Chapter 1765
"Since Xiaotong spread rumors about my premature ejaculation just now, should I prove myself?"

Lin Cheng's thieves showed that he had bad intentions, Xiao Tong grabbed the pillow with his backhand and pressed it to his face.

"Die you! Don't even think about it!"

Lin Cheng lay down on the ground with a thud, his head was covered by the pillow and he was silent.

Xiao Tong turned her head to watch TV, ignoring him.

What was on the TV was a music program, and Xiao Tong was watching the works of girl groups in the past 20 years with great interest.

After 2 minutes, Xiao Tong couldn't sit still when he saw that the guy next to him hadn't moved.

She lay on the sofa and poked her head out.

"Hey! Are you all right?"

Lin Cheng finally pulled down the pillow and stared at the dead fish with a world-weary expression.

"Of course there is something, it's very sad."

Seeing Lin Cheng's appearance, Xiao Tong just looked at him with a smile.

"Wow~~~ You are still laughing! Is it too much? You and sister Shuyan are like guarding against thieves all day long. Am I redundant at home?"

"What do you say?"

Xiao Tong proudly raised her chin, letting Lin Cheng experience it for himself.

Lin Cheng sighed, and closed his eyes.

"Hey! Are you angry?"


Lin Cheng's tone was foul, and he didn't even open his eyes.

"Are you really angry? You are a big man, why are you so stingy?"

Lin Cheng still didn't respond.

Seeing that this guy was as angry as a child, Xiao Tong only cared about having fun.

But after a while Lin Cheng ignored her, Xiao Tong couldn't sit still.

Is this guy really mad?

Sister Tong is not even angry with him, why are you so stingy.

Looking at Lin Cheng's handsome face, Xiao Tong bit her thin lips lightly.

The two are used to being noisy, and Xiao Tong often ignores Lin Cheng in a fit of anger, but Lin Cheng often coaxes her to make up soon.

She was thinking, should she coax him too?

After making up his mind, Xiao Tong leaned forward and slowly put his head up.

Lin Cheng felt a little itchy on the tip of his nose.

He thought the little wife was tickling him with her hair again.


You must teach her a lesson this time.

Opening his eyes, Lin Cheng found that the little wife leaned out from the sofa and brought her face closer.

A strand of hair hanging from her ear fell to the tip of his nose, and their faces were very close.

Seeing Lin Cheng's eyes suddenly opened, Xiao Tong's eyes trembled slightly.

The long eyelashes fluttered, and her gaze was a little dodgy. As the eyelids were half closed, the pink eye shadow seemed to be shy.

Realizing what the little wife wanted to do, Lin Cheng smiled.

She didn't give up halfway, either.

Finally, the two face to face.

Touching the soft lips of the little wife, Lin Cheng raised his head and sucked lightly.

The slightly sweet smell made Lin Cheng stick out his tongue subconsciously.

Lin Cheng was allowed to break through, and his soft little tongue responded gently.

A very gentle and brief entanglement.

Soon, Xiao Tong retracted her head, lying on the sofa with only half of her eyes exposed.

"Okay! Sister Tong has taken the initiative to coax you, don't play any more temper."

"That's not enough."

Lin Cheng turned over and sat up, leaning his head in front of her, "Lin Cheng is easy to coax, but Lin Xiaocheng is not easy to coax."

His eyes were burning.

Xiao Tong became shy all of a sudden, and stretched out her hand to push Lin Cheng away.

"You're more serious... umm!!!"

Before she finished speaking, her lips were blocked again.

This time, Lin Cheng kissed very hard.

Xiao Tong was lying on the sofa, her beautiful legs wrapped in gradient stockings stretched straight, her thighs wrapped in black silk were close to her knees, and her toes wrapped in white silk were slightly buckled up, showing a little nervousness.

Dizzy, Xiao Tong suddenly realized that she was turned over, she subconsciously grabbed Lin Cheng's arm.

"do not want!"

Getting rid of Lin Cheng's entanglement with lips and tongue, Xiao Tong opened her eyes and looked at him pitifully.

"I made an agreement with Sister Shuyan, you can't be a traitor."

Lin Cheng was a little speechless. Is it okay for the two wives to reach an agreement on this kind of matter?

"But what shall I do?"

"Lin Cheng~~~~"

The little wife dragged her voice pitifully.

Realizing that his tone sounded coquettish, Xiao Tong immediately put his arms around Lin Cheng's neck shyly, and buried his head in Lin Cheng's neck, not daring to look at him.

Lin Cheng wanted to laugh a little.

The little wife's reaction is too cute, right?
"Okay, okay, let's not let our little pupil be a traitor, okay?"

Xiao Tong let go of her arms and hugged her knees and sat up, still shrinking shyly on the sofa.

She buried her cheeks on her knees, and suddenly felt Lin Cheng's hand touching her leg.

"Ah! You said you wouldn't make me a traitor."

Xiao Tong raised her head and stared at Lin Cheng, pouted angrily.

Lin Cheng rubbed his little wife's thigh wrapped in black silk, and said casually, "I won't make you a traitor, I just don't want to go in."

Xiao Tong was stunned for a moment.

Isn't that right?
Taking advantage of his little wife's relaxation of vigilance, Lin Cheng looked down.

Because she sat on the sofa with her knees bent, the pleated skirt slid down a little.

It was only then that Lin Cheng discovered that the little wife's gradient stockings were still long tubes.

The pure black part on the top of the stockings was wrapped up to the thighs, leaving a slight trace on the fair thighs.

No wonder Two-dimensional nerds see "beautiful dreams" in girls' thighs and knee socks, Lin Cheng expressed his understanding.

Originally, he made up his mind not to let Lin Cheng bully him, but Xiao Tong realized that it seemed difficult for him to reject Lin Cheng firmly.

He can't come in.

In this way, I am not a traitor, am I?

Just when Xiao Tong's mind was in a mess, Lin Cheng's palm slowly moved down from his little wife's thigh.

Gradient color stockings are actually more demanding on the figure. If they are not well matched, it will be very strange, that is to say, Xiao Tong's slender and slender legs look stress-free.

The black stockings formed a strong contrast with the fair skin of the thighs, and in Lin Cheng's eyes, there was a strange temptation. Going down the knees, the black gradually became lighter, until the lower half of the calf was completely covered by white silk.

The sense of purity is overwhelming.

Well-proportioned calf lines, delicate ankles, slender soles, and clear toe lines...
Wrapped in white stockings, they all looked so holy and beautiful.

Seduction and purity, one stocking, two experiences.

Lin Cheng liked it.

With the top-level experience of touch and vision, Lin Cheng finally stretched out his hand to grab the ankle wrapped in white silk, and looked at the delicate and beautiful feet wrapped in white silk.

The little wife shyly curled up on her toes.

"Don't look at it! It's very strange."

Lin Cheng couldn't help but slowly raised Xiao Tong's beautiful legs.

Xiao Tong tried to pull back her leg, but to no avail.

She bit her lip lightly, turning her head, not daring to look at this shameful scene.

The little wife's flexibility was against the sky, as her legs were almost folded, the pleated skirt completely slipped off.

Lin Cheng's mind was about to explode.

He leaned over and stuck it up.

Feeling the restlessness of his sweetheart, Xiao Tong trembled all over.

"Lin Cheng."

Her voice trembled.

Poor, she's a little different from the usual fierce Miss Xiao.

"I'll just rub it in and don't go in."

(End of this chapter)

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