This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1723 Xiaoying: This family doesn't matter

Chapter 1723 Xiaoying: This family doesn't matter
Lin Cheng stalked his teammates madly in the live broadcast room, but the game was not as easily pushed by DK as imagined.

In the case of the bot lane bombing in the early stage, Canyon and Showmaker insisted on supporting the situation, and kept seizing the opportunity to feed Aphelios, which had been split in the early stage.

The two sides once again dragged the game to the late stage.

At 38 minutes, T1 wanted Shuanglonghui after getting Dalong.

But Canyon's blind monk insisted on taking his life to grab the ancient dragon when the top laner was killed.

T1 five-on-three didn't want to let the rest of DK go.

Aphelios holds the red and blue knives and still has a big move. T1 is stuck in the position and has no key team-starting skills, but he dare not swarm directly because of the fear of the ancient dragon BUFF.

"Don't dare to fight! This wave of Aphelios is too fierce. If the state of T1 is not good, it will explode."

"But T1 doesn't want to retreat. If you retreat and wait for DK's resurrection, the team battle will be difficult. After all, it is the ancient dragon buff."

Just as Lin Cheng finished speaking, it was DK's people who made the first move.

Deokdam's Aphelios big move + strong wind forward, trying to blow up the fireworks.

As a result, Qinghui Yening emptied out in the crowd, and Aphelios hurriedly dodged and retreated to avoid being caught fire.

And T1 decisively chose all in, and all members pointed directly at Aphelios.

Xu Xiu's residual blood Wei Gusi suddenly turned around and flashed fear and fear for the three of them.

With the output space, Aphelios drove the red knife Q to output.

"Deokdam is crazy! What do you mean by opening the red knife Q?"

Lin Cheng was dumbfounded, Aphelios' red sword Q output was far worse than the average A, and Xu Xiu had already controlled everyone who jumped into his face.

Originally, Aphelios could be reaped by Yingyan firing two shots to trigger the beheading of the ancient dragon. However, because of Dadan's operation, Aphelios, who had not yet finished the red knife Q, was controlled and killed immediately.

DK was knocked out of all ancient dragon species.

"Oh! What a pity this wave, Aphelios should have taken over the game."

Brother Hanzi seemed very nervous, "But the line of troops is fine, and there should be no chance of being caught in a wave. There is still a chance! Aphelios can buy the Resurrection Armor after the next wave."

"To be honest, with Dekdam's performance in this round, what resurrection armor should I buy?"

Lin Cheng complained: "He should save money to buy a brain, the resurrection armor can't save the situation."

Brother Hanzi didn't hold back for a moment, he started laughing.

It's not suitable, but I really can't help it.

Lin Cheng's mouth is still so poisonous.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu has retired, so he no longer has to face his mental attacks.

Inexplicably, Brother Hanzi actually had a hint of joy in his heart.

In the end, relying on Deokdam's ghost-level performance that DK has raised for a long time, T1 still forcibly won the game.

Entering the third inning, the field began to be one-sided.

Canyon, who desperately fought for two rounds, seems to have been drained, and Showmaker did not gain an advantage in the confrontation with Faker.

DK's upper and lower lanes were crushed during the laning period, and T1 completed a massacre to allow one to chase two.

In this way, before the Spring Festival, both news agency duo maintained a complete victory record, and the truck defense battle after the Spring Festival will be even more interesting.

After comforting Brother Hanzi, Lin Cheng looked at the time.

It was already five o'clock, he turned off the live broadcast and prepared to go to Xiaoying's house to bring Enxi and his little wife back.

When we arrived at Xiaoying's house, Jiang Subin was teaching Xiaoying and Hanzai a lesson.

One person and one dog are facing the wall in the entrance, Xiaoying has a small porcelain bowl on her head, and Hanzai is holding his own dog food bowl.

The eyes of Xiaoying and Hanzai secretly watching Jiang Subin's face almost didn't make Lin Cheng laugh to death.

"Stand up for me! There's still 1 minute left, if you fall, you'll look better."

Jiang Subin folded his hands on his chest, and the words he said with a straight face made everyone tremble.

Xiaotong was sitting and watching TV leisurely, while the little girl Enxi kept begging for mercy for her little friend pitifully.

It's a pity that Jiang Subin was unmoved.

While she was in the kitchen just now, Xiaoying secretly took her mother's cosmetics and scribbled on Hanzai. At this time, there were still traces of the crime on Hanzai's dog face.

Knowing what happened, Lin Cheng looked at Hanzai with some pity.

He understood that Xiaoying was punished, but Hanzai was obviously responsible.

It didn't demolish the house, so why was it also punished as a victim of the graffiti?

Han Zai is already in the shape of an adult dog. Although his physique is mighty, the foolishness in his bones can't be lingered. This guy was punished with the bowl on his head, and he still didn't forget to turn his head and wink at Lin Cheng.

Probably because he was used to being punished, Husky winked and didn't let the bowl fall from his head.

Xiao Tong cheerfully took out his mobile phone and recorded Han Zai's embarrassment.

Finally, the punishment time is over.

Xiaoying cheered, and the two little girls were happy holding hands.

Lin Cheng squatted down.

"Hey! Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, how much money do you want to receive, Xiaoying?"

Xiaoying raised her head and looked straight at Lin Cheng.

"do not know."

"Don't you know? Do you want to receive [-] won, [-] won, or [-] won?"

Xiaoying answered decisively, "Twenty thousand won."

"Then do you want to receive [-] won, [-] won, or [-] won as lucky money?"

"Fifty thousand won!"

Xiaoying's voice became louder, and she was obviously happier than when she said [-] just now.

Lin Cheng smiled, this girl has a very clear view on economics.

Looking at Enxi who was staring beside him, Lin Cheng sighed.

This girl is different.

Compared with one hundred thousand won bill, Eun Hee prefers five ten thousand won bills, which is a bit cute.


Xiaoying folded her arms and stared at Lin Cheng.


"Happy New Year!"

Lin Cheng smiled and touched her little head, "Understood, uncle will give you the lucky money tomorrow."

Xiaoying happily raised her hand, "Guess!"

"Sister Hitomi!"

The little girl looked at Xiao Tong eagerly again.

Xiao Tong smiled and patted her little head, "My sister will also give Xiaoying the lucky money tomorrow."

Lin Cheng deliberately teased her, "Since elder sister Tong also gives you the New Year's money, then uncle will only give you one thousand won, okay?"

Xiaoying didn't dislike it either, she stretched out her little hand and made an OK gesture.


"What if I give you [-] won?"


Lin Cheng looked at Jiang Subin with a smile, "Xiaoying is actually easy to dismiss."

Jiang Subin rolled her eyes, "She's not your daughter, of course you'll find it easy to dismiss, otherwise you'll be annoyed by this girl all day long."

From Jiang Subin's words, he could hear a faint resentment, and Lin Cheng was a little happy.

"Hey! Xiaoying."

Lin Cheng squatted down again, "If uncle gave you [-] lucky money and mom gave you [-] lucky money, who do you like more?"

Without hesitation, Xiaoying said, "I like them all!"

"But your mother only gave you [-] lucky money!"

"It's not about the money!!!"

Xiaochao said loudly, "Isn't it time to ask whether you like it or not?"

"I like it because my uncle gives me a lot of money, and I like it because I have feelings for my mother."

Xiaoying stammered as soon as she spoke long sentences, but what she said made Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong burst into laughter.

Even Jiang Subin, who had been sullen, smiled.

The two girls didn't know why they were laughing, they held hands and watched eagerly.

This scene was very loving, Xiao Tong couldn't help but took a picture of the two girls.

"Let's go! Let's go home first. We will go buy new year's goods later and prepare red envelopes for Enxi and Xiaoying."

"it is good!!!"

"it is good!!!"

Enxi was held by Lin Cheng's hand, ready to turn around and go out.

As a result, Xiaoying girl also raised her hand, and responded with a big grin, and was also ready to go out with her.


Jiang Subin carried Xiaoying back.

"Whose family do you belong to? Don't run away! Go and help Han Zai wash his face."

Xiaoying put her hands on her hips, "I can't stay any longer anyway, it doesn't matter if this family doesn't stay!"

Everyone: "..."

Where did she learn these words?
(End of this chapter)

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