This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1746 Death Train!late but arrived

Chapter 1746 Death Train!late but arrived

"The supporters on both sides have run away, and the bottom lane brother Chengzi can still eat a layer of tapioca, which is very comfortable."

"Little Lu Bu moves forward with a strong wind! Very fierce!"

"Hey! Little Lu Bu is going to die!"

"I was solo killed by brother Chengzi jumping over the tower! Ouch! What are you trying to do?"

Lin Cheng's solo kill on the next road made the commentary look stupid, and Ze Yuan's tone was a bit difficult, "Little Lu Bu is already a little delirious! He went up to play handsome against a wave of tower off-line winds, and ended up getting himself into it. "

Wan Wan's tone was very brisk: "Is this the policewoman with a 100% winning rate? The gold content seems to be not as good as Brother Cheng's 100% winning rate Xia."

This face is quite real.

The barrage has been dominated by Dansha.

"Fuck!Such a handsome solo kill!Show Grandpa I'm Stupid"

"It's really unexpected that AD can rush to the tower solo, the orange smell is too strong"

"Brother Cheng: Give the stinky ADs a little shock on the road, I am so inappropriate on the road"

"Zeus: Aunt, are you embarrassed to mock me now?Do you know how much pressure labor and management have had before? "

"Going back to the city under the tower and highlighting the label is really not tight"

"It's not weak, it's not aggressive enough"

"This is really red and warm!" "

At the scene, the cheers of KT fans resounded throughout the venue.

The banner in the T1 fan area is still there, but the sagging scene makes the head of little Lu Bu on the banner look weak.

The world's No. [-] AD they were looking forward to was solo killed on the field.

A KT fan in the front row stood up and yelled at the opposite T1 fan area: "Tell me! Who is the world's number one AD?"

There was dead silence on the opposite side.

A KT fan nearby replied loudly: "Cheng!"

There was a roar of laughter.

The strong will humiliate the weak.

This is naked face-riding output.

But T1 fans didn't know how to refute.

The attention of this news agency battle is very high, and the famous mace combination of T1 is also commenting on the mouse station.

At this time, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was not very good.

"Can this be solo killed by rushing to the tower?"

"Gumayusi, whom we had high hopes for!"

Wolf was already crying with his head in his hands.

The fat body deformed the chair.

Bang said with a sad face: "Ah~~~ Maybe the pressure from the other LCK bottom lanes is too small. Gumayusi has lost the vigilance that is very important for AD, so he can't play like this!"

"Of course, in fact, I can understand this wave. He wants to get rid of Xia's state and push back a wave of soldiers. Li Qing just comes down and can release the vanguard."

"It is unacceptable for Kaitlyn to be suppressed in the early stage. Oner's vanguard must help the bottom lane to improve the rhythm, but the pawn line is pushed again, making it difficult to play the vanguard."

"So Gumayusi was a little anxious. Kuangfeng wanted to play Xia's state first and grab the line to give Oner a chance to come down and play the vanguard."

"But he really didn't expect that the opponent would directly rush to the tower to kill him like this."

Seeing the pessimistic barrage of T1 fans on the screen, Wolf sighed: "The young people are still inexperienced, so don't be too harsh."

"Please keep trusting Gumayusi! He is still growing and one day he will be the perfect AD."

In fact, the teammates of T1 were ready to support after fighting in the bottom lane, but in the end they still failed to keep Xia.

Lux's big move in the middle is used to push the line, and there is no way to return to the city from a long distance, so he can only watch Xia finish reading back to the city under her tower.

The follow-up impact of this wave of solo kills is great.

The vanguard in Oner's hand was forcibly bumped into the middle, but the benefits of two layers of tape are obviously not enough for the female police system.

In the past, the female police system of T1 generally took a turret in 10 minutes if you put a vanguard in the bottom lane, and sometimes you can even get a tower in the lane without a vanguard in the bot lane.

From the current point of view, if you don't get a tower in the lane, it will be considered a success.

Eager to find a rhythm, while Ryze was dealing with the vanguard, Faker's plane and the blind monk forcibly went on the road to move the barrel.

But I didn't give it a chance, QR Qingbing E+ flashed and yo-yoed directly.

On the road, T1 failed to gank successfully, and Xiao Lu Bu started to go to jail as soon as he returned to the line.

The middle lane of Ryze has disappeared, and the policewoman and Lux ​​shrank to the second tower, not daring to eat the line.

Zeyuan: "Oh! The second tower laning has begun! But no one thought that the autistic woman policewoman Lacus from T1, who told me before that the female policewoman in T1 will be beaten to the second tower laning? I don't believe it, but it's really happening now."

Wanwan smiled: "It's okay! It's in line with my expectations for this game."

The female policeman went down the road and missed a large wave of soldiers.

When the plane and the blind monk approached, seeing that the line of soldiers under the first tower was almost gone, little Lu Bu boldly moved forward.

However, he still underestimated the opponent's killing intent.

Beryl's line eye saw the opponent pressing forward, and Ryze, who had just turned around and was about to leave, turned back decisively.

There was a light up under his feet, and the little Lu Bu knew that he was probably going to be cold.

Ruiz took the prince out of the car.

Although Keria had a nice first QQ and hit two players, Luo had already retained them in advance.

The skills of the prince and Ruiz instantly killed the policewoman.

And Lin Cheng's Xia also came to take away Lacus' head.

The teammates left after killing people, and Lin Cheng ate a blood tower alone.

After taking down the tower, KT immediately switched the duo to the top lane.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to regain the vision of the lower half, the red Fang Sibao Yiyue dropped the wine barrel and switched to the bottom lane.

But the barrel cleared the line when he died, and the female policeman failed to find a chance to eat Tapi, and found that Ruiz had pushed the center line and the prince leaned over to defend.

Instead, it was Lin Cheng's Xia who ate tapies on the road, and Little Gnar was driven behind by Luo to shut himself up.

After eating three layers of tapas, after the coating disappeared, Xia immediately removed the first tower on the red side.

Lin Cheng's development gradually became incomprehensible.

In just 14 minutes, his second collector was out.

The equipment of the collector is weak in the later stage, but its combat effectiveness is very strong in the early stage, and the speed of snowballing against Xia has been further improved.

The second vanguard was controlled by KT, and soon the first tower in the middle of T1 fell.

KT's lane change operation started with Xia, who switched to the middle lane, as the core. After Lin Cheng pushed the lane, he led his teammates to change lanes. At this time, it is difficult for Baotuan T1 to confront them head-on.

In 17 minutes, KT Xiaolongtuan easily played 0 for 2 again.

Although the opponent was staring at Lin Cheng's Xia, his reaction was too fast. After dodging Gnar's flash shot with his ultimate move, the barb + gust of wind directly made the blind monk enter the field stand in place.

The front row was instantly melted, and the three T1 brothers ran away decisively.

KT Fire Dragon draws cards.

The situation is very good.

However, just before the 23-minute Dragon Soul Group, KT made a fatal mistake.

"Get in the car! Opportunity!"

Rookie thought he saw an opportunity, and Ryze took three teammates in front of the group to drive to catch Gnar, who was alone.

It turned out to be a death train.

The four brothers got out of the car, Gnar just turned bigger, turned around and slapped everyone on the wall, and then the blind monk suddenly came out of the shadows and kicked three of them.

Airplanes and policewomen arrive to finish the harvest.

Thanks to Lin Cheng's absence, if Lin Cheng also got in the car to give the big bounty, the wave would explode.

Zeyuan: "Oh! Rookie, the death train, has a big accident! Bad memories suddenly started to attack me."

Wan Wan: "It's a good thing Chengzi didn't get on the train! Both the mid laner and the blue-skinned man have a hand in the death train, but this wave still gave T1 a big slowdown."

"Although the economy is still an advantage, it will be difficult for T1 to get Dalong KT! If the lineup of airplane + policewoman drags on, how will the five short players of KT fight in the later stage?"

"The red side takes the fire dragon first, and then the Ping dragon must fight!"

Zeyuan's tone was a bit uncertain, "Brother Chengzi is on top...he doesn't want to hit five, does he?"


Wanwan's voice became louder involuntarily: "I know Brother Chengzi too well! He won't let his opponent fight Dalong!"

 I originally wanted to finish writing this episode today, but I really couldn’t keep up
  i'm trash
(End of this chapter)

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