This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1743 It's all about detailed chapters

Chapter 1743 It's all about the details

The director gave the playback.

This wave of line killing is actually not difficult to operate, except that Lin Cheng twisted Lacus' Q skill at the beginning, the key is that the two KT brothers are decisive enough.

The two flashes are close to each other, the bonus brought by Xia W is too fierce, and Luo W's grand debut is a must-kill situation.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is too fierce! The first-level AD flashes to fight first. I guess little Lu Bu has never seen such a fierce opponent in his life. The moment the policewoman turns her head to A, she is already dead."

"This wave of little Lu Bu can still survive if he moves to avoid Luo's W, but Beryl deliberately flashes over and waits for the policewoman to dodge before lifting. It is too difficult to hide."

Wanwan: "It's still that the T1 duo disrespected Xia Luo's first level, and Lacus Q Kong couldn't stand the grass. Why did Xiao Lu Bu dare to turn around and point at Cheng Zi? He just put his life in it."

Zeyuan: "To be honest! T1 bottom lane has always had this problem. They are a bit too confident and don't pay attention to their opponents. Before they played Luna level one and dared to chase after Erlu."

"You are right! But Brother Chengzi is not used to you!"

Wanwan snorted softly, "Brother Chengzi chased and beat his opponents on the road, why should I spoil you when I come down?"

"Is it just because of your big face? Or is it because your team logo is T1?"

"I'm sorry! It's your T1 that hit me!"

The tone is soaring and frightening.

The barrage shouted out one after another.

It wasn't just the Great Demon King Wanwan at the commentary booth who made faces.

Lin Cheng's first kill in AD career, of course, the director did not forget to give the player's perspective and team voice.

The voice in the front is quite normal, and the players are nice all the time.

Until Rookie's Chinese popped out.

"Brother Orange is awesome!"

Lin Cheng chuckled and spoke Chinese.

"Is this policewoman teasing me? What is he pretending to be?"

The barrage exploded.

"Violent Killing, Hahaha! "

"Brother Cheng, little blackie!Waiting to be blasted by the believers of God! "

"Jiajia: Is this plane TM kidding me? "

"Brother Chengzi looks the same as Wanwan, 233333"

"Husband and wife picture! "

"Is that sentence in Wanwan based on your face?"I almost died laughing"

"Little Lu Bu Called the Police"

"The policewoman Lacus is really not pretending, it is really unexpected to be killed like this"

"For Brother Chengzi, if you dare to look at him, you are pretending (dog head)"

The scene of the game.

The KT fan area cheered constantly, but the T1 fan area was a little quiet.

The contrast is strong.

Just in time, little Lu Bu's helpless expression appeared on the big screen.

The banner displayed by T1 fans before the game was immediately waved, and Gumayusi's big head was very conspicuous on it.

Wake up!This is the telecommunications war!
Our world's number one AD is going to be stunned!

After killing the policewoman, the line of soldiers has arrived, and the KT duo quickly pushed the line to fight for the opportunity to return to the city after sending the line of soldiers into the tower.

But after all, Xia has learned W at the first level and is still cooling down, so the line pushing speed of the duo is not too fast.

Seeing that the second wave of soldiers is coming, Lux of Keria forcibly uses her body to top the line outside the tower.

If you don't resist and let this wave of lines enter the tower, the policewoman will lose the experience of approaching a whole wave of soldiers.

Luo came out from the top, and W made a grand debut.

But it was too obvious for W to raise his hand from a distance, and Keria confidently walked sideways to avoid it.

Seeing that the pawn line was stuck, Xia in the grass canceled her return to the city.

Zeyuan: "Keria is a very beautiful card line. Xiao Lu Bu will hardly lose any experience when he comes back, and it is not easy for the KT duo to return to the city if they are stuck offline."

Wan Wan: "It's really good to move around! Originally, Lux's blood volume was hit at the first level. If Luo's W is not available, Brother Cheng Zi will be able to dodge it with a follow-up."

The policewoman came back, which was a relatively comfortable front line for little Lu Bu.

Lin Cheng first went to look at the grass in the river to prevent the blind monk from shifting speed and catching him.

Xia Luo has short hands, and it is difficult to put pressure on the opponent on the front line of the tower. Relying on this wave of lines to slow down, the policewoman + Lacus still have a chance to counter pressure.

But Lin Cheng is really fierce.

After filling up the melee soldiers, I found that the long-range soldier line was still stuck outside the tower. Xia walked forward and sent the line in completely before the next wave of soldiers arrived.

Lux just rose to the second level due to the experience of eating two soldiers by herself before, so she threw her E skill behind Xia.

Keria has a habit of playing support. When he releases his skills, he likes to predict the opponent's operation and position.

Experts from all walks of life have suffered in his hands.

This time he also predicted Xia's return.

But Lin Cheng didn't look back.

Xia headed forward with Lux's E skill, just when the light-transmitting singularity landed behind him, only Luo who was behind was blown up.

Lux Q Light Binding shot.

The policewoman set up Q Peacemaker.

I saw that Lin Cheng's Xia jumped left and right on the spot, almost avoiding the skills of the opponent's duo one after another.


It's like a lively tango.

Xiaping made up for the long-range pawn with a backhand.

Luo used wages to pretend to help make up for the remaining long-range soldiers.

The two finished pushing the line.

Although the female policeman's skills were empty and she stole two hits with her long hands, Xia turned around and hit the double-edged Q.

After pushing the line, KT and the two immediately retreated.

Oner's blind monk had already stood under the red square triangle grass, seeing the opponent retreating, he didn't touch the river in front of him to prepare for gank.

Wanwan: "This position is so handsome! Brother Chengzi's Xia looks really chic."

Zeyuan: "Should he be so good at walking? He hasn't mastered a single skill until now!"

Wan Wan: "That's why he dared to use Xialuo to fight Lacus the policewoman. If you can't hit with your skills, the length of your hands won't be so scary at all."

The bottom lane pushed the line in time to avoid a wave of GANK, and the pawn line was also sent out.

After Cuzz finished a round of wild monsters, he didn't look at the river crab, and went directly to the down lane.

Exactly three and a half minutes later, the prince went into the restroom on the next road.

"Look for an opportunity to mobilize Caitlin, Lux has a chance to dodge and is hard to kill."

The three KT Shimono brothers are constantly exchanging key information.

Keria has a good awareness. When the line of soldiers is pushing forward, Lux stands in the back grass and throws E to explore the field of vision.

The limit distance of the light-transmitting singularity falls between the undergrass and the middle grass on the sidewalk, slightly close to the alcove.

Lux's E detection field of view is very special. Keria's E can not only detect two bushes at the same time, but also just expose the prince hidden in the toilet.

"Jarvan is here."

"I'm leaning! I'm leaning!"

The red Fang knew that Xia had just penetrated the river, and the blind monk chose to drill into the dragon pit, and touched the wall to get around the blue square triangle grass.

Zeyuan: "The location of the prince has been discovered, but Cuzz doesn't seem to know that he has been exposed, and is still squatting inside."

Wanwan: "Keria is so detailed, the E of Lacus has detected the two bushes and the alcove, Cuzz is still squatting and there may be an accident.

Zeyuan: "Actually, the prince in this position has the opportunity to touch Lux directly, but Cuzz seems to be a policewoman who wants to touch Lux, and he doesn't know that he has been exposed."

"It's time to start working hard on acting!"

(End of this chapter)

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