This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1713 All KT people are in C

Chapter 1713 All KT people are in C
In the bottom lane, Beryl was exaggeratedly disconnected and was solo killed. Not only the audience, but even his teammates were dumbfounded.

"No! Zhao Qianxi, why were you solo killed in that position?"

"Aphelios is still eating the line behind, you didn't dodge there to break back to the city?"

For the first time, Lin Cheng felt that he might not be the most talkative existence in the current KT team.

Yuanshen brother pretended more than him.

"The opposite consciousness is not good!"

Bery defended: "I thought he would be afraid of me... Is it Lin Cheng that you exposed your vision from above? Otherwise Caitlin would not dare to fight back."

Lin Cheng: "???"

Do you still blame me?
Although Brother Yuanshen gave the policewoman a bounty, but because the policewoman pushed the tower in this round, the rhythm did not pick up, and when the plating fell, KT only dropped one layer of taper when she went down the tower.

In 15 minutes, the two sides competed around the second pioneer.

The wine barrel was just caught by Xin Zhao with his big move and flash, and the policewoman blocked the river terrain with clips. This wave of KT is not very easy to compete.

But Rookie's wall putt hit Lux beautifully, causing Lehends to be hooked by Thresh.

Lacus was taken for a second.

KT took over Pioneer.

However, GEN·G did not retreat directly because of the lack of people.

The two sides continued to pull on the river.

The barrels were not too big to dodge and couldn't start a team, and Thresh Hook failed to draw a lottery. Although KT had a large number of people, they didn't have a very direct way to start a team battle.

Just when Lin Cheng knocked down the Vanguard to pick up the Eye of the Vanguard, GEN·G seized the opportunity of KT's short-term disjointed formation.

Little Peanut's Xin Zhao W hits Aphelios, and directly stabs it with a big move to split the formation.

Kenan's flank turned into a thunderball and quickly approached.

Wanlei Tianlao is activated, push the push stick + flash into the field to threaten the back row.

Generally speaking, the hero Kenan can only be threatened by going around the back. It is too difficult to go in and open up in person.

But at this time, KT's formation is very poor.

The blind monk picked up the vanguard on it, and the wine barrel and Thresh were swept away by Xin Zhao's new moon guards.

Syndra had just handed over her E skill to Xin Zhao, unable to counter Kenan's entry.

And more importantly, this wave of KT double C did not flash.

Kenan rushed in and stunned the two brothers.

Lin Cheng also reacted quickly. After picking up the vanguard, he immediately flashed over and kicked Kenan away who was using his ult.

Kenan's big move has already done a lot of damage, and Zhao Xinqiang cut off Aphelios.

Rookie was also decisive, and directly poured all the damage on Dolan when he was attacked by Kenan. Lin Cheng's blind monk ult kicked Kenan away, then hung up Tianyinbo, and went up to the second stage Q to deal with Kenan.

Xin Zhao also wanted to kill Syndra, but under the timely protection of Lin Cheng, he failed to let Xiao Huasheng succeed.

Rookie takes Xin Zhao's head.

But it took a lot of time for the two to deal with Xin Zhao, and the two Shangfu brothers of KT on the other side didn't hold back either.

Just now, Xin Zhao's New Moon Guard directly swept Thresh into the clip, and he couldn't move.

The female police clip received two headshots.

The clockwork big move pulls two.

Thresh died instantly.

And seeing Kenanche's back row, brother's wine barrel did not flash and his ultimate move, the reaction at that time was to prevent the blue side's double C from going head-on and outputting.

But it is still a bit difficult for the wine barrel to support the continuous output of double C at this time, not to mention that the policewoman has been standing in the grass and stacking headshots, and my brother was chased to death by the policewoman before he pulled away.

This wave of vanguard team battles finally formed a 3 for 3.

GEN·G managed to get the head back when one person died first, and the double C survived.

Zeyuan: "Beautiful! I thought that GEN·G's 4 vs 5 team had lost their minds, but they actually played 2 for 3 with one less player! It's a pity that they didn't get Sinde La and Lee Sin's bounty."

Wan Wan: "This wave of GEN·G's Ueno performance is so beautiful! Little Peanut forced his way into the field and gave Kenan an opportunity to enter the field. Although Brother Orange reacted quickly, Kenan was basically injured when he was kicked away. It's been typed out."

Zeyuan: "To be honest! Other teams basically dare not play more with less against KT. I never thought that GEN·G would dare to fight like this. According to GEN·G's style of play last year, this situation is basically a waste of resources. Waiting for the team later."

After a pause, Zeyuan's tone was a little joyful: "I can only say that the future is promising! If you continue to work on it, this GEN·G should become stronger."

Hearing what her partner said, Wanwan wanted to laugh a little.

He really loves GEN·G!
Wan Wan: "Hmm~~~ It is true that GEN·G's style of play has changed significantly this season. Little Peanut's command style is very different from GEN·G's traditional style of play. He obviously bears the style imprint of KT last year. "

"However, if we continue to depends on whether GEN·G has completely changed to the style that Peanut expects, or Peanut has integrated into the division."

Zeyuan: "Yes! All KT players are in C! I agree with that."

This wave of blue team played aggressively, but in fact, KT, who has the vanguard, can also accept it.

Using the vanguard to knock down the outer tower of the blue square middle road, KT's familiar operating rhythm began again.

In the AD stations of both sides, Aphelios, who was leaning against the defense tower, would not be afraid of the policewoman at this time, and Beryl followed Lin Cheng to set up his vision.

Invade, switch lanes, start putting pressure on the flanks.

KT's operation is very stable. Every time they change lanes and put pressure on the side lanes, they ensure that there are few opponents. People on the side lanes of GEN·G dare not defend the tower, and those who come to support must also worry about being ambushed in the wild.

In this way, KT quickly destroyed a tower outside the opponent's wing.

The field of view of the blue side is further compressed.

Little Peanut had a feeling that he couldn't use his strength.

He is very familiar with the opponent's style of play, that's how he played with his teammates in KT last year.

It's a pity that the current teammates are obviously not very suitable for this style of play, and there is no explosive point like Lin Cheng on the road.

Little Peanut knew that he couldn't keep his vision squeezed like this.

Even if there is no middle tower, the field of vision must find a way to get it back.

In the 21st minute, Lux dismantled KT's real eye in the river on the middle road, and Beryl and Lin Cheng approached.

Thresh directly flashed the E skill to swing Lacus back.

Death sentence shot.

Everyone thought that Beryl wanted to hook Lux in front of him.

Lehends also turned in dodge.

However, Thresh threw the hook at almost 90 degrees to the grass at the intersection behind the blue BUFF.

Xin Zhao, who was hiding in the grass, was hooked.

The blind monk calmly stepped forward and made a Q, and kicked Xin Zhao to the back of Syndra.

Xin Zhao was instantly stunned.

Zeyuan: "The Lehends row was caught... ah? How did Thresh hook Xin Zhao? This is a blind hook! Beryl has no idea of ​​Xin Zhao's location, how could he hook this grass ?opened?"

"Xin Zhao is dead, KT is about to move the dragon! This wave of Beryl will make great achievements!"

Wanwan said loudly, "Apologize to him!"

At this point, the bullet screen was full of question marks.

"? ? ? ? "

"Outrageous!What the hell is this? "

"Fuck!Completely out of sight, don't even know Xin Zhao is around, can this be hooked? "

"Perspective playing games? "

"I'm sorry for the original batch!Just now I was a little louder in criticism"

"Original batch?Your apology is not very sincere"

The teammates were also stunned by Yuanshen's amazing hook, and they were playing Call while preparing to move the big dragon.

"It's really nothing."

Beryl pretended to show a piggy smile, "On the opposite side, Nosuke was doing the vision together. Seeing that Lux dared to turn eyes like this, I guessed that Xin Zhao was in the grass."

KT gathered to fight the dragon, and the remaining four people from the blue side came to stop it.

There are still more than two minutes until KT's fire dragon soul group. If the big dragon falls and the pawn line cannot be dealt with, it means that the dragon soul has no way to fight.

So the four on the blue side bit the bullet and wanted to prevent KT from hitting the dragon.

However, just as GEN·G approached in a group, Rookie's Syndra got stuck in the wall and made a super-long push, which directly stunned three of them.

Everyone in KT rushed forward decisively.

Without the only front row, GEN·G can't even fight back.

GEN·G collapses at the touch of a button.

The blue square exploded in a wave, and was knocked out and wiped out.

"Rookie!!! Syndra knocked three out and killed the game! It's over! GEN·G still had too much vision pressure, so KT seized the opportunity."

Ze Yuan couldn't help showing concern for GEN·G in his tone.

After winning the big dragon and destroying the opponent, KT has a very big advantage at this time.

After a wave of recuperation, KT started to operate Dalong steadily.

Gradually nibbled away all the opponent's outer towers, and was not in a hurry to go up to the high ground, pressing the pawn line to the opponent's underground. KT immediately turned around and prepared to take the Dragon Soul.

GEN·G is obviously not the team last year that could even pass the ancient dragon. Everyone gathered and insisted on picking up the Dragon Soul Group.

But their vision is too poor.

He was ambushed before reaching Xiaolongkeng.

Lin Cheng's Blind Monk came out from the shadows, R flashed a 7-shaped roundabout kick and kicked three.

Syndra flashes RE.

Tiannv Sanhua once again played a large group control effect, GEN·G exploded in a wave, and was beaten out of the group.

Since GEN G came out in a hurry before he could deal with the pawn line, KT didn't need to take the Dragon Soul anymore, and ended the game with a wave of pawn lines.

 Sorry for the late update.

  I've been in such a bad state lately, I doubt myself a bit

(End of this chapter)

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