This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1708 Send 1 wave first to ensure that you will not grab POG

Chapter 1708 Send a wave first to ensure that you will not grab POG
After the lineup selection was completed, the coaches of the two sides finally explained a few words and went to the stage to salute each other.

Score took one last look in the direction of KT's bench.

Lin Cheng was turning his head to talk to Rookie, the smile on his face was confident and calm.

The coaches of both sides turned and walked towards the entrance channel.

Hearing the KT fans at the scene were still calling for Lin Cheng's ID, the old captain couldn't help but feel some turbulent thoughts.

What I didn't do for KT, he did.

He is really loved by fans.

Why is it inexplicably bitter?
Is this also a kind of NTR?

"From the perspective of the lineup, the focus of the two sides is obviously different."

Zeyuan carefully analyzed: "KT's Syndra + Blind Sin's mid-jungle opponents are very strong in the early stage, and there is a big core Aphelios in the bottom lane, coupled with a very targeted functional top lane wine barrel, it can be said that The lineup is very three-dimensional."

"With both a solid front row and a stable output turret, he can start a team first and play a backhand, and there is no time point in the early, middle and late stages when the KT lineup is obviously weak."

Wan Wan: "Well~~~KT actually doesn't often choose such a balanced lineup. It can be seen that they still attach great importance to today's game. Brother Cheng vows to kill KT's traitor."

Just before the camera cuts to the game, it finally shows Lin Cheng.

He stared straight at the screen with a serious face.

It seems to be in response to the words of the night.

Vow to kill the traitor.

The bullet screens are all ridiculing. Today, the two brothers Chaowei and Peanut, together with Guan Zeyuan in the commentary booth, may have to cry and leave.

Zeyuan: "Let's look back at GEN·G. Their lineup is very difficult to match. The heroes of GEN·G's three lanes have strong laning attributes, but compared to KT, the blue team lineup There was a clear period of fatigue."

"GEN·G will appear very weak during the time when you are out of laning. Double C needs to develop in the middle stage, especially when the policewoman has one or two sets, the combat effectiveness is really poor."

"That is to say, GEN·G must gain at least a little advantage in the laning phase to make them comfortable in the mid-term, so that they can smoothly transition to the late stage. The double C of female police + clockwork is fully formed."

Zeyuan was a little helpless: "I don't even know why GEN·G always likes to try top lineups this season. It was the same in the last round. It's good to get an advantage for Dolan on the top lane. Find no such person."

Wan Wan: "It's probably because of the influence of Nakano. Peanut is the team leader. It's normal for GEN·G to consciously try KT's style of play last season. Peanut is too familiar with how to win the game with the rhythm after the top lane advantage."

After a pause, Wan Wan chuckled, "But Little Peanut has overlooked the most important point. On the road, Dolan is not brother Chengzi. Even if you have dragon slaying skills, a toothpick won't be able to pierce you on the road."

Zeyuan: "What do you mean? Bullying Dolan has no fans, right? Please bring your lawyer to court next week."

"toothpick!Engaging in personal attacks, right? "

"Wan Wan means that Brother Cheng Zi is very majestic?" (funny)"

"How Did She Know?" (dog head)"

"No pornography allowed!Wanwan is mine, woo woo woo"

"Accept it!Wanwan is already in the shape of Brother Chengzi》

As the commentator discovered, this season GEN·G is frequently trying lineups, trying to replicate KT's snowball style of play last year.

However, their players don't seem to fit well with this style of play. They often choose an excellent lineup and still need to decide the outcome through team battles in the later stage.

They can't play.

The good thing is that GEN·G's double C's are really strong, and they still have the most traditional way to win the game if they can't start the game in the early stage: delaying the later stage and waiting for the double C to take over the game.

Probably Chaowei also saw through Dolan.

At the beginning of the season, Chaowei also liked to choose support heroes to roam around frequently, and then gradually began to choose the brush to squat in the middle to develop.

It's still fun to be teammates with Lin Cheng.

Help him must C!

Unlike some thugs, it’s another matter whether you can help them or not, even if they help you, they will often give you a lot of trouble.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Blind Monk chose the main line of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, Perseverance, and the secondary line of Resolute: Skeleton Plating, Firmness.

"GO! GO! GO! Follow in my footsteps."

Entering the game, the teammates, led by Lin Cheng, headed straight to the lower half field of the blue side in a group.

There is a high probability that the lineup on the opposite side will not form a group of five players at the first level. KT chose to invade as a field of vision and see if they can catch a single.

All members of the red side drilled into the blue side's wild area from the river mouth, stuck against the wall, and the figure of the policewoman was exposed below.

Seeing that there were too many people, Emperor Chi retreated straight away.

Lin Cheng took the lead, and the Q skill Tianyinbo hit.

"There are not enough people on the opposite side, so you can be fierce."

According to Lin Cheng's judgment, if Lux wasn't in the front view, she must have gone out to snatch the grass.

Know five people on your side.

Supporting the first level to grab the vision means that GEN·G has never thought about the first level group, and Kenan must be in the upper half.

Therefore, there are at most three people on the opposite side.

There is a high probability that there are less than three people, and there may even be only one policewoman.

Then why not fierce?
Hitting a skill is also earning.

"Come on! Kill me!"

Lin Cheng yelled for his teammates to follow, and at the end of the day when he was stuck with the Q skill imprint, he kicked the blind monk's second-stage Q.

At this time, the policewoman has retreated outside the bushes of F6.

The blind monk raised his leg high and kicked his face straight.

At this moment, a circle of light suddenly flew out of the shadows.

It's Lux's Q Light Binding.

The blind monk was imprisoned in place.

The female policeman put down the clip with her backhand, just retreated into the grass and shot her.

A clockwork golem flew from below.

Xin Zhao emerges from below.

"No, no! Don't go, don't go!"

Beryl saw that the situation was wrong, so Thresh decided to learn how to save people with lanterns.

It would be okay if everyone went together in a group, but Lin Cheng couldn't choose All in when he went to KT with Q out of touch.

In case everyone on the other side is there, this wave goes up to the blind monk and lies down in seconds, and the remaining teammates are 4 to 5. It is estimated that all of them will dodge and run away.

The lantern fell to the blind monk's feet.

But Lin Cheng couldn't pick it up immediately.

The female policeman's clamp has already taken effect, and Chidi's backhand is a headshot.

Xin Zhao poked it up, and Lux ​​had already fired it.

Finally, when Lin Cheng was left with bloody skin, he picked up the lantern.

Chaowei flashed decisively, and Clockwork Ping A followed.

Lantern brought back a flying corpse.

"Ah~~~ My, my! This wave I thought Lacus was making eyes, so she shouldn't have kicked it."

Lin Cheng took the blame for the black screen immediately, and had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes.

At the same time, he frantically pinged key information.

The clockwork didn't flash.

Lux did not ignite.

"The clip learned by the female policeman, you can grab the line at the bottom level."

In just an instant, when Lin Cheng received a Ping message, his teammates were dumbfounded.

You delivered it quickly, and the hand is also very fast.

Rookie couldn't help laughing, "It's okay to let me C, what do you mean when you come up and send a blood to the opposite mid lane? Is it something I didn't do well?"

"It's not a big problem."

Lin Cheng: "I'll send a wave first to make sure I don't grab the POG. Song Yijin, you just go for C, and Xiaoyu is watching you from below."

(End of this chapter)

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