This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1747 AD's Courage!Alone 1 vs 5!

Not satisfied with just interrupting KT's dragon soul rhythm, after taking down Xiaolong, all T1 members leaned towards the upper half immediately.

"The other side wants a big dragon! We can't make it in time."

"Let it go! Lin Cheng don't go alone."

"I can try, the opponent has no skills."

Lin Cheng's three-and-a-half pieces of equipment are very luxurious at this time, Gale + Gatherer + Infinity + Warhammer, it is impossible to easily let the opponent Dalong.

The economy is second, and it will be really difficult for them to get to the high ground if they are dragged down by T1 taking the big dragon.

Airplane magic cut + Luden two-piece Poke damage is already good, and the team battles of the little short players who drag KT will only become more and more difficult to fight.

Xia squatted in her blue buff wild area.

T1's field of vision has been suppressed all the time, and at this time, they don't care about finding someone. All the members flock to the upper half to rush to kill the dragon before the KT personnel are revived and rush over.

Gnar and the blind monk headed into the dragon pit, and T1 focused on the fire dragon.

Lux did not forget to exclude the KT vision of the Dragon Pit.

The policewoman emptied the cloth clip.

It can be seen that T1 is still vigilant enough. In this case, the female police clips are still used to seal the intersection of the wild area.

The intersection on the back of the blue BUFF below has been blocked by two clips just now by the policewoman passing by, and the policewoman at the entrance of the blue BUFF river above has also begun to arrange clips.

However, Lin Cheng would not give his opponent too many opportunities to arrange things.

At the moment when the female policewoman put down the trap at the entrance of the river with the vision of the blue square river altar, Lin Cheng, who was squatting at the corner of the blue BUFF, turned on the W-deadly feather coat.

The Q skill made a double-edged shot, and at the last moment of the short reading, Lin Cheng pressed and flashed.

Q flashed into the river, Lin Cheng directly flattened A and pulled the barb.

Although Xia's Q skill seems to have an obvious hand-waving animation, it can actually be tied to A after the reading is completed.

Before the two feathers of the double blade fell to the policewoman's feet, Xia had already played AE.

The three feathers appeared almost simultaneously.

Little Lu Bu was arrested on the spot.

The confinement took effect, and Xia's two backhand critical strikes triggered the collector to kill the policewoman in seconds.

The hand-to-hand combat between ADs is so fast, not to mention that Lin Cheng beat Xiao Lu Bu by three levels, and his equipment also crushed too much.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is waiting for his teammates. If Nengxia can use her ult to delay the time, in fact, the big dragon in T1 may not be easy to fight... hey!"

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi!!! He flashed down and shot the policewoman to death! Gumayusi fell!"

Lin Cheng's sneak attack was too sudden. The other T1 brothers were fighting dragons in the dragon pit, and they were fighting the dragon. Although Keria reacted and turned back to Q flash, the female policeman was already caught by the second.

A launched a deadly basic attack, and Lin Cheng turned around and moved away before he was sure that the policewoman fell to the ground.

Lux's Q flash also failed.

The plane on the other side turned around and saw a missile.

Xia retreated nimbly and dodged the missile.

The blind monk and Gnar didn't come out to find Xia at the first time because they handed in their skills in fighting dragons.

The acceleration effect of Lethal Yuyi is obvious, Lin Cheng uses A to output Lux.

Two hits knocked out more than half of Lux's health, but Xayah was also slowed down by Lux's E skill range.

Lin Cheng resisted the urge to go up to take Lacus away from the wind.

At this time, the field of vision in the dragon pit was excluded, and Gnar's position could not be seen.

Before his vision was cleared, Lin Cheng knew that Gnar's anger was about to grow.

The danger factor of rushing into the dragon pit in a gust of wind is too high.

Lin Cheng went straight to catch the plane.

The plane backed up and adjusted its position, then shook its head and sent a missile over.

Still failed to hit.

Lin Cheng's position was too coquettish.

At the beginning, Faker's position at the peak was enough to be intimidating, but Lin Cheng's behavior of blatantly opening the game in the past two years has refreshed the three views of the audience.

The plane's missiles hit the air, and Lin Cheng simply healed and accelerated two steps and raised his hand to hit nearly one-third of the plane's HP with a critical strike.

Faker hurriedly handed W into the Dragon Pit.

He didn't dare to confront Lin Cheng.

A two-piece suit with shoes that can be worn on an airplane is okay for playing Poke and stealing damage, but it would be too long to fight against Xia who is three and a half pieces.

"Fight the dragon and fight the dragon! Fight the dragon first."

"Let's talk first when we have a chance."

"My big move is almost ready."

T1's command was very clear, the people in the Dragon Pit focused on Dalong and didn't want to get entangled with Xia.

The main reason is that Xia's equipment is too good and there is a big one. The blind monk has no big move. Although Gnar's big move is immediately improved, it is easy to be manipulated after chasing him first.

The opponents are all in the dragon pit, and the general AD really dare not lean forward alone without the vision of the dragon pit.

Even if Brother Shuizi came to this situation, he had to weigh it.

But Lin Cheng didn't hesitate.

He knew that a little ink might make the opponent RUSH the dragon.

Xia went straight to the top of the dragon pit.

Dalong still has nearly one-third of his health, and Lin Cheng's decisive forward pressure made it impossible for T1 Dalong to fight.

The blind monk touched his eyes, and his E skill slowed down.

Lin Cheng took A to output the face-to-face blind monk.

The plane took the opportunity to steal output from behind.

Xia took two steps and leaned against the wall of the dragon pit, and Danar, who was stuck in the corner of the dragon pit, suddenly jumped out.

Crossing the shadow at the corner of Longkeng, Gnar turned around and made a big move.

Although it was only separated by half a wall, Lin Cheng had no idea before Gnar appeared.

Very suddenly.

Once Xia is slapped against the wall, she will definitely be caught in seconds if she can't even use her ultimate move.

However, always try not to compete with Lin Cheng.

Betting on his inability to react is better than betting on a Russian roulette bullet jam.

The moment Gnar landed, Lin Cheng promptly unleashed his big move, Storm Feather Blade.

Xia jumped up high, setting off flying feathers all over the sky.

When it's wide open, you can adjust the position. Lin Cheng pushed forward on purpose, so that the dragon pit was covered with feathers.

Zeus stuck Xia's ultimate move, and W shot it.

When Lin Cheng landed, he immediately adjusted his position in a gust of wind, dodging Gnar's W while protruding from the plane.

What's funny is that it happened that the big dragon flew Brother Li's plane with his tail.

Xia easily killed him with two clicks.

"Double Kill!"

At this time, the remaining brothers of T1 have no way out, and it is temporarily impossible to rush to kill Dalong. The three of them are red-eyed and want to kill Xia who has completed the life-saving skills.

However, Lin Cheng's move of A gave tremendous pressure.

A whistling of feathers set off a deadly rhythm, and after Lacus was easily killed, Lin Cheng's barb hooked the remaining two.

"Triple Kill!"

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is so fierce! One person blocked four of them in the dragon pit, without vision! You have to push forward...Gnar jumped out and got dodged with his big move!"

"The wind dodged the W, Brother Li was knocked into the air! Dalong made a perfect assist, and Xia seemed to be finishing off!!!"

Wanwan became excited, "Is there a pentakill? There is a chance! But Xia was also crippled by the dragon... Where are the teammates? Save me!"

Because there was not enough blood-sucking, Xia was also disabled after eating Gnar stones to slow down and being sprayed twice by Dalong.

Teammates arrived just in time.

Seeing that the blind monk's Q skill hit Xia, a wine barrel flew from outside the dragon pit.

Lee Sin and Gnar are blasted into the wall at the same time.

Luo Qianli rushes to help, Flash + Qingwu forms a double brush shield.

"Give it! Let it go!"

Wanwan became excited, "Penta kill! Brother Chengzi is going to go for penta kill!"

Before she finished speaking, Xia hit the bloody blind monk to death with her backhand.

The rest of Gnar couldn't touch Xia at all, and Lin Cheng was easily controlled by his teammates to complete the finish.

"Penta Kill!"

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