This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1737 is also a champion

Chapter 1737 is also a champion
(Even the title of the last chapter was swallowed, I don’t know if the title of this one can be kept)
On February 2, KT defeated BRO with a score of 13:2.

Since then, KT has defeated all opponents except T1 in the first round and achieved eight consecutive victories.

And T1 is also undefeated.

Near the end of the first round, the two brothers of the news agency have maintained a complete victory and are neck and neck in the standings. This is a situation that has never appeared in the history of the LCK before.

Everyone is looking forward to a real Tianwangshan battle.

In the middle of the training match that day, Mr. Dai suddenly felt unwell.

Take your temperature, it's 38 degrees.

Every morning the club organizes team members to conduct tests, and so far nothing has gone wrong. Mr. Dai's suspicion of being tricked made everyone a little flustered.

The training match was suspended, and Lao Dai hurried to the hospital for a more accurate test.

The result was positive, and the first case of infection in KT appeared.

In fact, this result is not unexpected. After all, the daily increase of nearly [-] in South Korea is normal for anyone's turn.

After returning to the base, Mr. Dai isolated himself in the dormitory room, and the rest of the team members were tested again.

For the time being, the test results of others are all negative.

KT officially announced the news that day, and public opinion exploded for a while.

During this period of time, players have been infected with the new crown almost every now and then. Before that, the two heroes of the news agency could still maintain their full combat effectiveness. Fans wanted to see a duel between the two sides.

Unexpectedly, there are only three days left before the news agency war is coming, and there is still a shortage of major generals on one side.

"Mr. Dai must be strong!Hope everyone is ok"

"Brother Orange, be safe!It's dangerous to stay with Mr. Dai every day"

"God is helping T1, the opponent AD folded before the telecom war"

"If you really beat KT in two days, I announce that T1 may win the championship this year"

"The new crown helped to solve all the competitors, and T1 really won the hemp"

"Even if T1 really wins the championship this year, it won't be recognized by me, it will all be carried forward by the new crown"

"Epidemic prevention champions are also champions!Do you understand the gold content of T1's championship this year? "

"Don't be embarrassing!I think KT can still fight with an AD, do you understand bloodline suppression? "

"It used to be said that the T1 bloodline suppressed KT, but in the past two years the bloodline suppressed it (laughing and crying)"

"Actually, Brother Chengzi's bloodline is suppressing T1! "

The next day, Mr. Dai missed the training match.

The KT coaching staff had to face the problem of selecting the AD position.

They can't learn from other teams and transfer the AD of the second team to the top. Currently, the AD of the second team is playing as a substitute mid laner.

Because the real AD of the second team rolled out of bed while sleeping and broke his arm, and he is still recovering from his injury.

That's right!It's that weird.

So it's unlucky to drink cold water and stuff your teeth. It was a rare opportunity for the LCK debut, but the second team AD just missed it in such a nonsensical way.

In the first training game, Kang Dongxun tried to let his brother play AD part-time.

The effect is not good.

Brother is not a fan of long-handed heroes, he doesn't even play AD very much in rank, and he is not like other top laners who have a hand of Jayce who can barely go down.

Kang Dongxun tried to change his formation and asked Beryl to play AD brother to assist.

The overall effect doesn't look good either.

Although Brother Yuanshen made his AD debut before, Beryl's operation is not very good now. Playing AD is equivalent to giving up his biggest advantage of playing games with his brain.

Unless you play the Senna system, I can choose a top lane hero to go down the road, and Beryl can continue to use Senna as a support.

But this version of Senna's system is not strong, and the laning strength between brother and Beryl is too low, and KT's bottom lane was suppressed very badly in the two training games.

This is just a training match with KDF, a mid-level team in the league.

The next match is T1!
Kang Dongxun can already see the 10-minute second tower match between the news agency and his own duo.

This is not alarmist talk, this is the style of KDF playing T1 bottom lane in the first round.

There is no doubt about the oppressive power of the T1 duo. As long as the jungler is willing to live in the bottom lane, there are not many games this year where the opponent is completely full of plated towers in 10 minutes.

When there is a breach in the duo, this version collapses very quickly.

Faker himself is very good at roaming. Once the bottom lane is broken, it means that the entire lower half will be forced to fight by the opponent. Often the massacre of T1 this season is to tear the gap from the bottom lane.

There is no way, Kang Dongxun can only push Lin Cheng to the AD position.

Lin Cheng's biggest advantage in laning can only be brought into play in a single lane. If there is no other way, Kang Dongxun really doesn't want to waste Lin Cheng's laning strength.

After all, the bot lane is a two-player game, and the two operators of T1 are very cooperative. Although Lin Cheng brought Beryl and played back and forth with T1 bot lane in the training match before, it is hard to say in the official game.

And without Lin Cheng's dominance in the top lane, can KT's top half hold up against T1?
"It can't be helped, let's do it for now."

Kang Dongxun really couldn't think of a better arrangement and combination.

Acron was very optimistic, "Relax! Although it seems that the strength of our top half has become lower, how do you know that Lin Cheng can't beat T1 in the bottom lane?"

Kang Dongxun: "..."

You seem overly optimistic.

I'm content with a [-]-[-] bot lane in the official game.

Lin Cheng is also very optimistic and is brainwashing Brother Yuanshen.

"Zhao Qianxi, don't run around in a hurry! Just save me and beat T1 down the road."

"I heard that T1 fans are already bragging about their world's number one bot lane group?"

"Brother Cheng gives them lessons!"

At the end of the training game, the teammates talked and laughed and ran to the cafeteria to prepare for cooking.

Lin Cheng: "Auntie! Today's dishes are very rich."

Aunt poked her head out of the kitchen, "The epidemic situation is very severe recently, and the nutrition for everyone must keep up."

Cuzz casually said, "I thought it was a happy event when I saw the fried meatballs."

"It's a happy event, to celebrate Lao Dai's paid vacation."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, the teammates burst out laughing.

"Ouch! You can't talk nonsense... I haven't delivered the dinner to Kim Hyuk Kyu yet."

"Aunt let me come! I'll send him there and see if he's better by the way."

Lin Cheng packed some food with a small plate, and quickly went upstairs.

Put the dinner plate outside Mr. Dai's door.

"Old Dai! It's time to eat!"

After knocking on the door, Lin Cheng immediately retreated five steps to the corner of the aisle, keeping a safe distance.

The door opened a crack, and Lin Cheng saw Mr. Dai whom he hadn't seen for a day.

Decadent complexion, wise eyes.

From Mr. Dai's complexion, Lin Cheng knew that it must be uncomfortable to be infected with the new crown.

Finding Lin Cheng shrinking over there and staring at him like a monkey, Mr. Dai tightly covered the mask on his face.

"What are you doing?"

"Is it better?"

"No, it's much more uncomfortable than yesterday."

"Will it die?"

When Mr. Dai took the plate with a flicker, he launched his death gaze.

What about your mother!
(End of this chapter)

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