This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1758 Truck Aftermath

After the interview, Lin Cheng and his teammates took the bus back to the base.

After a leisurely dinner, a group of people went to the training room to rank or broadcast live.

As usual, Lin Cheng opened the DC forum to take a look at the wind direction.

Let me see how many people are praising Brother Cheng today.

Every time as long as the game is carried, Lin Cheng must watch the forum after the game.

The compliments from netizens are always refreshing.

Today's forum was extremely lively. As Lin Cheng expected, in addition to marveling at Lin Cheng's AD strength, the forum turned into a large-scale torture scene.

People who eat melons from all walks of life are celebrating together.

Kill stalls!
For LCK fans, the day of Sha Tan Zaza may be happier than Chinese New Year.

And the post on the top of the homepage caught Lin Cheng's attention.

"Truck Face!This is what happens when you lose the telecom war"

Well!Really on the truck.

The poster is a senior KT fan, and the graphic and text live broadcasted the process of the demonstration truck driving from LOL PARK to the T1 building in Gangnam District.

It is said that the truck was operated privately by a few fans of the KT support club, and it stopped at the LOL PARK in advance to wait for the end of the game to make a fuss.

Wearing the same painting in Lin Cheng's death notebook, the truck stopped under the headquarters building of T1 with the [-]th anniversary blessing.

Many people pass by and stop to take a photo. This truck has been a hot search on Naver, and there are discussions inside and outside the circle.

Tanza danced a lot before the game, and now it is a big embarrassment.

According to fans, the truck was inspired by Lin Cheng.

Carefully browsing through the posts full of pictures and texts, and imagining Mr. Zhao Mashi's reaction, Lin Cheng couldn't stop laughing.

He doesn't feel guilty!

Before T1 gave him a humiliating offer of 50 billion and one thousand won, Lin Cheng hadn't settled the score with the other party yet.

That is because of the unspoken rules of the LCK, unless the news is revealed through an intermediary, usually the club officials will tacitly not disclose the specific quotations of the players.

Otherwise, let the outside world know about Mr. Zhao Mashi's flamboyant operation, and there is no need for Lin Cheng to hold grudges. Fans of the two news agencies can rush Zhao Mashi to the point of losing contact.

T1 fans will feel cheated, and KT fans will feel that Lin Cheng has been insulted.

The truck is really emotional, T1 officials immediately launched a protest on social media.

But it didn't work.

The truck did not violate the rules, and the screen was silently on when it was parked in the parking area on the side of the road. T1 really couldn't drive it away.

No swearing, I wish you a happy tenth anniversary!
Tanzacrazy went viral under hot search comments, attacking KT fans' face-riding behavior.

What's even more funny is that, inspired by the truck, some T1 fans also started discussing on the forum to raise a truck.

This time, the reason they launched the truck operation was that the level of the coaching staff was too low.

That's right!

Even though T1's record of 8-1 this season is very good, today's defeat in the news agency battle has caused extreme dissatisfaction among fans.

They hold the coaching staff to be responsible for this.

T1 has a group of players with the strongest personal ability, but in the eyes of fans, the level of the coaching staff is poor.

The main reason is that the way T1 won the game this season is too single, and all of them rely on the advantage of the laning period to start the operation rhythm.

Only choose a lineup with an advantage in laning, and you won't pull in a team, and once you have a disadvantaged team battle, you won't be able to fight.

Isn't this coach the LCK version of White Crescent?
What does the training team do for food?
If it goes on like this, I will never be able to do KT with Lin Cheng in my life.

Substitution!We want higher level coaches.

As a result, several T1 fans hit it off, and after a brief discussion, they immediately announced the truck preparation plan on the forum.

It attracted a lot of people who eat melons to watch the fun.

"This is really a truck team, KKKKK"

"My own fans and opponent fans get on the truck together, T1 high-level people are stupid"

"The messy face before the game is vivid, but just after the game, I turned around and got on the truck at my club"

"T1 is making money!It is said that a truck manufacturer has contacted them to discuss sponsorship"

Due to the truck plan, there is also a certain split among T1 fans.

Some fans think that the current coaching staff should be given more time. After all, apart from KT, they have no other opponents in the LCK.

But extreme fans said that they were fed up with being ridden in the face by K.

They want an immediate coaching change!

Everyone in the booth started to spray, and the forum was full of enthusiasm.

In addition to the truck incident, there was also a lot of discussion about the live broadcast of the mace group on Mouse Channel.

Shocked to hear that Wolf fainted from anger at the game, Lin Cheng carefully watched the recordings and clips made by netizens with curiosity.

The recorded video has barrage, and the Wolf live broadcast room is notoriously a gathering place for miscellaneous activities. Today, many KT fans and fans came in to make trouble.

Not only is Wolf and Bang's commentary full of performance tension, but the barrage is also full of program effects throughout.

Before the game started, the barrage in the live broadcast room looked like this:
"KT fans support the scene is so strong"

"Let Them Jump!"Later, the area where K miscellaneous people sit will become a library"

"come on!Recast the glory of SKT from today"

"How much does the convenience store president see today? "

"2:0 easy win"

"1557 debut! ! ! "

"Don't use 1557 anymore, there are so many K miscellaneous"

"Just here!Is KT a Chinese team?Why so many support T1? "

After T1 got the female police system in the first game, the barrage is still dominated by miscellaneous.

Kaitlyn of Gumayusi, Terrible! "

"Dare to let Caitlin go? "

"Impossible Team"

"The other side is delirious, taking Xia Luo to face Guma's Caitlin?"Innocent! "

"The way down is too easy"

"T1 is finally going to win the telecom war"

Even Wolf and Bang opened champagne with Tanza in the live broadcast room. Those who didn't know it might think that T1 has already won it.

With the fast-forwarding of the recording and editing, the barrage constantly changes the wind direction.

"Single kill! ! ! Gumayusi's body temperature rose by 1.557 degrees》

"Gumayusi is out of shape today, I can't beat the guy opposite"

"Do you have a cold by looking at your face? "

"It must be due to physical reasons, otherwise T1 will definitely be stronger in the bottom lane"

"Gumayusi had a bad cold and had a fever of 40 degrees"

"BP Gap"

From "Impossible Lineup" to "BP Gap", it can only be said that Tan Za knows the direction of the wind.

The cross-talk and KT fans spared no effort to ridicule, Tanza continued to speak harshly, Wolf was so angry that he passed out and the screen went black, and the whole game was full of program effects.

After losing the first game, Tie Xue Tanza, represented by the president of the convenience store, was still stubborn and uttered many classic quotations.

"Anyway, T1 will win, why should T1 be questioned"

"It's easy to make one chase two"

"Trick the sunspots in first, then kill them later"

"Faker is laughing, scary! "

"Faker wants to carry in the second game"

"The Counterattack Begins Now"

"Choose the lineup carefully, T1 is angry"

Then the second one continued to be beaten violently, and the live broadcast room became even more lively.

It became a carnival for KT fans and sunspots.

"Comfortable! T1 is so dead"

"Speak Miscellaneously! ! ! "

"This is the library, be quiet! "

"Tanza dances 365 days out of 361 days a year, only the few days when I play KT will be more peaceful"

"Today Gumayusi has a fever of 1557 degrees, KT wins without fighting"

"Cold, rematch! "

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