This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1748 Mr. Dai adjusts well, brothers are waiting for your chapter

"Pentakill! Brother Orange's first pentakill this season!"

Wanwan said loudly, "Pentakill with 1 against 5 alone! Season TOP 1 is scheduled! The most exciting scene of this season in all competition areas was born."

Ze Yuan dragged out his voice, "Is this Brother Cheng's Xia? It's so terrifying!"

"T1's big dragon decision-making is fine, but Chengzi's performance is too abnormal. He has no vision and just pushes into the dragon pit to operate."

"It is said that courage is the seventh piece of equipment for AD! Brother Cheng, this seventh piece is still a mythical equipment, right?"

There are too many bullet screens.

"send! ! ! ! "

"Turtle!The gold content of this Pentakill is almost 1 on 5! "

"If it wasn't for being sprayed twice by Dalong, the teammates would have played 1 against 5 if they didn't come"

"Didn't this female policeman play very fiercely before the game?"Why was Xia twice hit to death in front of her teammates? "

"Little Lu Bu is set off well"

"Anyone who confronts Brother Chengzi will be punished, it's too fierce!" "

"The world's number one AD Lin Xiaocheng, who is against it? "

"Big guts!The world's number one AD is at Uncle's place"

"Shiyi A hasn't played recently, he is soaking in the bathhouse opened by his uncle"

Soon the director gave a first-person view playback.

There weren't many controls in T1, and Lin Cheng basically avoided all the skills he could dodge in this wave of operations.

The whole operation is pulled to the limit, not to mention mistakes, every frame is basically the theoretical optimum.

The key is that he looked very calm under the camera. Lin Cheng didn't smile until he finally won the pentakill and his teammates called wildly.

The fans at the scene have gone crazy.

Even the audience in front of the screen could hear the loud cheers from Lin Cheng's headphones.

Lin Cheng turned his head and gave a thumbs up to the KT fan area.

At the same time, he muttered in Chinese.

"Didn't Kim Hyuk Kyu say that AD is not that simple?"

"But it feels easier than I imagined! Isn't it enough to have hands?"

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

"Fuck!As expected of you"

"Classic as long as you have it"

"Mr. Dai: AD is not that simple, brother Chengzi: simpler than imagined"

"Someone can't sit still now, 23333"

"Team safety, don't worry! @Daft

"Mr. Dai adjust well, brothers and sisters are waiting for you to come back"

Mouse Channel's T1 [-]nd channel live broadcast room.

"It's back! There is still a chance to eat the big dragon, and if you win the big dragon, you can turn it over!"

Seeing KT's death train, Wolf, who had been moaning for 10 minutes, suddenly became excited.

Bang clapped his hands in relief, "KT's lineup is very short, and they won't be able to get to the high ground if we drag it on."

"As long as we give the double C a little more time to develop, our lineup is very easy to play. Wait for Gumayusi's Kaitlyn to equip it and win casually with the advantage of long hands."

"Take down the big dragon first, and buy more development time."

Wolf: "Right right! Don't worry about the others, let's get the Baron first... Wait! What is Xayah doing? What does he want to do in this position? He won't... Hey! Caitlin's been shot! "

"Gumayusi is second!"

"Xia's damage is so high! Lux's Q flash missed! Take the dragon first, RUSH the big dragon and leave quickly."

"Couch was knocked into the air! Why? Is the big dragon raised by their family?"

"It's over! I'm going to kill this person! I'm going to kill five times!"

Wolf put his head in his hands and watched Xayah play pentakill.

"Send it!!!"

With a piercing wail, Wolf's fat body suddenly collapsed on the chair,
With a creak, the chair fell backwards.

Along with it, the desktop equipment was also knocked over.

Amidst Bang's exclamation, the live broadcast room suddenly went black.

T1 celebrity fainted from anger watching the game!

Not only was Wolf engaged in program effects in the live broadcast room, but the live audience was full of program effects.

At the moment of Lin Cheng's five kills, the atmosphere on the scene reached its peak.

KT fans cheered thunderously, and all kinds of cheering objects were waved wildly.

"Penta! Penta! Nice!!!"

"KT move forward! Cheng Huai is strong!"

"Our KT is invincible!"

"Xi Ba! Fuck the bastards of T1! @#¥@%#@%"

On the other hand, the atmosphere in the T1 fan area dropped to freezing point.

Originally, the opponent's death train sent four at a time, but the fans who saw the dawn of the comeback have cheered up.

As a result, a T1 fan at the scene just started to panic, and turned his head as if he was knocked out with a stick.

KT fans are crazy about their faces.

Someone stood up, put his hands to his mouth and shouted towards the fan area of ​​​​the sworn enemy:
"Tell me, who is the world's number one AD?"

T1 fans pretended to be dead, and the KT fans next to them responded in unison: "Cheng!"



"Speak louder! I~listen~no~see~~~"


The KT fans at the scene burst into laughter.

Some people deliberately booed towards the opposite area.

Even the good-looking young ladies are not treated preferentially.

I heard you guys are dancing?

The strong want to severely humiliate the weak.

The T1 fans all had dark faces, as if mourning.

Seeing Lin Cheng's face appear on the big screen, T1 fans gritted their teeth with hatred.

They haven't had a good day since this guy came.

After taking down the big dragon, he went back to the city to make up for it. Lin Chenghe took out the Quick Blade and also took out a yellow fork. The equipment was very luxurious.

KT's big dragon operation is not in a hurry. The four-one point belt first pulled out the opponent's only second tower on the road. Before the CD of Xia's ultimate move improved, the four front KT just huddled together to cover the small soldiers grinding the high ground.

This is also the biggest problem with Crit Liuxia, the CD of the ultimate move is too long.

Lin Cheng didn't do anything wrong, it was still very dangerous to be driven by his opponent.

So KT's plan is to let the minions grind the tower first, wait for Xia's ultimate move to improve, and then use the last minute of the dragon BUFF to suppress the high ground.

But T1 chose to do it in advance.

With the CD of Xia's ultimate move stuck, Zeus's Gnar folded up in anger and suddenly TP circled behind.

The plane also picked up the dynamite pack TP.

KT's field of view in the wild area was not cleared, and they really got around.

Of course, KT still discovered the opponent's circling in advance.

Faker plane decisively brought a stopwatch explosive pack to start a group, trying to disrupt the formation and create opportunities for his teammates to enter the field.

But Gnar didn't flash, and it was still too difficult to go in and take pictures in person.

KT's team play ideas are also very clear.

Being rushed in by the explosive pack to divide the formation, Luo Kaida immediately restricted the blind monk from entering the arena.

The wine barrel was thrown at Xia's feet, just enough to blow Gnar who jumped over to the wall, and forced out the stopwatch of the plane.

Xia turned on the W lethal feather coat, and swayed the feathers crazily.

At this time, Lin Cheng didn't need to choose a precise target, he just moved out of the way of the explosives and directly laid feathers on the A floor.

Adjusting his position while walking Anal, Lin Cheng's QE barb not only controlled the blind monk but also the stopwatch of the plane and got up.

With a backhand general attack, the plane died suddenly.

The big picture is set!

With the swift blade, Xia's W has almost no gaps, and she keeps walking A to sway her feathers.

The Feather Blade roared, and together with the Barb Lin Cheng easily dominated the battlefield.

Killing to the high ground, Xia scored four kills.

Only the female policeman returned to the spring.

Quickly breaking the crystal in the middle, Rookie Ruiz stepped aside and started to flush the spring.

"Five kills! Lin Cheng comes up."

Lin Cheng didn't think too much, and got into the car.

But he suddenly felt wrong again.

The memory of the dead suddenly began to attack Lin Cheng.

Last year, it seemed that he and his teammates rushed to the spring of T1 and wanted to kill Xiao Lu Bu to make up five kills?

At that time, Xiao Lu Bu resurrected Jia to change the stopwatch, and he just relied on the spring water to get the pentakill.

"Forget it! Demolition of the tower is more important."

While talking, Lin Cheng got out of the car violently.

But the teammates couldn't get out of the car anymore.

"Yeah? Lin Cheng, what's the matter with you?"

Ryze drove three teammates into the spring.

As expected, little Lu Bu, an old bastard, bought a stopwatch when he saw Ruiz driving the big spring.

The four brothers got the policewoman's Q skill as soon as they entered the spring.

The prince went up with EQ, but was evaded by Xiao Lu Bu's stopwatch.

At the same time, Luo W also went short.

Brother Cuzz was dropped by the spring water in seconds.

The wine barrel who turned around accidentally stepped on the clip, and quickly opened the golden body.

Fountain attacks Ryze instead.

The driving position was a little deep, and Rookie quickly lit up his golden body.

As soon as the two brothers' golden bodies shined, it was Luo who was unlucky.

Beryl was too brittle and was instantly killed by the spring water.

Then the policewoman got up and put clips at the feet of the two golden men one by one.

The policewoman scored a quadruple kill.

Lin Cheng, who was demolishing the front tooth tower, was almost dumbfounded.

What do you think when the policewoman opened the golden body in the spring?
Fortunately, brother Cheng didn't get in the car!
Proper black car!
Ze Yuan: "Ryze drove to the spring! To help Brother Cheng get another five kills, this is the friendship between teammates... Hey! Brother Chengfeng got off the car... But what are these brothers doing? It's over! Haha!"

"Why doesn't Rookie bring minions when he drives into the spring? He really doesn't have much experience in using Ryze's big move."

Wanwan: "It's a good thing Brother Chengzi didn't get in the car, otherwise he would have sent five kills to the policewoman, which is too outrageous!"

Zeyuan: "Then can Gumayusi guard it? It doesn't seem to work! The front tooth tower has fallen."

Lin Cheng's Xia's equipment is really good, and the time when his teammates rushed to the spring to send four kills has already caused Xia to take down two front teeth.

The policewoman rushed out to defend the base at this time.

Lin Cheng moved around to avoid the policewoman, and quickly clicked on the base.

In fact, the five kills have not stopped yet, but Lin Cheng didn't flash or blow the wind, and it's not easy to kill the policewoman just by relying on the acceleration of W.

Knowing that the policewoman should still have a strong wind, Lin Cheng simply prepared to be a slave.

Little Lu Bu was eager to guard his home, and when he saw the remaining blood in the base, he chose to rush to his face with a strong wind.

But the difference in damage between the two sides was too great, and the lethal feather coat effect on Xia's body hadn't stopped.

Lin Cheng made two critical blows with his backhand, directly hooking the policewoman to death.

"Penta Kill!"

Lin Cheng didn't expect that he still got the pentakill.

Xia smoothly clicked on the opponent's base.

Ze Yuan: "What is this? Brother Chengzi still got pentakill! The ending is reversed again."

Wan Wan chuckled: "Four teammates brought water from the spring, which gave little Lu Bu the illusion that he could keep his home, and then Cheng Zi brought his family along with him."

"Five kills! This wave of Brother Chengzi is in the atmosphere!"

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