked like a delicate sister next door. She sat down beside Lin Cheng with a cup of milk tea.

Lin Cheng turned his head and glanced at her, "Where did Nuna go just now?"

"Go shopping in the shopping mall upstairs."

"shopping mall?"

Lin Cheng glanced at her suspiciously, "Could it be that you were shopping at the mall during our competition?"

"No, I watched the game."

"Have you cheered me on?"

"hold head high."

Chi Shengxi took a sip of milk tea and waved his fist, "I'm your fan! Of course I will support you."

Lin Cheng asked back, "Then how many times did you kill me?"

Chi Shengxi paused.

"Wow!!! And you said you watched the game?"

She bit the straw and cast a glance at Lin Cheng.

"My sister coaxed you with good intentions, why are you making fun of yourself?"

Lin Cheng: "..."

On the other side, the GEN G lounge.

A group of people gathered in front of the computer, and Mr. Gao Dongbin was urgently reviewing the video.

"Listen to me, the opponent's jungler's thinking is not normal. We need to improve our vision in the next round."

"Wang Hao, pay attention to finding the opponent's jungler position, try to keep up with his rhythm, and hold down KT's early attack and it will not be difficult for us to fight."

Little Peanut joked: "But I have been a dog for that guy Lin Cheng for a year last year, so I don't want to follow him anymore."

The originally serious atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Seeing that Score was also smiling, Little Peanut waved his hand.

"Don't worry, Brother Dongbin."

"If it's for winning, there's nothing wrong with being a dog."

In the Chinese streaming screen, the director has already given the first round of POG.

Lin Cheng's Rexai did his part.

Wanwan: "No problem! Brother Cheng won POG when he debuted in the jungle. RekSai's early rhythm in this game is very explosive. He kills wherever he goes, helping KT win the game steadily."

Zeyuan: "If you are a viewer who just started the live broadcast now, don't be confused! This excavator is not the top laner. Brother Cheng just won the POG as a jungler."

After a pause, Zeyuan added: "To be honest, Brother Cheng's jungle style is indeed a bit unique. He spends most of the early stage on gank, and he doesn't farm monsters. He just relies on online experience, and it's actually returned to him. It worked out very well.”

Wan Wan: "The main thing is that Brother Cheng is very accurate in judging the situation. He can always catch people, and it doesn't matter if he is a jungler or not."

"Actually, audience friends should be familiar with Brother Cheng's style of play... To put it bluntly, this is the way of power leveling fish frying, but while others are frying fish in bronze and silver, Brother Chengzi is frying fish in the professional arena."

Zeyuan: "I don't know if Cuzz has watched the game? Brother Cuzz! Are you okay now? Come back quickly, if you get sick for a longer time, you will lose your job!"

"Don't cue!The grapefruit thief watched the game and was already taken to the ICU"

"Please level up for the KT game, don't you report it? "

"It's as if Brother Chengzi wasn't a power leveling before, it's nothing more than a change of position"

"Hot Knowledge: KT won 11 games in the new season, Chengzi won 7 MVPs"

"It all depends on Brother Cheng, KT is nothing without Chinese aid (lips)"

"Similarly, LPL is nothing without Korean aid"

"fart! The LPL kicked out the Koreans and there is still the semi-finals of the all-Chinese class S. What else is there for him to finish the Koreans in the LCK? "

"For a while I couldn't find a reason to refute"

"This is a kind of self-confidence, give them a little shock"

(End of this chapter)

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