This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1722 The defeated Vietnamese army, come out!

Chapter 1722 The defeated Vietnamese army, come out!
Because of Lin Cheng's mother's phone call to save the siege, Xiao Tong finally did not continue to ask about the cut content of the program group.

The three of them ordered takeaway at noon. After lunch, Xiao Tong took Enxi to find Xiaoying to play, while Lin Cheng was going to start a live broadcast.

Generally speaking, Lin Cheng would rather be a salted fish during the holidays, but there is no other way. A while ago, Brother Hanzi agreed with him in the game that he would be with the mic to explain today's blockbuster match between DK and T1.

Jin Donghe has to give face, after all Lin Cheng beat him for a whole year before he retired, and he didn't even have a decent retirement ceremony.

Brother Hanzi is expected to enlist in the army in June. Before this period of time, he was temporarily working as an anchor at home. He usually played RANK and explained LCK games by the way.

Anyway, he is also a well-connected player. Brother Han often invites some former professional player partners to commentate during the live broadcast. Yesterday he invited his brother-in-law to live broadcast together in the KT game.

Speaking of uncle, it's really miserable.

It can be said that the brother-in-law's career was completely ruined by his wife.

At the peak of his career, his brother-in-law was forced to give up the high salary of WE and return to LCK because of his wife's various monsters and unable to focus on the game.

The WE star was delayed for a year in the African team and determined to return to the LPL, but was released by TT again.

After getting the promise from TT, my brother-in-law turned down the invitations of all other clubs, which directly led to TT's repentance in the end, leaving my brother-in-law with no games to play.

TT just entered the LPL and offended a lot of 60e because of this wave of operations. Although verbal promises have no legal effect, this kind of practice of temporarily reneging on promises after only one paper contract is really not very authentic.

In fact, this is not the first time a similar situation has happened, and it is a kind of harm to both the players and the image of the competition area.

After the brother-in-law was released by TT, although he managed to find a job cleaning the water dispenser in, he has completely faded out of the professional circle since then.

Fortunately, the brother-in-law gave up his career for the sake of his family, and his wife was generous enough.

What my brother-in-law can see, so can netizens.

A normal man can't bear the way others look at him like he's looking at a man in a green hat.

Finally, my brother-in-law divorced his wife last year, but his career has been irretrievable.

Once this handsome AD captured countless fans, no one thought that he would fall so thoroughly in the hands of women.

Lin Cheng woke up.

Fortunately, although Brother Cheng is an old-fashioned critic, he has nothing to say about his vision.

Ordinary women can't catch their eyes at all.

Today is the last match day of the LCK before the Spring Festival, and the organizer deliberately moved the early game time to [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

"Jin Dongha! Why are you so fat?"

The moment he saw Brother Hanzi in the video, Lin Cheng was shocked.

Why did he only retire for a few months, how did he become a pig?
Although Brother Hanzi started to gain weight after his trip to FPX, and he was also fat in DK last year, but he became even fatter when he was about to enlist in the army.

In addition, if you don't cut your hair for a long time, according to Lin Cheng's hometown dialect, he is like a thief.

Is it to learn Tusin's coquettish operation?

Tusin, who recuperated at home for a year last year, was eventually rejected by the army because he was overweight.

Didn't Brother Hanzi also want to rely on his weight to forcefully survive the military service?

"Ah~~~ I recently retired and ate well every day, and I didn't exercise, so I gained a little weight."

Hanzi patted his stomach in shock, and the fat that stretched the T-shirt in front of the camera trembled.

a little?

If you get fatter, you will soon be on par with a general holding a giant axe.

"Lin Cheng, what about today's game?"

"Of course I support T1, news agencies will always be brothers."

Brother Hanzi didn't believe it, "Who are you lying to with this nonsense? Every time I count you and beat T1 the most ruthless."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "I'm not here to help you with the program effects... That's it, today you support DK, and I support T1."

Although he has stayed in both clubs, it is obvious that Brother Hanzi has a greater sense of belonging to DK, and Brother Hanzi basically supports DK when commenting.

But in the face of Lin Cheng's proposal, Brother Hanzi made a joke on purpose.

"Why can't I support T1? I have also been in T1, and I have feelings for T1 too."

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "Have you ever stayed in T1? I remembered! 1557 is for you!"

He suddenly became louder: "Vietnam's defeated army, get out!"

Brother Hanzi: "..."

The barrage exploded.

The full screen of 1557 and the defeated Vietnamese army made Brother Khan beat his chest.

Speaking of which, Brother Hanzi's year in T1 was really abstract.

Not to mention winning the spring split, he also set a shameful record of being solo-killed by all top laners of the other nine teams in the LCK.

Although Mr. Sun is often solo-killed now, he can still handle it when he is forced to fight. Brother Khanzi was actually solo-killed by the top laners of all LCK teams that year.

Brother Hanzi is still a war criminal in the mid-season game, but the bot lane and mid lane he played in Vietnam in 1557 took the blame.

After fishing for more than half a year, Brother Khan finally stood up in the World Championship.

However, his teammates began to take turns having problems again.

Anyway, there are always five people in this old moldy team who are not normal, either because of his own illness, or because of his teammates.

God won't let him win the championship!

The two chatted and joked, and finally the game started.

The first game between the two sides was fierce. Relying on Canyon's steady punishment, DK insisted on taking two ancient dragons to win the game.

"Nice! Everyone is very tenacious, Kenshiki played well!"

It can be seen that Brother Hanzi really has affection for DK's old teammates, and he has been bragging about his middle-field partner from last year.

Lin Cheng: "DK played well, let's make persistent efforts."

Brother Hanzi: "Pay attention to your position, you support T1 today."

Lin Cheng: "Okay."

Although Lin Cheng said before the game that he would support T1, during the commentary process, the audience found that he was always the loudest every time T1 made a mistake.

It's even more exciting than Brother Hanzi.

"What do you say about the T1 advantage of this wave of little dragons... Oner is so hot for nothing!!!!"

"Brother Li is very beautiful in the first move, and Aunt Yoshi is pulling... The wind blows away the stone formation! Against the sky!"

"Ouch! Looks like T1 is difficult!"

Although Lin Cheng tried his best to restrain himself, it still looked like a cross-talk.

The focus of the second game was on the bottom lane.

After the T1 duo got Lux + the policewoman, they showed a very amazing ability to suppress the line. They pushed down DK's next tower in 10 minutes.

It seems that the DK situation is about to collapse in the early stage.

Brother Hanzi: "Guma+Keria's bottom lane is really fierce! This season, they have a big advantage in the lane. What does Lin Cheng say? Can Kim Hyuk-kyu stand up after the Spring Festival?"

Lin Cheng: "What's the use of laning advantage? Gumayusi's team play is a bit average."

It's not that Lin Cheng is belittling little Lu Bu on purpose, but that his performance in team battles is really average.

The crushing rounds of T1 are generally snowballed in the bottom lane, with a huge AD economic advantage and team rhythm smashing the opponent, and once the situation is dragged down, T1 will not be so easy to win.

Little Lu Bu's operation is fine, but there are always problems in team battle selection. When he is superior, he is like a god of war. When he is inferior or evenly balanced, he is easy to give opportunities.

Keria's selection of a protective support can give little Lu Buxiu room to operate. Last year, the world's first-hand time + Jhin made little Lu Bu play well.

But in many cases, T1 needs Keria to start a team, and Xiao Lu Bu's careless position selection in team battles is easy to be sanctioned.

Although Lin Cheng also admitted that T1's bottom lane is stronger and can be called the top in the world, but whether Xiao Lu Bu can rank in the top three in the LCK in team battles is still open to question.

At least Mr. Dai and Chidi's team battle ability is obviously stronger than that of little Lu Bu.

Of course, give little Lu Bu more time, and after accumulating more experience, the lack of team fighting ability may be made up for.

Brother Hanzi: "It's a pity that you are the top laner, otherwise I really want to see you line up with the T1 duo."

"Everyone says that T1's bottom lane and KT's top lane are the two strongest lanes in the world this year."

Lin Cheng said casually: "Actually, there was one time when Kim Hekyu pulled his stomach. I played AD in a training match in T1. Let's play [-]-[-]! No one is particularly good or bad in laning."

"Really? Take Zhao Qianxi and go down the road with T1 for fifty-five."

Brother Hanzi was very surprised, "Then you are awesome!"

Lin Cheng laughed.

"It's true what you said, I can take Zhao Qianxi with T1 and get off at a half-fifty time."

"If the support is swapped, wouldn't I have to push Gumayusi to play in the second tower?"

The barrage exploded in the live broadcast room.

For a moment, the audience didn't know whether the threatening person was Hei Yuanshen brother or Hei Xiao Lu Bu.

Perhaps, both of Lin Cheng are in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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