This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1752 Rookie: I only hit the wall twice this year

Chapter 1752 Rookie: I only hit the wall twice this year
The prince squatted in the grass in the river, waiting for an opportunity.

Knowing that the opponent's jungler might still be there, Lin Cheng was more cautious in his position, using Q from a long distance to replenish the remaining blood racing soldiers, twisting left and right to insist on not going forward to continue replenishing soldiers.

"I'm done, I'm going to explore the river."

Beryl's Lux was going to explore the river to confirm the prince's position, and the policewoman followed to cover.

Because Cuzz came down after clearing the entire upper half of the area, and the speed of the lower side will be relatively late. At this time, the pawn line is pushed forward a little, and it is impossible to worry about the threat of the prince.

Beryl's Lux leaned towards the mouth of the river and threw E to explore the grass.

But he didn't choose to go out from E at the extreme distance. When he was close to the wall at the corner of the river, the German flag fell from the sky.

The prince's EQ picked up Lacus and smashed it down with one shot.
Lux's blood volume suddenly dropped a lot.

"Jiavan! Kill Jiawen!"

Beryl's backhand Q skill imprisoned the prince.

Lin Cheng didn't think too much about it. After he was promoted to the second grade, he didn't add any points. He decisively learned the trap and put it at the prince's feet.

And Keria is also very decisive, the female tank directly flashes E to Lux, and ignites her backhand Q skill at the same time to stun her.

The Lak Ribbon is not an aftershock, and its frankness is completely insufficient. After Beryl hit a set of damage, he found that the situation was not good.

"Kill Jiawen! Kill Jiawen...Lin Cheng, run! The damage doesn't seem to be enough."

Beryl crazily ordered Lin Cheng to retreat, and at the same time Lux handed over the flash.

An embarrassing scene happened, Beryl's flash unexpectedly bumped into the wall at the corner of the river.

Although she pulled away a little from the prince's body, Lux just caught Aphelios' Tongbi Q after dodging.

Lin Cheng was dealing with purification in this round, and he couldn't do anything without treatment.

Aphelios Tongbi took the head off with a single shot.

Lux flashed into the wall and sent a blood, and Lin Cheng did not listen to Beryl's command to retreat early in this wave.

His judgment is different from that of his own assistant.

After the female policeman put clip A to shoot the headshot, she kept walking A to output the prince.

After all, Beryl dealt all the damage before he died, and the prince's blood volume is actually very dangerous.

After Lux was killed, Lin Cheng decisively flashed into the grass, turned around and fired a shot.

The number of headshot layers stacked by the policewoman's bushes is doubled. Lin Cheng was originally a five-layer passive, and he needed a headshot from A to complete the preparations, but the general attack shot that flashed into the grass would immediately trigger the headshot damage.

The prince was also ignited by Beryl, and he was taken away by the policewoman's sudden headshot before he could wait for Kaixuan's reply.

Nosuke from both sides completed a one-for-one exchange.

The female tank took two steps.

Lin Cheng leaned in the grass to pull output.

The policewoman is full of deadly rhythms, and the attack speed has already increased at this time.

Keria didn't feel dizzy either. After taking two shots, she decisively turned her head and evacuated from the grass.

Lin Cheng was stuck, and the two T1 brothers were blocked at the mouth of the river, making it impossible for the policewoman to return to the line.

But Lin Cheng was very fierce, and he had to confront Aphelios when he got out of the grass.

The female tank suddenly shot the E skill that had been cooled down.

Zenith Blade precisely pointed at the policewoman.

However, at this moment, Liang Zai arrived.

Cuzz's blind monk touched the wall under his eyes, and his Q skill accurately hit the female tank.

The female tank didn't dodge, so she had no choice but to run away.

Little Lu Bu decisively sold the support.

"Lin Cheng gives it to you! You eat what you eat!"

Although Cuzz has only been here for half a season, he has already learned [-]% to [-]% of Little Peanut's face from last year, and Lin Cheng's policewoman successfully added another kill.

"Double Kill!"

Zeyuan: "Oner is still squatting! Brother Chengzi is also very cautious and did not rush to replenish troops, but Lux was caught exploring the grass! What should I say? The female tank E flash will fight to the end!"

Wanwan: "It's broken! Beryl flashed and hit the wall...but brother Chengzi flashed into the grass and took a headshot to replace the prince. It's not a loss if you exchange one."

It's not a loss just now, and found out that the female policeman got a double kill with the help of the jungler, and Wanwan's face changed again.

"This wave of blood earns! Brother Cheng's double kill is taking off!"

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

"Wanwan: I was double-flyed by Brother Chengzi! "

"The night is too real!From being broken to earning blood, changing face at the speed of light"

"This flash A headshot does have an idea, a bit handsome"

The director gave a first-person view of Lin Cheng.

Part-time translator for voices in the team every night.

"Beryl and Brother Chengzi were actually prepared for the communication. They already guessed that the prince might be in the bushes, but unfortunately they were picked up by EQ."

"Hmm~~~ Beryl has been talking about letting Brother Cheng sell him, but Brother Cheng obviously judges that he can fight back."

"Beryl has been talking this wave, even after he died, he kept ordering Cuzz to support."

Wanwan thought about it, "Is it because I was distracted by directing all the time? Otherwise, Beryl's flash hitting the wall really didn't make sense."

Zeyuan: "Of course! Commanding sometimes really makes players lose their attention, which is why we often see the most outrageous operations of support players, and support is also the most common command position."

After a pause, he added angrily, "It's not me, the cat king was also the leader of Taobo back then."

"Grass!Cat King Sanlian can also be washed, right? "

"Who is the King of Cats?"so unfamiliar

"Don't Touch Porcelain for Mobile Game Commentary"

"One thing to say, the command will indeed affect the operation"

"The most classic is Lian Nan's river boxing (dog head)"

Not only the commentators were making fun of it, but the KT team also made fun of Beryl's mistakes.

Lin Cheng: "What's the matter with Zhao Qianxi? Can you hit this wall?"

Cuzz: "If Lux doesn't hit the wall, this wave will be 0 for 2"

Rookie: "If Lux doesn't die, give me some skills, maybe 0 can be exchanged for 3."

Being teased by teammates like this, Beryl couldn't help laughing.

He also joked, "I played two big fights with brother Yijin yesterday and got infected by him."

Rookie: "Don't blame me, I only hit the wall twice this year."

Lin Cheng: "Are you proud of only bumping into you twice?"

The crowd laughed.

Compared to the dignified faces of the T1 brothers on the opposite side, the atmosphere on KT's side is particularly relaxed.

Beryl made various low-level mistakes not once or twice, and was often teased by Lin Cheng.

After careful study, it is indeed the players in the command position who tend to make outrageous scenes.

For example, Brother Shuizi was also in charge of commanding, and he always died suddenly for no reason.

In the past, EDG was the commander of Qijiang, and there were many scenes of falling watches for numbers.

Later the conductor was changed to Meiko.

When he punched in the river, he was also commanding his teammates. In the voice, Meiko told his teammates that he could enter the dragon pit, while punching the void in the river.

Typical two-thread crash.

Of course, dual-threading both operation and command does not necessarily mean a complete collapse.

This year's Nongshim has already seen such a scene twice:
Evert died suddenly in the wild alone, and then he frantically commanded his teammates to win team battles in 4 vs 5 in the spring.

Facts have proved that command may be more important than operation in many cases.

To be honest, Lin Cheng was a little surprised to get two heads in the bottom lane.

He is obviously not very proficient in female policemen, and he just used his basic skills to cooperate with the assistant Xiao to suppress the opponent. As a result, the opposite jungler ganked a wave, and the advantage came like this.

At least Lin Cheng didn't start with two heads this morning when he practiced as a policewoman.

How is it easier than playing RANK?
Never had such a wonderful start!

 Sorry for being late.

  The author of the dog went to the hospital today, and came back to write in a hurry
(End of this chapter)

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