This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1733 Live broadcast of small games with sisters

Chapter 1733 Live broadcast of small games with sisters
After bringing the goods, Lin Cheng pretended not to be able to hear the dissatisfaction in Chi Shengxi's words, so he brazenly claimed credit and got the promise of a big meal.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Cheng stretched.

"OK! Today's business task is completed, and God is coming to the canyon next."

"Everyone testify, if you don't score 100 points today, you won't download it."

Ready to open the LOL client in high spirits, Lin Cheng suddenly saw a Youtube bullet screen reminding Zhiyan that he was live broadcasting.

"Really? What is Jiyan playing? I'll go and see."

This time, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to open the rankings, so he excitedly opened Zhiyan's live broadcast room.

This afternoon, Zhiyan and her sisters recorded a show together. After dinner in the evening, they happened to get together to start a live broadcast and chat with fans.

In terms of game talent, Zhiyan is the existence that crushes her sisters.

"Mo! Why is it so difficult?"

"Hahaha! It's not difficult at all."

Hyomin's complaints and Jiyeon's laughter made the fans very happy, and Jiyeon's painting style is always very cheerful.

The mobile phone notification sounded.

Zhiyan looked down at the phone, and then happily moved to the camera and waved.

"Ah Niyo! Brother, are you there?"

En Jing was curious, "Is it Lin Cheng?"

Zhiyan's eyeliner fluttered, "Guess! He sent me a message, and this meeting is also being broadcast live."

While speaking, she quickly opened Lin Cheng's live broadcast room.

Just in time, Lin Cheng greeted them in front of the live broadcast camera.

"Hello! My sisters are so beautiful today! Did you not take off your makeup after the show? They are so beautiful!"

As soon as Lin Cheng opened his mouth, he praised him without any reservation.

The three older sisters smiled brightly, and even Ju Li, who had always been reserved, pursed her lips and snickered.

The barrage is sour.

"Woooo!Jiyeon smiles so happily every time I see this person.”

"You can't hide the look in someone's eyes"

"But he is really handsome, and he is also very kind to his sisters, and he loves and hates him to death"

"I like Zhiyan the most, as soon as he comes, I feel green (tears run)"

"are you alright!I like all four, and I was green four times (crying)"

"I'm a little glad that Baolan and Soyeon quit the team, otherwise labor and capital would have been green six times"

"Little Green Man in Anshan, right? "

Soon, a lot of miscellaneous things poured into Zhiyan's live broadcast room.

The barrage painting style began to change.

"Today's makeup is so beautiful!"Four Cold and Beautiful Girls"

"On this day, God gave up coming to the canyon, just to patronize the sisters' live broadcast room"

"Brother Chengzi is preparing to buy goods into the fish pond (dog head)"

"Aunt Cheng entered the live broadcast room, her blood pressure soared immediately"

Ignoring the noise from the barrage, Lin Cheng chatted with his sisters, and heard that they recorded another variety show today, and he said at the time that he would definitely support it on the day of the screening.

"Lin Cheng, are you free? Do you want to play a game together? The sisters are just about to play "Little Mengren Smash Bros."

"Free, free! I have nothing to do anyway."

As soon as Lin Cheng's words came out, the barrage army immediately condemned him.

Just now I clearly said that God is going to come to the canyon. If I don’t score 100 points today, I won’t download it. In the end, it will become nothing to do?

Lin Cheng opened the game, and when he turned his head, he saw Brother Cuzz curiously leaning over his head.

"Do you want to play together?"

Originally, this game required at least 10 people to open it. Lin Cheng glanced at the other teammates, "Hey! Anyway, there is no game for this meeting, everyone is here to play "Smash Bros."

The boss spoke, and the teammates happily got ready.

Beryl couldn't leave Gan Yuanshen temporarily, so Lin Cheng called Chi Shengxi.

He knew that Sister Sheng Xi was watching his live broadcast, otherwise the phone call just now was too coincidental.

Chi Shengxi said he was free.

Lin Cheng pulled everyone into the Discord voice room.

The sisters greeted each other warmly.

Chi Shengxi knows all four sisters, especially she has a good relationship with Enjing.

On the contrary, the teammates were a little shy, and Chi Shengxi had to take the initiative to introduce.

Hearing that everyone bought the new album, the sisters were very surprised.

"Have you already bought the album? Are you all sleepy?"

Everyone was silent, Chi Shengxi couldn't help muttering: "The main thing is to spend money to buy peace. If they don't buy it, they will be annoyed to death by Lin Cheng."

The sisters are happy, it really looks like Lin Cheng's style.

It's childish, but it's really warm.

And the barrage army has found evidence of bullying by the real hammer Lin Cheng.

I heard that Rookie did not buy an album before returning to the team, and was criticized by Brother Chengzi for stepping in with his left foot on the first day of entering the base?
The preparations were soon completed, and ten people were ready in the room.

Rascal: "How does this game work?"

Lin Cheng: "It's very simple. There are only arrow keys and five different command keys. Anyway, just kill others."

Lin Cheng chose the mist mode. In this mode, IDs are not displayed for everyone, and the images of the characters are also random after entering.

Zhiyan: "Lin Cheng, don't turn on the fog mode, turn on all the IDs."

Chi Shengxi: "That's right, so I don't know who is who."

Lin Cheng sneered: "You think I'm stupid? If I open the ID, nine people will definitely chase me after I go in!"

Everyone is laughing.

Someone is quite self-aware.

The game started to load, and their respective images appeared on their own screens.

Enjing: "Wow!! I'm a little red pony! So cute."

Zhiyan: "I'm a giant panda, what about Lin Cheng?"

Lin Cheng: "I am a crocodile!"

Mr. Dai: "Lin Cheng, don't lie, the crocodile is obviously me."

Lin Cheng: "Really? I was wrong, they are all green. I am a little green-skinned dinosaur."

Ju Li: "Wow!!! Lin Cheng, you didn't tell the truth, the little dinosaur is obviously me."

Lin Cheng chuckled, not knowing how to make it up.

The barrage audience couldn't hold back anymore.

These guys have a lot of scheming.

Only Mr. Dai and Ju Li told the truth, Enjing is not a pony, and Zhiyan is not a giant panda.

Entering the game, the map is a street in an abandoned city, and ten dolls with different images randomly appear in various locations on the street.

Rookie: "Lin Cheng, which is the attack button? Someone next to me doesn't know how to beat him."

"Follow the menu and see for yourself."


All the dolls started to move one after another, only one big yellow dog, which was so dirty, went to the wall and stared blankly.

He probably felt safe against the wall.

Lin Cheng was about to rush across the intersection to give him a kick when the warning lights on the street next to him turned on.

This means a car is coming.

Lin Cheng didn't dare to rush towards the intersection.

At this time, the pink lamb next to the big yellow dog did what Lin Cheng wanted to do, kicked the big yellow dog to the street.

Just right, the big truck ran over quickly.

Rookie is out.

"Hey C! I'm still reading the instructions! Who did it? Shameless!"

Jiyeon: "It's not me!"

(End of this chapter)

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