This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1714 My cat will backflip

Chapter 1714 My cat will backflip

"Brother Chengzi's insidious 7-shaped roundabout kick ended the game, and GEN·G was knocked out! KT is about to take advantage of the trend."

Zeyuan's commentary was still full of emotions, and it was not at all obvious that the losing side was his home team.

"Congratulations to KT! They won today's strong dialogue with a score of 2:0. They ended all the games before the Spring Festival with a record of victory, and they can live a good year with peace of mind."

Wanwan chuckled, "Someone is going to have a bad year now."

The atmosphere was suddenly silent for half a second.

Ze Yuan defended: "I'm actually fine."

Wanwan: "I'm talking about GEN·G players."


Ze Yuan changed the subject, "Anyway, congratulations, Brother Cheng! Once again he killed a traitor, and the head of Cheng has gone crazy!"

The barrage exploded.

"Cry if you want to cry!"Don't hold back 2333》

"I'm Actually Alright (Dog Head)"

"Wanwan is a bad woman, intentionally tearing up the colonel's wound, right?" (crying)

"Accept GEN·G Heartbroken Female Fans Online!Male fans can too! "

"I'm the only one who cares if Yu Shuang is going to wear KT uniform at night and get fucked?" "

The scene of the game.

The moment the opponent's base exploded, Lin Cheng happily turned around and gave his brother a high five.

"You played well, Kim Kwang Hee."

Rascal smiled, satisfied with his season debut.

Although he didn't have any outstanding performances, his brother's performance was also remarkable. In the two games, Lin Cheng didn't take care of the top lane, and he played brilliantly on the top lane by himself.

Realizing that the camera was aimed at him, Lin Cheng waved to the audience.

"Coach, hurry up!"

Mr. Kang Dongxun trotted onto the stage quickly and handed over the watercolor pens.

Lin Cheng took out a small notebook with a black cover from his coat pocket.

The crowd started booing, and the audience already understood what Lin Cheng was going to do.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Brother Cheng's death notebook! But why didn't he bring the pen with him before the game? Wouldn't it be troublesome for the coach to bring it to the stage?"

Wanwan: "This is the sense of ritual! It's like the younger brother opens the door when the boss gets out of the car... I'm more curious who is written on the next page after Xiaohuasheng and Chaowei ID are crossed out? Aiming?"

In the camera, Lin Cheng slowly opened the notebook.

The Effort and Nongshim team logos on the first page have been crossed out.

On the second page are the IDs of Chaowei and Peanut, as well as the GEN·G team logo.

Lin Cheng quickly drew a big cross with a red watercolor pen, covering the entire page.

The traitors of KT2.0 have been cleaned up!

KT fans applauded and cheered.

Some GEN·G fans were also watching.

Then, Lin Cheng slowly turned the page.

On the next page is a big T1 team logo.

On the left side of the T1 team logo is a truck with the KT team logo printed on it.

The truck slammed into the T1 team logo.

The same sentence is written below in Chinese, Korean and English:

Happy [-]th Anniversary!
The KT fans at the scene couldn't hold back any longer, cheering, screaming and applauding one after another.

Zeyuan: "Haha! This year is the [-]th anniversary of the history of the news agency war after the LCK became an independent division. Brother Orange is going to send a truck on the [-]th anniversary, right?"

Wan Wan: "Now both sides have a reason not to lose. If anyone loses the news agency war after the year, they may really be ridden in the face by a truck."

"As expected of you!Brother Orange has a hand in life"

"Turtle!This is a complete tear."

"The name of the T1 truck team has spread all over the world (dog head)"

"Cold knowledge: It is said that a truck manufacturer expressed on Twitter that he wanted to talk to T1 about sponsorship"

"If anyone loses here, it is estimated that there are rival fans renting trucks to ridicule"

"When will LPL fans also learn?I want to see Taobo being sent to the truck"

"If RNG fans drove a truck to attack mentally at the gate of the EDG base for 24 hours, it would be unthinkable"

The teammates also made Lin Cheng amused, and they all watched from the sidelines.

No one noticed that after losing the game, Peanut didn't pack up the equipment and prepared to step down, but instead sneaked over.

Taking advantage of Lin Cheng's inattention, Little Peanut snatched the notebook and ran away.

"Oh Xiba! Han Wanghao, stop for me."

Lin Cheng roared, and ran after him.

The two quickly disappeared into the entrance channel.

Although the live radio effect was not good, Lin Cheng's voice was not low, and the online audience could hear his words.

The audience burst into laughter.

The KT teammates looked at each other in blank dismay, only four of them ran to salute the audience.

On the other side, Chaowei's little brother silently helped Peanut pack up the keyboard and mouse.

"I'm dying of laughter!The Death Notebook was robbed after only two appearances! "

"Little Peanut tore off the page with his ID on it, will GEN·G not lose to KT in the future? "

"Will you be the book of life and death?"If you tear it up, you won't die? "

"Brother Cheng Zi swears just now, fine!" ! ! "

"As we all know, Smecta in Korean means respect, so can you add Smecta after Axiba?" "

"I scolded, it's not very dirty, is it? "

When Lin Cheng caught someone backstage, Little Peanut hadn't had time to destroy the notebook. Under the pressure of force, Lin Cheng easily took back the little notebook.

"Tell me! How do you want to die?"

Putting the notebook away baby, Lin Cheng put his arms around Little Peanut's neck with a wicked look on his face.

Little Peanut waved his hand, "Let go first, I invite you to my house for dinner."

Lin Cheng sneered, "I miss your meal..."

While talking, Lin Cheng suddenly remembered again.

Having said so many times, he hasn't seen little sister Peanut yet.

Is she really similar to Little Peanuts?

Little Peanut continued: "Show you my cat?"

Lin Cheng became even more disdainful, "There are so many cats outside the base? Does yours have two heads? What's so interesting?"

Peanut: "My cat can do backflips!"


Now Lin Cheng became interested.

His cat can backflip!
As for what little sister Peanut looks like, it doesn't matter anymore.

The two chatted for a while, and when Lin Cheng returned to the lounge, he saw Chi Shengxi waiting outside the door.

Lin Cheng smiled and leaned over, "Sister Sheng Xi, are you waiting for me?"

Chi Shengxi didn't wear high heels today, and was half a head shorter than Lin Cheng. She looked up at Lin Cheng.

"Hey! I watched this match seriously."

Without waiting for Lin Cheng to ask, Chi Shengxi quickly said: "Your data is 6-3-11."

"The three deaths were at level 8, one at level 19, one at level [-], and almost at [-] minutes before the dragon refreshed."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Are you a black fan?
Why do you remember the details of my death so clearly?
Chi Shengxi patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder, "Keep working harder next time! My sister is your loyal fan."

Lin Cheng curled his lips, "Forget it, next time you just continue to coax me kindly."

"Hey! Don't put your face on your shoulders, sister treats you to dinner to celebrate."


Lin Cheng cheered up, "I want to eat abalone."

Chi Shengxi: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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