This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1707 Lin Cheng: The coach is very vengeful

Chapter 1707 Lin Cheng: The coach is very vengeful
After a short break between games, the players from both sides re-sit on the competition seats.

The second round of BP begins.

When GEN·G comes to the blue side, BAN is the first to choose.

"Sword Girl + Qinggang Shadow! Still refuse to let go."

Zeyuan said in a full tone, "Not bad! Even though Brother Cheng used Rek'sai to win the POG in the last round, GEN·G still didn't relax his vigilance."

"They know that Daomei and Qinggangying can't be released, maybe once they are released, they will become the top laner in Brother Chengzi."

"Prevent some chances for Brother Cheng to show off his skin!"

Wanwan: "It doesn't matter! Brother Chengzi will take action, and if you don't let Daomei go, maybe his methods will be even more cruel."

Ze Yuan smiled and said, "You understand him."

The styles of the two commentators are quite different.

Although everyone knows that Zeyuan's heart is GEN·G, Zeyuan will try his best to be as objective as possible when commenting on GEN·G games, and even deliberately not to favor GEN·G.

But Wanwan is unscrupulous in standing in line with KT, wishing to praise Lin Cheng in every sentence. Although this kind of sincerity feels extremely uncomfortable, KT fans and passers-by find Wanwan cute.

Even many stalls have defected.

They don't like KT or Lin Cheng, but they like Wanwan.

Who made the Great Demon King Wanwan so cute and good-looking?
The first three BANs of GEN·G have not changed in any way compared to the previous game.

Sword girl + Qinggang shadow + crocodile.

The top three BANs of the red side KT also remain unchanged.

Airplane + card + bright moon.

At the beginning of the selection process, GEN·G grabbed the policewoman.

Zeyuan: "Should we still rob the policewoman? Then the BP idea of ​​changing to the blue side GEN·G has not changed."

Wan Wan: "The female policeman does have a high priority in the bottom lane. It's okay if the opponent puts the blue side and grabs it. It depends on the choice of other positions in the future."

The opponent snatched the policewoman, and KT locked the blind monk + Aphelios backhand.

The second and third floors of GEN·G continue to produce Lacus + Xin Zhao.

"No! The people in BAN remain the same, and the first three picks also remain the same. What does the BP of GEN·G mean? What is the meaning of changing to the blue side?"

"I thought they robbed the policewoman + Lux, at least the idea of ​​the jungle position will be changed, and the result is exactly the same as the previous game."

Zeyuan was a little puzzled, "If GEN·G thinks that his last lineup selection is okay, maybe the players didn't play well, then you don't need to switch to the blue side."

"If you stay in the red side, you still have the last counter position. It will be much more comfortable to be a BP in the second round. What do you mean by giving away the counter position on the fifth floor while your BP remains unchanged?"

Wan Wan thought about it: "Maybe they think the red square is not good for Feng Shui?"

Zeyuan: "..."

"Laugh!It's too beautiful tonight"

"Feng Shui is not good, I have started to engage in metaphysics 23333"

"There is one thing to say, last year Tanza started to engage in metaphysics in order to defeat KT, and he made it out of the villain's curse"

"Everyone in the school is stupid, and the onmyoji can't stand the excessive sincerity"

"The BP of GEN·G, it can only be said that the old captain still cares about KT"

"Zeyuan can't wait to kick the old captain at this moment, and go to the stage to help GEN·G be a BP"

Seeing the opponent's first-round pick, everyone on KT's side was also a little dumbfounded.

"What happened on the other side? BP hasn't changed at all?"

"They may think that the last lineup was okay, but the players didn't play well?"

Lin Cheng turned to look at Mr. Kang Dongxun, "Coach! Are you leaving next year?"

Mr. Kang: "???"

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Score's BP is like a nomination certificate. Will he come to take over your class next year?"

Hearing Lin Cheng making fun of the coach, the teammates didn't hold back, and snickered.

"Fart! I'm still in KT even after you left, my job is safe."

Kang Dongxun wrote something in his small notebook expressionlessly.

Lin Cheng stretched his neck, trying to see what the coach was writing.

It's a pity that Kang Dongxun is too tall, Lin Cheng couldn't see clearly while sitting.

Could it be that he is holding grudges in a small notebook?

Lin Cheng felt that he had grasped the key.

Mr. Kang Dongxun really holds a grudge.

Lin Cheng still remembered that two years ago, he just squeezed half a lemon into his water glass, and Mr. Kang Dongxun ran to the dormitory in the middle of the night and knocked on the door to prevent him from sleeping.

He even let in the raccoon cat at the gate of the base who had a grudge against Lin Cheng, causing Lin Cheng to quarrel with the cat all night.

Lin Cheng has kept this incident in mind until now.

Kang Dongxun didn't know what Lin Cheng was thinking, so he asked the team members for their follow-up BP opinions.

"What does the assistant say? Continue with Thresh?"

Lin Cheng: "Don't Thresh, I want to help Song Yijin more in this round. Thresh + Aphelios in the bottom lane will easily go to jail if there is no jungler."

Rookie: "Do you want to lock Karma?"

Beryl thought for a while, "Thresh is better! I feel good today, and it will be fine after the laning period."

KT's BP has always been dominated by players. Although everyone doesn't know what is good about Yuanshen's hand feeling today, the red team still locked Thresh on the third floor.

The second round of BAN people.

The red side pressed the Enchantress + Ryze.

The blue side is to ban the prince + Rek'Sai.

Start selecting people, and the red square locks Syndra in seconds on the fourth floor.

"Song Yijin is going to carry! Everyone is optimistic about him."

Hearing Lin Cheng's joke, Rookie couldn't help but smile.

Rookie: "Then you should help me a lot."

Lin Cheng: "OK! Please call me Wild Dad."

Rookie: "You clearly agreed to treat me as a dog, why did you become a wild father?"

Lin Cheng: "One meaning, don't be so fussy."

The hero Syndra has almost no shortcomings except for his short legs. He is strong in the early game and does good damage in the later stage. It is hard to say that the AOE ability is not as good as the big nuclear mages like Clockwork Victor.

The director is also very sensible. Seeing that Rookie's Syndra was selected, the camera immediately found Xiaoyu in the audience.

The surrounding KT fans applauded enthusiastically.

For the family members of the players, KT fans did not hesitate to express their kindness.

Of course, Lin Cheng has a little more family members.

The last two heroes of the blue side are determined, clockwork + Kenan.

Zeyuan: "Finally, I chose a different hero from the last round. I almost thought Jess + Victor was coming again."

Wan Wan chuckled: "To be honest, I really want to see both sides choose the exact same lineup to play again."

Zeyuan's tone was inexplicable: "Okay! Actually, I would rather see GEN·G release Daomei to Brother Chengzi, and then the two sides will have a duel in an upright manner."

"Ha ha!Colonel started talking nonsense"

"Already delirious, or do you want to see GEN·G beaten violently? "

"The mentality of the fans who break the defense is like this, this year's extreme fans want to see IG being violently beaten"

"Who remembers the rhetoric before the big school game: Today is the best time to beat KT"

"Sit and wait for silence after the game"

Seeing that the opponent's lineup had been determined, the red side's fifth floor sacrificed a wine barrel.

Zeyuan: "Oh! KT sent the blind monk to the jungle. In the second round, GEN·G banned Rek'Sai + Prince because they obviously thought that I would continue to top the blind monk, but they ignored KT's two top laners. He is a blind monk master."

Wan Wan: "The sudden swing at the end is very beautiful! It not only ensures the strength of the middle field, but also protects the top lane."

"Kenan can't suppress the barrel on the lane, and the barrel team battle is very restrained Kenan. Exploding the barrel can not only prevent Kenan from entering the field, but also blow up Kenan's teammates with his backhand when Kenan is big. That would cause Kennan to lose touch with his teammates."

Both teams are selected.

Blue Square GEN·G:

Top Road: Doran (Rageheart, Kennen)

Jungle: Peanut (Director of Germany, Xin Zhao)
Mid lane: Chovy (A Clockwork Genie, Orianna)

Bot Lane: Ruler (Piltown Cop, Caitlyn)
Support: Lehends (Shining Girl, Lux)
Red square KT:

Top Road: Rascal (Cask, Gragas)

Jungler: Cheng (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Mid lane: Rookie (Darkhead, Syndra)
Bot Lane: Deft (The Suffering of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Beryl (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
(End of this chapter)

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