Chapter 1732

In fact, in this training game, apart from the fact that the players played loosely, the main reason for the loss was that the lineup could not limit the new hero Zeli.

In the 12.2 version, Zeli just went online. In order to allow players and teams time to adapt to the new hero's gameplay, Zeli was temporarily banned in all competition areas at that time.

The LEC and LCS were banned for only one week, and Zeli made her debut in the LCS Spring Split with five kills
The LCK has banned Zeli until before the Spring Festival.

In the next year's game, Zeli will obviously become a point for all teams to consider.

As soon as Zeli went online, she occupied the bottom lane T1 position in the Korean server. This is a bit different from the situation of many new heroes when they first came out.

In the past, when new heroes of Riot Games came out, everyone needed a certain amount of time to develop the gameplay, but Ze Li was only a few days online before the players found the most suitable routine.

That is, the three-phase + hurricane production style.

Zeli's ult follow-up Chain Lightning is regarded as an attack effect, which means that Hurricane's Split Arrow can infinitely trigger the AOE of Chain Lightning in team battles.

Although Ze Li's Q skill is regarded as a basic attack, it can trigger the effect of the curse blade, and can superimpose the three-phase passive at the same time, which makes it easy for this hero to fully stack the movement speed and start pulling in large-scale team battles.

Zeli has long hands, and the combination of these two pieces of equipment directly gives Zeli a perfect output environment and AOE manufacturing ability in team battles.

Although it seems that this hero is a bit scrape, as long as the team battle is stalemate, it will be difficult for the opponent to restrict Zeli if he pulls it.

Riot obviously also noticed Zeli's supermodel, and cut off the linkage between Zeli and Hurricane in the emergency hot patch of version 12.2, but Zeli still performed very strongly after changing her outfit.

Although the Siren crit flow that appeared on the LCS side + Zeli, who sucked the blue knife, although the pull ability is a little weaker, the output is not scraping at all.

Zeli's Q skill can superimpose the black cut passive multiple times, and the genre of three phases + giant nine + black cut was born, and the fault tolerance rate is full.

Obviously, it is not enough to just cut off the linkage between Hurricane and Zeli. The official has released news that the next version will continue to weaken Zeli.

The game version of the LCK after the year is still 12.2, so this hero will definitely still receive widespread attention.

Moreover, Zeli's mechanism is too special. It does not mean that the next version will not be practiced if it is weakened. All LCK teams will definitely develop corresponding tactics based on Zeli in the future.

Mr. Sai Dai also chose Zeli for training later on. This hero scraping is really scraping, but the refreshing feeling of pulling it after molding is really hearty.

Except that the three-phase frequently interspersed with QA is a little useless, everything else is fine.

The afternoon training game ended, and after dinner, the entire KT team started the live broadcast in the training room.

"Brother Orange Happy New Year! "

The Missing Person Returns!I thought brother Cheng died suddenly after seeing Hei Si's long legs. "

"I saw the news yesterday that someone broke into the neighborhood to steal stockings, and the person in the surveillance looks a bit like Brother Chengzi. "

"I saw it too, if it didn't happen in Shanghai, I would have provided clues to the police (insidious)"

"Go and find out if there is any news about young ladies losing stockings in Korea recently, brother Chengzi is suspected of committing a serious crime"

The barrage in the Douyu live broadcast room was so offensive that Lin Cheng could only pretend not to see it.

There are so many of you, I can’t say enough about you (Erlang God Helpless·jpg)

Lin Cheng opened the Youtube live broadcast room again.

The water friends here are much more polite. Although there are still some barrages who want to have sex with Lin Cheng, they are generally harmonious.

"Today is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year. I am here to wish you all a happy new year."

Lin Cheng cupped his fists and greeted the audience in three languages.

"Sincerity!Just like this? "

"Look at how my brother greets the New Year, that's it? "

"Strongly demand to learn from brother"

Receiving the barrage reminder, Lin Cheng turned his head to look at Rascal in the corner.

Depend on!
What is Kim Kwang Hee doing?
Brother lowered the angle of the camera, knelt on the floor and kowtowed respectfully to the camera.

"I wish you all a Happy New Year!"

"In the new year, I wish you all peace and happiness!"

Knocked one after another.

He even speaks Chinese.

This New Year's greeting is too much!

Lin Cheng was dumbfounded.

The audience in the live broadcast room rioted, asking Lin Cheng to kowtow too.

Otherwise, they will not feel the sincerity of New Year's greetings.

"Fuck! Jin Guangxi, you are disrupting the market."

Lin Cheng couldn't help it, so he could only angrily reprimand his teammates for their actions.

Ignoring the barrage of riots, Lin Cheng took the document in hand, put the document next to the camera and read the manuscript.

"Everyone listen to me."

"It's been a bit cold recently, and it's not appropriate to wear a short-sleeved jacket. Have you seen the long-sleeved uniform on my body?"

"Isn't he handsome?"

"I'm sorry that I didn't show you such a handsome team uniform last year. The designer of the club specially designed this new jacket with great care, which is both warm and handsome."

It's a little tiring to lean over to read while the son is out of the camera, Lin Cheng held the manuscript in front of him while reading.

In fact, it can't be regarded as completely following the reading. The manuscript is in Korean, and Lin Cheng first translated it into Chinese.

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

"Laugh!I just said why he suddenly became serious, so he was reading a script"

"The advertisement is too sweet, and there are lines, 23333"

"I'm too lazy to pretend"

Lin Cheng didn't look at the barrage, and read the joke seriously.

"Because it is not a competition uniform for official competitions, there is no sponsor's logo, and everyone will be more comfortable wearing it in daily life."

"Me, Miss Designer... Huh? What did I do with Miss Designer?"

The word order of Korean is different from that of Chinese. Lin Cheng just needs to turn the page when he reaches the end of the page, so only the subject and object appear.

After a pause, Lin Cheng turned the page and saw the following content.

"Oh! It turned out to be the designer lady whom I specially asked for for everyone."

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

"LOL!Brother Orange, what are you doing? "

"I Bet!"It's the first time he's watching the fucker"

"What did I do with the designer lady, I almost died laughing"

"Pass it on, brother Cheng has a PY deal with the designer lady"

"Brother Cheng actually has a hobby of going through the back door (insidious)"

"Innocent!Why can't it be PY from Brother Cheng? (funny)"

Lin Cheng was still reading the manuscript to himself.

"Have you seen the cuff design of this dress on me? It's a very interesting element."

Lin Cheng flicked his sleeves perfunctorily, and Lin Cheng didn't even want to stand up and show off.

"Please pay more attention to the 2022 new jacket in KT official store, thank you for your support! Clap here!"

Lin Cheng read it fluently, and he even read out the hand clapping that was marked on the manuscript.

"Oh! No, this is where I want to clap my hands."

Lin Cheng put down the manuscript and clapped his hands, "Please support me a lot."

The barrage has exploded.

Just in time, the phone rang.

Lin Cheng glanced at it, and immediately claimed credit after connecting.

"Sister Shengxi, I have completed the task! Treat me to dinner next time."

"Thank you! You are such a gifted genius!"

(End of this chapter)

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