This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1744 Wash Cuzz and go to your home team next season

Chapter 1744 Wash Cuzz and go to your home team next season
At this time, the grapefruit thief is still playing big chess.

Lin Cheng said, to give strength to Li Minjiong!

Then just kill Caitlin.

He didn't know that he had been exposed.

Generally, there are no junglers to study the details of Lux's skills. Even professional players have many ignorance of Lux's E detection mechanism.

There are even professional junglers who are so abstract that after playing professionally for several years, they don't know that the blind monk's second-stage Q has beheading damage.

Originally, the pawn line was advancing towards the blue side, and the prince squatted patiently.

Suddenly, the female policeman saved a headshot and pressed forward, trying to be fierce.

The KT duo retreated in unison.

Both sides are acting!
Seeing that the opponent gave him a chance, Cuzz's prince immediately came out of the toilet, and the German flag fell to the policewoman's feet.

The policewoman reflexively handed over E.

Just when the prince's EQ shifted over, the policewoman stepped back.

Cuzz originally wanted EQ flash to intercept the policewoman, but Lux's Q skill had already hit the prince.

Although the bondage of light cannot interrupt the prince's EQ, it can prevent the prince in this state from flashing.

The policewoman headshot A to the prince, and set up Q to make peace.

Luo E danced in pairs to borrow the prince's displacement, W made a grand debut and lifted up the policewoman.

But the two brothers are displaced, and Xia can't follow the output in the first place.

At this moment, the blind monk got stuck on the wall and came out from behind.

Lin Cheng's Xia opened the W lethal feather coat, turned around and threw the feather.

The blind monk made a Q shot from close range, but Lin Cheng twisted it away with his acceleration.

On the other side, there were very few soldiers left in the third wave. The policewoman's Q skill not only hit the prince and Luo, but also killed two bloody soldiers.

The policewoman became the latest hero to be promoted to the third level in the bottom lane of both sides.

Little Lu Bu immediately put the trap on the ground.

Cuzz is very messed up. Originally, the policewoman's trap was completely out of control. After the prince escaped from Lux's confinement, he pressed forward and wanted to export the policewoman.

After walking two steps, Cuzz found that the blind monk was threatening Xia, and Cuzz immediately turned back.

As a result, I just stepped on the clip by myself.

The policewoman took another headshot.

Oner's blind monk came up with E skill to slow down the prince.

The two T1 brothers behind also chased after them.

Lin Cheng pulled out the barb and imprisoned the blind monk.

Luo used the second-stage E to give the prince a shield.

But the prince was slowed down, and the policewoman and Lacus followed up twice to tie A.

Cuzz found that something was wrong, and the remaining blood flashed.

As a result, the bullet that the policewoman had already fired still took away the prince.

Luo Ding retreated in front, and Lin Cheng's Xia was full of deadly rhythm while retreating and fighting.

The blind monk's Q skill hit Luo, and he forcibly went up to hit a set of damage and immediately retreated.

You must know that Brother Cuzz was killed and gave the red buff to the policewoman, and Lacus gave it to E after Luo was stuck, and it can't be removed.

"It's sold! It's sold! Leave me alone."

The policewoman scored a double kill.

Lin Cheng wasn't just running around. When the policewoman was chasing Luo, Xia turned around and spread the feathers forward, beating Lacus as well.

But suffering from no flash, Lin Cheng couldn't forcibly kill the bloody Lacus and the blind monk.

Little Lu Bu chased after Lin Cheng.

At this time, Lin Cheng still had the advantage in blood volume, and the three opponents were chasing after him.

Just when Xia was about to enter the tower, Lux suddenly made a Q flash.

But even so, Keria still failed to restrain Lin Cheng today.

With a light sideways movement, Xia could barely avoid the shackles of light.

At the same time, Xayah pulled out the barb.

Unfortunately, because many of the previous feathers disappeared, Keria only took damage from two feathers and was not killed. The blind monk W plus shield was also locked with residual blood.

The female police officer was imprisoned and could no longer pursue her.

Both sides strike.

Wanwan: "Oh! It's broken! This wave took two heads from the policewoman. Brother Chengzi has tried his best to operate and maimed all three of them. It's a pity that he didn't kill any of them."

Zeyuan: "It can only be said that Brother Cuzz's wave is a bit rough. Giving the policewoman a red BUFF caused Luo Ye to be killed. You should flash it earlier and nothing will happen."

Wan Wan: "There are undercover agents! This wave of bot lane is 2 vs 4, will it really be 1 vs 5 later?"

"Exploded!How does the policewoman play with two heads? "

"There is an undercover agent!Too much"

"This wave of Cuzz is outrageous!Directly take the collapse down the road"

"No wonder T1 doesn't want Cuzz, I'll give you a wave every now and then"

"Cuzz performed very well in the first few rounds, don't be embarrassed"

"Go to your home team next season after washing Cuzz"

Seeing that the home team has recovered the field, the T1 fans at the scene became active.

But it is different from the Ice and Fire Two Heavens just now.

KT fans are not pessimistic either.

They even looked at T1 fans as if they were looking at a moose.

This is the case of a local beetle who has not won the telecommunications war in two and a half years!
Is it worth being so happy to let you have two heads?

Trust Cheng!

Anyway, victory belongs to KT.

The impact of this wave of collisions is still great. Lin Cheng's Xia's first wave of home money is only enough for a pickaxe, but the policewoman just happened to have a noon quiver.

However, the picture of the female policewoman and Lacus hitting Xialuo in Xialu's imagination did not appear.

Lin Cheng's Xia's position is too coquettish, except for being hit by Lux's E skill once, the Q of the two T1 brothers has never touched Xia at all.

If the skills can't play a good consumption role, the combined deterrent effect of the policewoman Lacus will be much smaller.

Lux's Q cannot form a connection with the female police clip, so it is basically impossible to form a line kill.

It is not so easy to completely rely on the length of the policewoman's hands to suppress people.

Little Lu Bu also tried to save headshot consumption.

But Lin Cheng is very good at using the minions to spread feathers. Little Lu Bu forcibly presses forward, but Lin Cheng's Q predicts that the A minion will directly pull the barb and imprison him.

Beryl's Luo decisively adjusted his position with his E skill, and his W made a grand debut to lift the policewoman away.

Xia turned on the W front pressure output.

Little Lu Bu was almost beaten out of line again.

The blood volume dropped, and the policewoman only dared to develop in the back for the time being.

KT's bot lane and lane formation suppressed again.

Lin Cheng's Q skill consumes as much as possible while grabbing the line, and he also pays attention to the positioning of his replenishment troops.

When Xia A was a soldier, she often had secondary feathers that penetrated to the policewoman at the extreme distance. Once there were more feathers, Lin Cheng would use E to consume them.

Little Lu Bu was beaten very hard.

Originally, Keria's Lux could help his partner relieve pressure by relying on the length of his hands, but he is also very dangerous after he does not dodge.

The grass was stopped by Luo, at this time Xia Luo found a chance to fight to eat people.

Therefore, Lux's E skill is basically used to help push the line, but this also puts pressure on the female policeman to make up the knife. The T1 female policeman + Lux did not show the suppression power it should have at all.

Ze Yuan: "What's the situation? One-headed Xia hits two-headed policewoman? This is T1's bot lane team! What a shame!"

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi's Xia is so strong! Gumayusi walked up and was pulled by the barb to make too many mistakes. Brother Chengzi won't let you turn over when you are depressed."

"Unless Brother Cheng eats Lacus Q and lets the female policeman pick up the trap and come back in a wave of state, otherwise he will continue to be suppressed in the bottom lane."

In the early 6 minutes, Lin Cheng's Xia made 54 CS, and the policewoman made 41 CS.

Lin Cheng made 13 make-ups in the bottom lane.

This number is exaggerated.

You must know that little Lu Bu has solid basic skills, and usually hardly misses a knife in the bottom lane.

He started to be pressured like this, it can only be said that Lin Cheng put too much pressure on him.

Just in time, the female policeman found the opportunity to return to the city after eating the line.

The camera showed little Lu Bu.

His face was flushed, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The narrator couldn't hold back.

"Is it all that stressful?"

(End of this chapter)

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