Chapter 1753

Having won two heads early, Lin Cheng immediately retreated back to the city without wasting time.

It is obvious that a few more money from the soldiers would be enough for the quiver at noon, but Lin Cheng insisted that he was not greedy.

Because the pawn line is slightly pushed towards KT at this time, the pawn line coming out in the next wave will make the opponent very uncomfortable.

Lin Cheng was sure that little Lu Bu would not dare to push the line alone.

Sure enough, AD on both sides chose to return to the city.

Lux, who was killed first, was the first hero to go online in the bottom lane of both sides. Beryl rushed into the front grass in front of the pawn line, making it clear that the female tank would not come back to push the line.

In fact, the difference in the number of minions between the two sides is not much, and it is impossible for the line female tank to push in. Keria chose to go to the triangle grass to make a vision when she came back.

So, when Lin Cheng came back, the pawn line was stuck in front of the red square tower.

And Cuzz chose to go straight to the lower half after returning to the city after playing crabs just now.

At the same time, he pinged the blue side's first half of the field.

"Jiawen should be on top, you guys push slowly in the bottom lane, I'll come over to see if there's a chance."

"OK OK!"

At this time, pure 2v2KT in the bottom lane is very dominant, especially because Beryl stands in the grass and the pressure is too great. The two T1 brothers who eat Lacus Q and are caught by the policewoman may die.

And seeing that the opponent retreated to the back and waited for the line, Beryl just put pressure on the grass.

Soon, Oner's prince knocked out the divination flowers on it to reveal the ornamental eyes that brother had placed in the grass in the river, and at the same time revealed his position.

This just proved that Cuzz was very accurate in judging the prince's movements.

"Be careful, don't get into trouble on the road."

In the early 5 minutes, KT went down the road and stocked up a large wave of troops and slowly pushed the tower.

The T1 duo is ready to eat the front line of the tower.

But the consumption ability of the policewoman and Lux's long hands in front of the tower is too strong.

The female policeman moved down the tower with two clips, and Lacus' Q skill hit the female tank, and Lin Cheng immediately took the damage and played a set.

The health of female tanks has become a little dangerous.

The blind monk also arrived.

The blind monk was seen in the sight of the triangle grass, and the blue team retreated immediately.

If it is a female tank with full blood, it can still keep Aphelios from taking the tower offline. After all, it is not easy for Lux and the policewoman to jump the tower with the blind monk, but it is precisely the consumption in front of the tower of the KT duo that made T1 The bottom lane must be retracted.

There are too many soldiers in this wave, more than a dozen densely packed.

Seeing the loss of the tower offline, the little Lu Bu who huddled in the autistic grass felt that he had already died once.

Go to jail!

Originally, the first layer of taper on the blue tower was about to fall off. This wave of soldiers cooperated with the female police to quickly peel off the two layers of coating.

"Retreat your position, Jiawen is here."

When driving away the duo, KT Nosuke took a look at the opponent's stone man grass and triangle grass respectively, and immediately found the prince approaching.

Nosuke, who was standing arrogantly, backed away.

Zeyuan: "Ah~~~~ The second tower is facing each other after 5 minutes in the bottom lane, this wave of little Lu Bu is so hurt! In the past, the opponent in the bottom lane was in jail, why is it that he has been in jail for the top laner today? ?”

Wanwan: "There is a problem with T1's communication! Just now when KT went down and hoarded the lane, they should have thought that this wave might be overrun. Oner had to sacrifice the jungle to come to Paulphelios to eat the lane."

Zeyuan: "To be honest, there's nothing we can do about it. Oner was killed once in the bottom lane, and the wild monsters in the upper half haven't been cleared yet. He also needs to make up for his development."

In fact, Oner's response to this wave was already very fast, and the three wolves directly leaned down halfway through the fight. At any rate, they didn't completely lose such a big wave line of Aphelios.

The three KT brothers did retreat when they saw the prince's arrival, but they didn't retreat completely.

The female policeman stood behind the long-range soldier and touched the tower. She had already eaten the third layer of tower skin.

Lux throws skills to harass Aphelios to make up the knife.

The blind monk was pulling hair with the prince on the flank.

The bottom lane was forcibly turned into a 3v3 laning.

The main reason is that there are seven long-range soldiers left in front of the tower, and the three KT brothers don't need to be afraid at all.

"Zhao Qianxi, pay attention to your position, don't be attacked by Leona."

Although the duo didn't dodge, Lin Cheng was only worried that Beryl would get the upper hand.

Once Lux is pointed out by the female tank, it may be instant.

But Lin Cheng himself was not worried.

Even his original position in Tower A made it clear for the woman to point out himself.

Ze Yuan: "The bot lane puts a lot of pressure! Three-man lane, right? Just sticking to the tower in front of the tower so smug?"

Wan Wan was a little worried: "When both sides kidnap the jungler, it is obvious that KT is stronger, but Cheng Zi didn't dodge this position, which may actually give him a chance."

"At this time, Aphelios is the blue and purple sword, and T1 has a lot of control. Once the female tank goes first to the policewoman to pick up Aphelios Falling Light and then picks up the prince's EQ, Brother Orange will be caught in seconds."

In fact, T1 also found the somewhat arrogant position of the policewoman.

At the moment when Lux's Q skill was emptied, Keria's female tank directly pointed E at the policewoman in front of the tower.

But Lin Cheng thought more than his opponent.

Seeing the Zenith Blade coming out, Lin Cheng handed in E immediately.

The female policeman's rope net rebounded, and the female tank pointed at was taken back a bit.

Keria landed and stunned the policewoman, but Aphelios couldn't keep up with the output and control in this position, and even the prince couldn't keep up with EQ.

Instead, the female tank was in a deep position and was besieged.

The female policeman chased after her with a backhanded headshot.

Lux's E skill slows down.

Even if Lux has no Q, the female tank without flash is not full of blood after all, and the blood line will drop quickly.

Although the prince's EQ knocked out the blind monk, the blind monk Er Duan Q still disabled the female tank.

The policewoman took the head again with one shot.

Ze Yuan: "It's numb! This is really numb! Brother Cheng~~~~ Is this also in your calculation? Keria originally found a good opportunity to go first to the policewoman who didn't dodge, but she just happened to be caught The policewoman's E skill was brought to the back, but the Japanese girl gave it away by herself."

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi's reaction is really fast, no wonder he dared to press so hard in front of the tower, he may have thought in advance that the female tank will come up with E first!"

"Now it's not just T1 going to jail in the bot lane, Oner was kidnapped! He's also going to jail in the bot lane."

The director's replay this time gave the victim's perspective.

"Catelyn Caitlyn!"

Keria immediately pointed out that she wanted to greet her teammates to set fire to the policewoman, but when she was taken out, she immediately knew something was wrong.

"Ah~~~ Forget it!"

When she was killed, her hands left the keyboard, Keria covered her face and lowered her head.

Zeyuan: "I feel sorry for Keria! This is really uncomfortable. I thought I had found an opportunity, but Brother Chengzi resolved it so easily."

Wanwan: "T1 really needs Keria's performance to win the game. These two T1 bot lanes were indeed completely suppressed."

"Dr. K is red and warm!" "

"Every time I can't please Uehara God, it's uncomfortable"

"The key point is that Little K can still control Brother Yuanshen in the laning before, but he can't stand the laning today"

"The two sides exchanged AD, and Dr. K is the one who puts on the face"

"Guan Zeyuan really loves Keria"

"After all, Little K brought Zeyuan to kill his aunt, and Zeyuan recognized Little K"

(End of this chapter)

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