This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1755 The truck is dispatched!

"The big dragon ruined his life, T1 was hit hard again because of his big dragon decision, and those with pawn lines in the middle, this will be a wave!"

As long as it is not a game where GEN·G is beaten violently, Zeyuan's commentary will always be full of tension.

"Congratulations to KT! No one expected that this year's first news agency war would be such a plot. Brother Cheng, who switched to the bottom lane, beat up Xiao Lu Bu, and he was directly defeated in two rounds!"

Wan Wan's tone was a bit stern: "It's hard to say the world's strongest AD, but Brother Chengzi, it shouldn't be too much to say that the LCK's number one AD is right?"

"Ah~~~ Is this the first AD?"

Zeyuan couldn't help but said, "It's only been a fight, have you asked Ruler?"

Wanwan asked back: "Then do you think Brother Chengzi can't compare to Ruler?"

Ze Yuan was silent for two seconds, "It's hard to say, we won't know the result until we meet next time."

Wan Wan blurted out, "Then we'll see."

Zeyuan: "..."

It's not me playing the game, what are you showing me?

The barrage is lively.

"Laugh!Let's see (dog head)"

"Wanwan Big Devil is already fighting for the rematch between KT and GEN·G"

"Before the players are in place, the commentator will fight first"

"What the hell is your name Chidi?What the hell is your name Guan Zeyuan? "

"As a miscellaneous, today's mentality is really broken"

"Everyone is saying that the stall is the strongest form in the past five years, but it was beaten violently"

"Unexpectedly, the top SKT will have to be skinned by Cheng Zige"

At the scene, before the opponent's base was blown up, the KT players had already started to high-five and celebrate.

T1 is the biggest challenge that this KT3.0 team has encountered so far. Before the game, even they themselves did not expect to win in such an easy way.

"Good fight! Lin Cheng."

"Although Caitlin's operation is not very smooth, your Xia is really fierce."

"Let Brother Hegui take good care of his illness and don't worry about the team."

The teammates on the field only joined this year. In fact, everyone was not sure about the Tianwangshan battle before the game, especially Lin Cheng, the core member of the team, temporarily switched to the bottom lane.

During the training match, Lin Cheng played AD very sloppily, and often gave him a chance. Unexpectedly, in the match, this guy became steady and ruthless.

It made them worry for nothing.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but smile at the recognition of his teammates.

"I've said it all, I'm strong against AD thieves."

Lin Cheng never forgot to flirt with Rookie, "How about it? It's better to play with me or with Brother Shuizi."

Rookie chuckled and gave Lin Cheng a look that you understand.

He didn't say anything, but he seemed to say everything.

The two laughed happily.

Jie Kuo, people are under the roof, can you understand me?

And he really doesn't answer Q.

After taking off the earphones, cheers from KT fans flooded in.

"Cheng! Salang hey!"

"Director Cheng! Go, go!"

"Depot! Come on, Depot!"

"We KT are invincible!"

There were all kinds of support at the scene, and some even called for Mr. Dai.

If Mr. Dai hadn't shut down the live broadcast because of seeing Lin Cheng's performance, he should be able to feel the fans' love in front of the screen at this moment.

Lin Cheng scanned around and found that nearly half of the audience in the venue had left.

Many T1 fans were fed up with the face of the arch-enemy, and they ran away after the home team exploded in the second game.

Don't run away, stay and be output by riding the face?
They did a lot of crimes in the past, and KT fans remember them all, and the liquidation has never stopped in the past two years.

Cuzz took a peek at T1's competition seats.

Tanza said last year that I was fighting for command.

I couldn't command you last year, so it's okay to beat you up this year, right?

Although it was Lin Cheng who made the first move, today I, the grapefruit thief, also deserved the credit.

At this moment, Brother Cuzz was elated.

Realizing that the camera was aimed at him, Lin Cheng quickly took out a small black notebook from his pocket.

"Coach, hurry up!"

Mr. Kang Dongxun rushed to the stage and handed over Lin Cheng's watercolor pen.

Even though the picture has appeared many times, it is still difficult for the audience to get nervous when seeing Mr. Kang Dongxun's enchanting galloping posture.

The fans at the scene were restless.

Lin Cheng warmed up to play T1 years ago, and everyone already knew the contents of his small notebook in advance.

However, it was different from what he had imagined, this time Lin Cheng started flipping through the notebook from the back.

First of all, what came into the camera was a cartoon.

A cartoon villain with a big head was hanged on an ancient city tower.

In the center of the gate, "White Gate Tower" is written in Chinese and Korean.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Brother Chengzi is too messed up! You are ready to engage in little Lu Bu's mentality in advance, right?"

Wan Wan: "I have to say, this big-headed guy is quite like Gumayusi."

"Bengbu live!Big Boy, 23333》

"Aunt: A group of villains!Labor and management will be ridiculed by you even if they lose the game"

"Fuck!Brother Orange has a good hand at mentality"

Korean audiences know Xiao Lu Bu’s nickname. Gumayusi once substituted various teammates into the characters of the Three Kingdoms in the live broadcast. Everyone understood it when they saw Baimenlou.

The audience at the scene boiled up.

Fortunately, the T1 players ran very fast after losing the game, otherwise I really wanted to see Gumayusi's face.

Draw a cross on the page of Baimen Gate, which means that Lin Cheng smashed another shock wave.

He slowly turned the small book from the front to the page of T1.

You have read the content of this page before the Spring Festival.

It's still the hand-drawing of the truck trying to crash into the T1 team logo.

Happy [-]th Anniversary is also written below.

Lin Cheng took a watercolor pen and drew a big red cross on it.

The KT fans at the scene applauded loudly.

"Truck 1!"

"Truck 1! Truck 1!"

"Truck 1! Truck 1!"

I don't know who took the lead, but the scene suddenly shouted in unison.

The director immediately told the excited KT fans who were preparing for four weeks.

Except for the T1 fans who were so angry that they wanted to beat others, the rest of the viewers in the live broadcast room were all happy and crazy.

So the T in T1 means truck?
T1 becomes Truck 1.

There is no sense of violation and!
Mouse TV Live.

Wolf has adjusted after that fall, and is going to replay today's game with Bang for the audience in the live broadcast room, and find out problems for the team.

As a result, I saw this scene just in time.

Immediately, the famous barbecue stall almost fainted again.

"Wow~~~ This person is really...too much."

"When we were here, in which round did KT get so arrogant!"

"Damn it!"

"Lee Sang Hyuk! Can you teach KT a lesson next time? I can't take it anymore."

There were more than just messes in the live broadcast room, many KT fans came out and taunted them wildly.

The anchor broke the defense!

This disc is gone, and the T1 celebrity will be broadcast at the speed of light.

At this time, many T1 fans who left the scene first had already left the Grand Seoul Building.

Just below the building, they found an emergency vehicle.

The support car was parked in the parking lot of the Grand Seoul Building at the beginning, but the support screen was turned off before.

This time the screen is already on.

It was exactly the same as the painting in Lin Cheng's death notebook.

The truck crashed into the T1 team logo and wrote 'Happy [-]th Anniversary'.

This is really on the truck!
Seeing this scene, the blood pressure of T1 fans went up.

The truck started slowly with the screen on.

Destination, T1 headquarters.

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