This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1749 Director Cheng!Keep on carrying!

Chapter 1749 Director Cheng!Keep on carrying!
Watching Xia get a pentakill in a dramatic way, when Lin Cheng clicked on the opponent's base, his teammates had already condemned her.

"Hey C~~~ I know why Lin Cheng didn't get in the car."

"Deliberately let us send it, and then trick Caitlin to come out and kill it?"

"Fishing, huh? Use us as bait."

"Lin Cheng, are you playing 1 against 9?"

Lin Cheng himself couldn't help laughing, "I'm not fishing on purpose, you guys are going to give it away yourself."

It can only be said that Brother Cheng remembers to eat and fight, and temporarily remembered the lesson of Chongquan sending five kills last year.

It just so happened that none of the four teammates on the field had experienced the game last year, so it was normal for Lin Cheng to lead them by a bit of experience.

Talking and laughing while taking off the earphones, I heard the KT fans in the front row cheering wildly.

"Here! Call it here!"

"The world's number one ADC!"

"Come on! Smash the puppies of T1!"

Waved to the fans, Lin Cheng is not ready to covet the title of the world's number one AD just yet.

It's not because of Uzi's comeback this year!

A game can't explain anything, what if little Lubula has a stomach today?
He didn't look well.

On the other side, the T1 player seats.

Little Lu Bu looked at the panel after the game with a dignified expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

It's very different from the hippie smiling face before the game.

Realizing that his teammates had gotten up to leave, little Lu Bu hurriedly raised his head and drank the last bit of the mineral water bottle, then stood up and took away another empty bottle on the table.

Wan Wan: "Did he drink two bottles of water after only playing for half an hour?"

Ze Yuan: "It can only be said that the pressure is really boring! Little Lu Bu usually pays attention to replenishing water, and he has a habit. The more pressure he has during the game, the more water he drinks."

"It seems that Brother Cheng puts a lot of pressure on him. In a normal BO3 match, Xiao Lu can solve the battle by drinking two bottles in the whole game. Today, he has already drunk two bottles in one round."

Wanwan thought about it, "Hmm~~~~ Then he shouldn't be able to play five or ten minutes of rounds, right? Otherwise, what if he wants to go to the bathroom?"

"Yes! This angle is tricky."

Zeyuan teased: "In the future, when the opponent plays against T1, it is recommended to delay the time directly. Just drag it for five or six 10 minutes, and boil the old man's bladder at the same time."

Wan Wan chuckled: "It makes sense! The further you go, the lower your chances of winning T1 may be."

"Bengbu live!What are these two people doing? "

"Is it okay to boil the bladder? "

"It's a bit reasonable to ride a horse, Li Ge is afraid of boiling the old man, little Lu Bu should also be afraid of boiling his bladder after drinking so much water (funny)"

"Brother Li got too old and lost his concentration and started to get sick, and little Lu Bu was delirious because he was so anxious to urinate"

"Little Heizi!Wait for the T1 lawyer's letter"

"It's like my internet fee is almost up, every time I get off the plane, I am anxious to rush up and kill all the opponents, and then give it away"

After a short break, it was time for the selection of POG in the first game.

The camera cuts back to the commentary.

The reaction of the families on both sides made the audience almost tense.

"Guess! The POG of the first game has been released, I believe everyone has enough mental preparation, that is...Cheng player!"

The corners of Jin Zhixian's mouth were slightly raised, and the slightly shaking silver earrings in the long hair reflected the crystal light under the light of the live broadcast room, inexplicably attracting attention.

The long, meaty legs under the hip-wrapping skirt gracefully overlap and close together, and the white stiletto heels step on the ground. When Lin Cheng was elected as POG, she couldn't help but tip her toes slightly.

I couldn't hide my joyful mood.

On the other side, Bitdol is staring blankly at the studio screen, with a face full of lovelessness.

The comments in the Korean streaming room are very real.

"LOL! Bitdol looks like attending a funeral of a loved one"

"It really counts as attending a loved one's funeral"

"Wooooow!Miss Zhixian has such a good figure, she is really eye-catching"

"The way she picked the toe of her shoe was really greedy! "

"I have a showdown!"I want to have a bite! "

"Behave yourself!Wait for the Cheng to eat first! "

"Although I think you are against the sky!But can you also give me a lick (dog head)"

"I suspect that Cheng watched the commentary before the game, so the firepower is so fierce (dog head)"

"Director Cheng, keep on Carrying!"Miss Zhixian is watching you"

"Director Lin Haocheng, right? (funny)"

With the announcement of the POG candidates, the director also gave a panel.

Lin Cheng's bust appeared beside Kim Zhixian, just blocking Bitdol's figure.

In this season's fixed-makeup photo, Lin Cheng stands sideways, with one hand in his pocket and looking directly at the camera, with a calm and leisurely attitude.

Xia's original painting happened to be standing sideways with the feather blade in her hand, as if fighting Lin Cheng back to back.

Yin Xiubin: "Twice five kills! 48% damage ratio, [-] matchup economy is poor, there is no suspense for Cheng's Xia to be elected POG unanimously, the performance is really too exaggerated."

"No one expected that Cheng, who was playing in the bottom lane for the first time, would play so well against Gumayusi."

Kim Ji Hyun: "Guess! Although we have habitually expected the highest from him, he still breaks our expectations time and time again."

"If you are a new viewer, after watching KT's game, you will definitely wonder where his limit is, and you can't help but want to know him better."

"But as you get to know him better, you will find that he is always full of surprises, and you will be fascinated by him step by step."

Yoon Soo Bin teased: "Wow~~~ Is this Miss Kim Ji Hyun's confession to contestant Cheng?"

Kim Ji Hyun smiled, "Of course! I'm sure, whether Cheng plays for KT or not, I will be fascinated by him. This player has such charm."

Yin Xiubin blinked: "Just as a fan?"

Jin Zhixian also blinked: "Otherwise?"

The crisp and cheerful laughter of the two hostesses filled the commentary booth.

Bitdol couldn't help sighing, he felt a little out of place.

The jagged man still admitted the fact.

"I have to say that Cheng is indeed an extreme hero. As far as the first game is concerned, Gumayusi's matchup was blown."

The Chinese stream viewers couldn't hear the words of the Korean stream commentary in the POG session, so Lin Cheng's little fan girl and Ze Yuan naturally made a big blow about Lin Cheng.

The barrage is lively.

"This Xia Xia is really perverted, all kinds of moves and operations are wet for the Lord"

"Let's learn from LPL's AD, this is the upper limit of AD"

"On that wave of Dalongkeng 1 vs 5, which AD in LPL can copy it? "

"Huanfeng: If you don't believe or spread rumors, how does AD do things?" "

"Brother Shuizi can learn from it, Huanfeng doesn't have the guts"

"do not!Fans of Taobo said: Don't let Brother Shuizi see this scene! ! ! ! "

"Brother Shuizi said he learned it!Then backhanded to send Boda's"

"Brother Shuizi is courageous enough, but the operation is too rough, he will definitely die suddenly in the same situation"

(End of this chapter)

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