This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1736 The best time to win the championship

Chapter 1736 The best time to win the championship

The request to see Hei Si was ruthlessly rejected by his sister-in-law, Lin Cheng was not disappointed.

After all, my sister-in-law secretly helped him under the quilt last time when she was camping...
Although Ju Linuna didn't admit it, Brother Cheng knew it in his own mind.

He even personally measured the size of Ju Li's full chest.

My aunt must like me!

Lin Cheng was very determined.

Lin Cheng: Don't be so fierce!I like my sister very much!
Ju Li: (dead fish eyes)
Lin Cheng: Do you have any photos of my sister going to the hot spring last time?show me.

Julie: No...

Lin Cheng: Don't be so stingy!My sister has a really good figure.

Julie: Thank you.

Although the answers are always lukewarm and seem very cold, but Lin Cheng's sister-in-law will reply to every message, which is much closer than the lukewarm attitude when we first met.

In fact, my sister-in-law is not so proactive, and thanks to Lin Cheng being shameless enough, otherwise their interaction would probably still be at the 'hello' stage.

Lin Cheng: Is my sister very busy recently?

Julie: It's okay.

Lin Cheng: Fortunately, what do you mean?Tell me about it.

Ju Li: It's not too busy, but it's still much more than before.

Lin Cheng: Does Juli Nuna like playing golf?I saw a picture on your INS just now.

Ju Li: Just to play, I can't play well.

Lin Cheng: I don’t know if I played the ball well, but my legs are really good.


Lin Cheng: Let's go together next time, and I'll teach you.

Ju Li: Do you play golf well?
Lin Cheng: Guaranteed to surprise you.

Driven by Lin Cheng, Ju Li gradually talked more, and she even started to actively find topics.

After a while, Lin Cheng had nothing to say.

Julie: What are you doing?
Lin Cheng: I was looking at the black silk photo that Zhiyan sent me, sister, wait a moment, I don't have time to type.

Julie: Get out! ! !

Lin Cheng: Are you angry?
Lin Cheng: I'm just kidding.

Lin Cheng: Good sister, please say something.

The relaxing holiday is over, and the teams began to invite each other for training matches to prepare for the arrival of the new competition cycle.

Everything is in order, and it is rumored that the news agency duo are still killing randomly during the training match.

DK's performance in recent training matches has also been getting better and better.

GEN·G also faced heavy punches in the training match.

Netizens couldn't hold back.

Why is everyone killing people randomly?
Could it be that the teams from the upper half are looking for the teams from the lower half to play training matches?
Otherwise, it is difficult to explain who is being killed indiscriminately.

Netizens were very enthusiastic about the discussion.

However, bad news also followed.

Recently, the DRX team officially announced that mid laner Zeka was diagnosed with HIV. At the same time, three players in the team showed positive reactions in subsequent tests, namely Pyosik, Kingen and Life.

The news immediately caused an uproar.

Although South Korea's overall policy has been relaxed, this is the first time in the LCK division that a player who has been clearly infected with the new crown has appeared. DRX's follow-up schedule may be affected, and it may also affect the schedule of other teams.

Immediately afterwards, Nongshim also issued an announcement.

Ghost was the first to be diagnosed with the new crown, and the follow-up team's single BDD and substitute support Peter were also tested positive.

Seven players from the two teams were diagnosed, casting a shadow over the LCK's follow-up schedule.

On February 2th, the fourth week of the LCK Spring Split officially kicked off.

Coincidentally, the match between KT and DRX was the opening match of the LCK after the Spring Festival.

DRX's first four players were recruited, and they had to send a remnant team to play.

That is Aiming+ four DRX second team players.

Although the [-]nd team of DRX is the overlord of the secondary league, they are facing KT after all, and no one has any expectations for them.

In fact, KT did not encounter challenges, and easily swept DRX 2:0.

After the match, Lin Cheng showed his Death Notebook in front of the camera.

Kang Dongxun trotted to deliver the watercolor pens.

The small notebook has Aiming's ID and DRX team logo on it.

Lin Cheng did not cross the page in front of the camera as usual, but drew a big heart and wrote "Come on".

He expressed his blessings to the DRX players in this way.

Netizens praised Lin Cheng's behavior after the game, and even the vendors gave him a one-day free spray card, which is considered a great tolerance.

Like DRX, NS also sent a second team of players to play in the game that day, but lost to BRO in the end.

Netizens are still a little pity.

Nongshim seemed to be getting better after years of running-in. Although the start was not good, the follow-up performance was getting better and better, and even defeated a strong team like DK.

As a result, this stall was slapped by the new crown, and it is hard to say whether Nongshim can hold back that tone in the future.

On February 2th, the strong dialogue between GEN·G and T10 is about to be staged.

As a result, on the morning of the game, GEN·G announced that three starters in the team were diagnosed with the new crown, and had to temporarily find three players from the second team.

Because of GEN·G's disorganized personnel, T1 easily picked up the fruits of victory.

Little Peanut was also unfortunately recruited.

Lin Cheng called his old teammates to find out about the situation. Fortunately, Peanut Butter didn't react too much, and what was even worse was GEN G's supervision.

According to Chaowei, the old captain seems to be dying.

For a while, LCK was a little panicked.

Two days later, Nongshim's Ghost recovered from the new crown and came back, but because the two supports in the team were still not well, Ghost King ran to play support to let the second team's AD take the top.

As a result, the ghost emperor's support was simply eye-catching.

His AD played steadily, but he couldn't stop playing as a support, leading his team to be easily swept by KDF.

Bad news spread frequently. On the 12th, Nongshim had just finished the game and the top laner Canna was diagnosed again. What was even more frightening was that some players from the second team also started to be recruited.

If this continues, the entire NS will be completely wiped out.

Seeing that the epidemic in the LCK is intensifying, Chinese audiences do not understand the decision of the LCK organizers to still insist on offline competitions.

The current domestic epidemic prevention and control is very strict. Often when there are clear infected people in a region, the entire region is immediately sealed off. Everyone's sense of urgency makes them not very understanding of foreign policies.

Players were not even required to wear masks when they went to LOL PARK to play. Lin Cheng didn't wear a mask at all in the opening game, and domestic oranges were very worried.

What's even more frightening is that this year MSI is held in South Korea.

Domestic audiences have already begun to propose giving up MSI. No matter who wins the spring championship, they suggest abstaining from MSI directly. The health of the players is the most important thing.

Is this for a competition?Are you sure it's not running a drug ring?

This is actually a difference in concept.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the domestic concept of putting health first, and it is also an urgent need to restore normal life order abroad.

Of course, some LPL viewers are gloating.

If this goes on, sooner or later KT will also have to be recruited.

Waiting for the invincible KT to be destroyed by the new crown group.

After two years of rule by the KT Dynasty, everyone has sadly realized a terrible fact:
The only one who can defeat KT may really be the new crown!

There are also fun people playing tricks.

No wonder Uzi will choose to come back this year.

The best time to win the championship has come.

The new crown is also a crown!
(End of this chapter)

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