This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1756 This is a Temperament

Lin Cheng didn't even know that the KT fans really got on the truck at the speed of light after the game, and greeted the audience. Lin Cheng packed up the equipment and went back to the waiting room.

Korean Stream commentary booth.

"The first telecom battle in 2022 has come to a dramatic end. After today, there is only one team in the LCK that has maintained a complete victory, and that is KT Rolster~~~~"

Jin Zhixian waved his pink fist with a smile, his smile was bright, the silver earrings in his hair swayed slightly and sparkled, and the long legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings under the hip-covering skirt were elegantly close together.

While wolves were howling in the live broadcast room, the audience was surprised to find that there seemed to be fewer people in the commentary after the camera cut back.

The seat next to Bitdol was empty.


Wolf was so angry that he fainted in the live broadcast room just now, and some people in the comment section were so angry that they lost contact?
KT, you guys have done all kinds of bad things!

Yoon Soo Bin: "Because of personal reasons, the Bitdol commentators are temporarily leaving. Miss Kim Ji Hyun and I will bring you the post-match comments."

Jin Zhixian blinked, "Don't think too much, he didn't leave because T1 got a stomachache from being beaten up so badly."

Yin Xiubin held back his laughter, "Nei! Speaking of the game itself, most of the audience thought that today would be a close contest before the game, but after the two rounds, KT completely suppressed T1. What does Miss Zhixian think is the key point?" ?”

"Of course we have Cheng!"

Kim Ji Hyun smiled, "Actually, before the game, I always thought that this T1 team had no chance of winning against KT. It was not entirely because I was a KT fan, but because T1's style of play was too restrained by KT."

As a veteran fan of KT, Kim Ji Hyun's next analysis of the two teams is very profound.

In fact, it is mainly a matter of play.

How did this T1 team get their previous undefeated record?

They rely on the advantage of playing lanes to support the team's operations, and it can be said that they have not encountered too many difficulties in playing against other teams in the LCK.

Because they can all play an advantage against the line to support their operations.

But KT doesn't like this.

KT is the strongest team in the LCK to play line optimization and operation, especially the bottom lane with the best rhythm and effect from T1 before, was suppressed by Lin Cheng and Beryl in both games today, and Oner was kidnapped and imprisoned.

How can T1 win in this situation?
Zeus couldn't beat Rascal, and Faker couldn't effectively radiate the side lanes. The three of T1 went to the field and went to jail. The loss of the game is actually a matter of course.

The tactical thinking of T1 emphasizes the advantage of laning, but they can't beat KT in laning.

When Lin Cheng was on the top lane, he played with T1, and when he went to the bottom lane, he still played with T1. The T1 tactics did not allow them to have a big disadvantage in the lane.

But every time Lin Cheng was crushed by Lin Cheng, T1 didn't know how to win the game at all.

At least play the game of line superiors and grab the rhythm. Any team is a younger brother in front of KT with Lin Cheng as the core.

After frustrating for half a season, I found out that the mortal enemy's style of play is actually against his own youth storm. The mess in the live broadcast room is now a little disheartened.

but it does not matter!
The most indispensable thing for fans is the self-confidence of fans.

Swipe a winning streak against other teams, and soon they'll start dreaming about arm wrestling with KT again.

It's a temperament!
T1 is equivalent to the ultimate version of RNG that Uzi has been in the team and holds three S games + two MSIs and nine league championships.

Who won't get a slap in the face?

If KT hadn't been too strong in the past two years, T1 would still dominate the LCK.

Fans of other teams call Lin Cheng a nationality returner, which actually makes sense.

If Lin Cheng hadn't pushed T1 to the ground and beat them, God knows that many people would have been expelled from their nationality in the past two years.

Lin Cheng and his teammates waited for a while in the waiting room, and the staff came to inform him to accept the post-match interview.

Lin Cheng was given the POG for both games, and he came to the stage alone.

Today's post-match interview is hosted by Yoon Soo Bin.

Yin Xiubin: "First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your victory in today's game. As an AD player, you played the Carry game perfectly in your first game. How do you feel now?"

"Of course I'm very happy. In fact, I was also worried about what to do if I lost today's game. After all, the T1 fans were blowing so hard before the game. I almost thought they were invincible."

Lin Cheng's eccentric words caused the audience to burst into laughter.

I like the face-slapping part the most.

Lin Cheng glanced at the audience, "I know the significance of the Telecom War to the fans. If today's game is lost, everyone who came to the scene will be very sad, right?"

As soon as the words fell, the fans at the scene immediately responded with applause and cheers.

It's more than sad!

They were the ones who really lost and were slapped on the scene.

"Brother Cheng speaks with a gun and a stick, and has a strange yin and yang"

"I almost thought they were invincible, 23333"

"The atmosphere is great! "

"Because the T1 fans are gone, the rest are just blood and oranges"

Yin Xiubin: "Gumayusi changed his Hanbok ID to Cheng Killer before. Is the cartoon that Cheng showed after the game just now a response to your matchup victory?"

Lin Cheng nodded: "Of course! I can also consider going back and changing the Hanbok ID to Gumayusi Killer..."

After a pause, he changed his words again: "However, I have used the current ID for three years and already have a relationship. If I change it, I will have a headache if someone preempts it, so let him go this time."

Lin Cheng believes that as long as he changes his ID, the original KT Cheng will definitely be registered by others.

In fact, there are many players who have encountered this problem.

There is only one server in Hanbok, and many players with professional player IDs are not actually professional players.

For example, SKT Peanut has never been used by Peanut.

When he transferred to SKT, Peanut's team ID was squatted. He contacted the original ID owner and used a Lux skin to change the opponent's name.

As a result, the other party had just changed their name, and SKT Peanut was preempted by others.

In a fit of anger, Peanut randomly added a number in the middle and used it.

This kind of thing happened a lot, and many professional players bought their own IDs from others with money.

Although Riot will protect the IDs of professional players, the players basically don't bother to go through the troublesome application process. They just change their IDs and use them, and the impact is not great.

Considering his own situation, Lin Cheng couldn't easily change his ID right now.

Because KT Cheng's ID is well-known in the Korean server, it would be bad if someone gets scammed when he plays snake.

Yin Xiubin: "Ms. Jin Zhixian just raised a point in the commentary, that is, your KT tactics completely restrain T1's line-playing style. Does Cheng agree?"

Lin Cheng nodded, "Guess! Ms. Zhixian's analysis is very accurate."

Yoon Soo Bin: "Cheng's approval is not a polite word, is it? We all know that Miss Zhixian is your fan."

Lin Cheng smiled, "Of course I'm not being polite, it's my honor to be recognized by Miss Zhixian... Actually, I'm also a fan of Miss Zhixian."


Lin Cheng looked serious: "Of course, I never lie, I am really a fan of Miss Zhixian."

Not only a fan, he is also a fan of Kim Ji Hyun.

Lin Cheng is very sincere.

"Never lie, it sounds fake (funny)"

"One thing to say, I am also a fan of Miss Zhixian"

"fan?The fans are stockings, right? "

"You know fans (dog head)"

"It's mainly Brother Chengzi's hobby, I understand it naturally"

"Who Knows a Painter?I want to read Miss Zhixian's book"

"You guys are so perverted!take me one

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