This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1757 Does he want to ruin Korean e-sports?

Yin Xiubin: "Although the final result is good, but the first time he played as an AD, he will face the top LCK bottom lane combination in the Telecom War. Did Cheng feel the pressure before the game?"

"Actually, there are. Before the game, I specifically checked the statistics of Gumayusi this season, and it was a bit scary."

Lin Cheng's tone was serious, "Additionally, Kim Hek-kyu kept telling me that AD is not as simple as I thought, and that training matches and competitions are not the same thing, which made me very worried about whether I would be blown up today."

Yin Xiubin reminded, "But you still have the mood to prepare comics before the game, and you don't look like you are under pressure at all."

"Get ready!"

Lin Cheng said confidently: "If I lose, I will secretly destroy the manga and pretend nothing happened."

Yin Xiubin suppressed a smile, "Guess! Facts have proved that Cheng is also the top player in the bot lane."


Lin Cheng spread one hand towards the camera.

His tone suddenly froze.

"Kim Hyuk Kyu, are you watching the live broadcast?"

"Playing AD is much easier than what you said."

"I think Gumayusi is better than Zeus!"

Yin Xiubin pursed his lips and snickered.

The Korean stream barrage is very lively.

"As expected of you, KKKKK"

"Deft and Guma and Zeus got hurt at the same time"

"Too much!There is no need to ridicule if you have already won the game, please respect your opponent! "

"Deliberately engage in Guma and Zeus mentality?These two are the hope of Korean LOL! "

"Does he want to ruin Korean e-sports? "

"A Day of Silence for KDK (Dog Head)"

"Stop it! K Za's face is disgusting"

"It's in a hurry! "

At this time, Mr. Dai was watching the live broadcast in the room wrapped in a quilt.

He silently threw away the tablet and buried his head in the bed.

I'm so cheap!

Knowing what kind of piss this guy is interviewing, why is he still watching the live broadcast?
Yin Xiubin: "Cheng player Yongxia got two pentakills in the first game, can you tell me how the team communicated at that time? Dalong's four teammates were not around, why did you dare to do 1v5 what about trying?"

Lin Cheng: "The main reason is that the opponent didn't have key skills at the time. I didn't really want to let them take Baron, so I tried it."

"Originally after Blink stole Caitlin, I wanted to wait for my teammates to come over. It would be fine if the opponent ran away, but they actually wanted to fight the dragon in front of me."

"I don't even know why they... Can you bear this situation?"

Lin Cheng's sudden rhetorical question confused Yin Xiubin, she answered subconsciously, "Ah? Can't... right?"

Lin Cheng nodded, "So! I definitely can't bear it, so I blocked the dragon pit and killed them all."

Yin Xiubin finally came to his senses and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Huya barrage exploded.

"Fuck!Is this human? "

"Because I can't bear it, so it's okay to kill all the opponents"

"It's forced to talk about coquettish talk, and suddenly there is a rhetorical question, which confuses the host"

"The host's reaction is a bit cute, haha"

Yin Xiubin: "Then what about the second pentakill? All the teammates rushed into the spring, and you suddenly left the range of Ryze's ultimate move with a strong wind, but because of this move, you got another pentakill. Did you expect this situation at the time?"

"That's not it!"

Lin honestly said, "I also wanted to go to the spring with me at first, but I suddenly felt that it was more important to demolish the house, so I got out of the car."

"I think... people should be content. I didn't expect Gumayusi to get four kills with the help of Quanshui, but he was not satisfied. He rushed out and wanted to kill me for five kills."

"I hate it the most when someone takes pentakill on me, and I just kill him."

Yin Xiubin: "Uh... Is there a possibility that player Gumayusi just wants to defend the house? He doesn't want to get pentakills."

"Really? Then I blamed him? But it doesn't matter anymore."

Lin Cheng's tone was so flattering that he gritted his teeth in anger in the studio.

This is deliberate!
He definitely did it on purpose.


We T1 will never forgive this guy.

Yin Xiubin: "The two pentakills already show that Cheng's Xia is very good, but what I'm more curious about is why you played Xia in the first situation when you faced Kaitlyn + Rucker?"

"We all know that Xialuo is difficult to play against Caitlin + Lux, but your Xayah has an advantage in the laning phase. Can you pass on the secrets of laning to the audience friends?"

Lin Cheng: "I chose Xia because I have confidence in this AD hero, and the secret of laning is actually very simple..."

Lin Cheng explained a little bit about his laning handling, and the big players in the bullet screen all said that they were useless.

Move around to avoid consumption, and then use feathers and barbs to limit the long-armed policewoman?

It's right to listen to this kind of words, and it is basically impossible to match up at the same level.

No one can keep moving and dodging skills like Lin Cheng, and at the same time, he can lay down feathers to restrict the opponent's movement while making up the knife.

Xia Luo didn't have long hands, so it was normal for the female policewoman Lacus to press and beat her.

Generally, the long-handed heroes of Xia Luo will try their best to find opportunities to fight together, and use the advantages of this combination to exchange blood and establish the line right.

But facing the policewoman Lacus, Xialuo's blood volume basically dropped before she could fight.

Lin Cheng's Xia is so good, except for the perverted position to ensure the state, several times he used the secondary feather to consume the barb to complete the initiative.

Lin Cheng also knows that the LCK audience, which mainly focuses on real money, can't achieve the details like him, so the opinions he gave are quite constructive.

"If everyone is in duo, it's best for Xia Luo to wait for Xia Luo to open W first and then A to the person, and then follow Luo's skills, so that Xia Luo will not be afraid of any combination in the bottom lane."

"Of course, if the rank is slightly higher, the opponent will not give Xia Luo a comfortable chance to start the mobile phone. When I meet the policewoman Lacus, my suggestion is to develop as much as possible and not think too much."

Listening to a top laner talking about AD's laning details on stage, the audience didn't think this scene was outrageous, and they all expressed that they would go to prepare Xialuo duo with their friends later.

Brother Chengzi is solely responsible for not hitting him.

Next, the host asked questions about the female police officers in the second round. Lin Cheng confirmed that he had practiced for two hours before the game, and then the female police officers came to play the game, which gave Korea a little shock.

Absolutely impossible!
It must be that this force has practiced secretly for a long time, and deliberately said that he only practiced two to get our mentality.

So, some miscellaneous people immediately went to the official LCK homepage to report.

The reason is that Lin Cheng used someone else's account to play the game on the Korean server.

As we all know, Lin Cheng does not have a trumpet in Hanbok.

Then he must have used someone else's account to secretly train the policewoman.

Must be scrutinized!

Better to give him a suspension.

Of course, Tanza himself knew that such a report would not be harmful.

Before, there were people who went to report Cuzz as a professional player.

It was purely trying to find ways to disgust Lin Cheng.

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