This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1766 I am a good person

It's normal for Lin Cheng to think wrongly.

Usually in 19 banned movies, the fetish treatment scene is quite wow.

Jiang Subin looked at him with a smile as if he had seen through something.

"It's different from what you think. There is no picture of a beautiful doctor wearing black silk and squeezing you dry."

Lin Cheng was embarrassed, "Sister Su Bin, don't talk nonsense, I don't think so."

"There is no doctor sister in black silk who wants to step on you."

"...I didn't think so either."

Lin Cheng was a little annoyed, "Be more serious, we are discussing the treatment plan."

Jiang Subin shrugged, "Generally speaking, the treatment plan is to make the patient feel disgusted by electric shock or injection of emetic when he is excited by holding sexual objects."

"Believe me, after repeated treatment several times, you will feel sick when you see the stockings."

Lin Cheng gasped, "It's so cruel! It's so inhumane! Isn't there a gentler way? I'm very humane when I watch movies."

Jiang Subin squeezed her eyes, "Humanity? It's okay! I'll find a greasy male doctor in the clinic to treat you according to the method in the movie. It should also achieve the purpose of making you hate stockings."

Lin Cheng trembled all over.

That scene is scary just thinking about it!
Jiang Subin crossed his legs, and Shi Shiran said: "How is it? Do you need help? There are two options to guarantee you an efficient medical experience."


Without saying a word, Lin Cheng picked up Enxi's little girl who was still sleeping soundly, and ran away.

Jiang Subin laughed out loud, her cheerful appearance was exactly the same as that of Xiaoying.

But she is much scarier than Xiaoying.

Lin Cheng made up his mind to stay away from every psychiatrist around him in the future.

In some ways, psychiatrists may be scarier than mental patients.

Enxi woke up in a daze, rubbed her eyes and found that she was in her uncle's arms, the little girl narrowed her eyes in a daze and stared at Lin Cheng again and again.

She didn't speak, and looked at Lin Cheng with drooping eyelids for a long time, then obediently put her arms around his neck and closed her eyes.

This nap bug is so cute, Lin Cheng couldn't help but kiss Enxi's little forehead.

Walking to the stone road in the community, there was a sound of crisp footsteps behind him.

The sound of high heels hitting the ground is very pleasant.

The rhythm is fast and clear, approaching quickly.

Then he stopped suddenly behind Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng couldn't help turning his head.

He smiled.

Smiling brightly.

"Sister Shuyan."

Han Shuyan's outstretched hands stopped in the air.

She had just come back from get off work and saw Lin Cheng hugging Enxi from a distance. She was going to sneak behind her boyfriend to create a surprise, but she didn't expect that Lin Cheng would notice him in advance.

"Hey! You turn around."


Hearing this, Lin Cheng honestly turned around.

Han Shuyan covered his eyes from behind and lowered her voice deliberately.

"Guess who I am?"

"The most beautiful woman in the universe."


Han Shuyan let go of her hand, "You guys can speak nice words."

"Where is it nice? Sister Shuyan is the most beautiful woman in the universe in my heart."

Han Shuyan asked back, "What about Xiaotong?"

Lin Cheng said confidently, "The number one little beauty in the universe."

She pursed her lips and smiled, her crooked eyes seemed to be shining with brilliance.

"If you say that, guess how Xiaotong would describe you?"

Lin Cheng hesitated: "The biggest idiot in the universe?"

Han Shuyan glanced at him angrily, "Don't deliberately tease me, Xiao Tong wouldn't say that about you."

"That's not necessarily true. It's not surprising that she scolds when she's in a bad mood."

Lin Cheng is not lying, the little wife just said this afternoon that he had premature ejaculation on the street.

The two walked slowly, treating the journey home as a walk.

Today, Han Shuyan is wearing a decent gray business attire, her white shirt is tightly buttoned, her slender and well-proportioned legs are wrapped in black stockings under her hip-covering skirt, and she is wearing a pair of black shiny high-heeled shoes.

The elegant and gentle temperament is particularly obvious in her body.

"Sister Shuyan."


"I miss you so much recently."

Lin Cheng pretended to be pitiful, and leaned close to Han Shuyan's ear. "I want to eat you."

Han Shuyan's pink neck was flushed, and she gave him a white look in reproach.

She doesn't answer.

"Sister Shuyan misses me too, right?"

"In no mood!"

"Wow~~~ It's too much! How can you miss me?"

The corner of Han Shuyan's mouth raised, and she gave her boyfriend a playful look.

Lin Cheng viciously leaned close to her ear, "You are not allowed to run away tonight."

Han Shuyan was stunned for a moment, "But..."

"It's not allowed, so it's settled."

Lin Cheng turned around and quickened his pace.

Han Shuyan was in a tangle.

But... what about the agreement with Xiaotong?
I can't be a traitor.

After just a few steps, the little girl woke up again at this time, seeing Sister Yan immediately cheered up happily, and insisted on asking Lin Cheng to put her down and walk by herself.

So, Lin Cheng walked back with one big and one small.

"Sister Shuyan is so beautiful today."

"It will coax me."

"Yes, yes! Sister Yan is so beautiful."

"Look! Enxi's eyes are sharp, and Sister Shuyan is actually beautiful every day."

"Yes, yes! Sister Yan is beautiful every day."

Lin Cheng praised Fengfeng, and the little girl echoed like an asshole, which made Han Shuyan want to laugh.

Lin Cheng walked neither fast nor slow.

Han Shuyan stepped on high heels under her charming black silk legs and followed slowly.

The little girl tried her best to follow the rhythm of the two.

Like a family of three, surprisingly harmonious.

In fact, in Lin Cheng's view, they are a family of three.

It's just that the family is a bit overpopulated.

Back home, the two wives started to prepare dinner, while Lin Cheng took Enxi to play hide-and-seek all over the house.

Heartless laughter from one big and one small filled the room.

On the contrary, the atmosphere of the two women in the kitchen is a bit strange.

Xiao Tong became a traitor, and she was too guilty to face Sister Shuyan.

Han Shuyan, on the other hand, remembered Lin Cheng's words, and felt that if she became a traitor, she would feel sorry for Xiaotong.

The two women had their own concerns, and when they heard wild laughter coming from outside, they didn't know when they began to blame Lin Cheng for his faults.

Zheng Shiyan came back soon, and after dinner, the whole family got together to play flower cards for a while.

"I'm going back to the bedroom, watch TV and go to bed early."

When Enxi went to rest with her mother, Xiaotong subconsciously wanted to leave the two of them and run away.

She intends to actively create a space for Han Shuyan and Lin Cheng to get along with each other.

When Sister Shuyan rebelled, she would no longer be considered a traitor.

But Han Shuyan had something on her mind, fearing that she would be misunderstood as a traitor, she subconsciously grabbed Xiao Tong's hand.

"Me too."

Lin Cheng resented suddenly, "No! I want to see it too, so don't leave me behind."

Normally at this time, Xiao Tong was the main force of opposition, and Han Shuyan would stand by her side.

But this would make Xiao Tong feel ruthless.

"What about Miss Shuyan?"

Xiao Tong stammered and asked Han Shuyan, "Do you want this guy to watch TV together?"

It was obviously bad for her to ask.

Han Shuyan indulged Lin Cheng the most.

"Ah Cheng..."

"Don't leave me behind."

Lin Cheng's neck twisted, "Sister Shuyan, you won't leave me, right? I really miss you these few days, Sister Shuyan~~~~"

This guy shamelessly began to act like a spoiled child.

Han Shuyan bit her lip, "Then don't make trouble, watch TV obediently."

"Guaranteed to be obedient!"

Lin Cheng pointed to the sky and swore, "I'm a good person! Trust me, I promise I won't mess around."

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