This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1772 Ignite the Dog

Chapter 1772 Ignite the Dog (Bah)
The coaches of the two sides greeted each other and ended the game, and the director gave it to the player's seat at the end of the broadcast.

Xu Xiu was coughing crazily while wearing a mask, frowning while coughing.

The audience was worried about whether he was also infected, and they used bullet screens to express that their health was the most important thing.

The lens turns.

Lin Cheng smiled and turned his head to say something to his teammates. This guy didn't wear a mask, and his hippie smile was completely different from Xu Xiu's.

Yu Tong: "In my impression, Chengzi didn't seem to have played games with a mask on. KT fans must be very worried now. If he is infected with the new crown, the impact on KT will be too great."

"It doesn't matter if anyone in KT is infected. Brother Cheng can cover all positions, but he is the only one who is infected and has the greatest impact, even though the only position where KT has a substitute happens to be the top laner."

After a pause, Yu Tong added: "However, some people are naturally more immune to the virus, so KT fans don't need to worry too much."

"It is said that Mr. Dai was eating mixed sauce noodles with Brother Chengzi an hour before he was diagnosed with the infection. It is reasonable to say that Brother Chengzi has a high chance of being infected. As a result, he has been fine for so long."

Rita: "People's physiques are different, Chengzi's body looks great!"

Question marks filled the screen.

"How does Sister Tazi know that Brother Chengzi has a great body (funny)"

"Have you tried it with Brother Chengzi on the gaming chair, right? "

"I prove that I am a gaming chair"

"Sister Tazi: Brother Chengzi is in great health! "

"Wan Wan: Obviously I came first! "

The two sides started the game peacefully, and the commentator suddenly discovered that Lin Cheng's game was actually led by the ignition.

This is the first time Lin Cheng has brought out the summoner skill Ignition in the arena. Even though other Qinggangying had TP+ Ignite before, he never considered Ignite to play the line.

"Broken! Brother Chengzi brought out the ignition, this is really going to eat people."

"Budou! Hold on, Budou!"

"You don't want to go back and look at the water dispenser, do you?"

As an ordinary hero, Lin Cheng would not use Ignition for the sake of playing lane, but the value of TP as a hero like Jess is indeed smaller than that of ordinary top laners.

In this version, it is not necessary for Jess to lead the line, and Jess is not like the general top laner who can TP around the back. In team battles, Jess must follow the team head-on to exert his power.

So giving up TP didn't have a big impact on Jess. Lin Cheng also knew that it was not easy for him to put pressure on Gwen's jungler in the early stage, so he decided to fight through the road.

The pace of the early game is very smooth.

All roads on both sides are fighting around the line of soldiers, and there is no positive bayonet to see the red.

When Lin Cheng goes online, he will grab the line with the male gun to ensure that he will not be pushed by the opponent and at the same time avoid completely pressing the line. Even if he pushes the line a little faster in the second wave of soldiers, he will quickly put the line back a little bit.

I don't know Gwen's opening route, but his idea is to develop steadily in the first three levels.

The top lane laning was so gentle that the commentators were a little surprised.

In the past, when Lin Cheng got Jess, basically the second-level opponent would be crushed very hard.

Could it be that Brother Chengzi cherishes talents?Are you ready to be gentle with Shangbudou?
But in fact, Lin Cheng thought a lot.

Cuzz's game is red, and he can't help the road for the time being. If he kills the male gun now, Jess can't push the line of soldiers into the tower.

The male gun has TP, and once he is resurrected and gets stuck, it will make Jess very uncomfortable.

Yes, the gun on the opposite side was full of blood, Lin Cheng had already thought about the consequences of killing someone.

This is the case in the top lane, sometimes even if you play a solo kill, you may not necessarily make money. There are many things to consider for a master.

There are ways to play with ignition. Although Lin Cheng rarely uses ignition, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand.

The hero Male Gun can't control the line. In the case of leading ignition, the top line is completely dominated by Jess.

After the pawn line was pushed a little, the male gun had no other choice but to keep A pawns clearing the line.

Budou also carefully went to the grass in the river to make a view, at least the blue team would not be so stressed after being circled by Xin Zhao.

The rhythm was as Lin Cheng wished, and the two sides in the first three levels were two ruthless line-clearing machines.

In this round, the junglers on both sides chose to open the field to cover the bottom lane. Not long after Gwen showed up, a fight broke out on the top lane.

At 3 minutes and 40 seconds, the fifth wave of soldiers on the road converged.

The male gun continued to desperately clear the line according to the previous rhythm, the Q skill scraped all the minions, and the shotgun fired wildly.

Lin Cheng didn't follow to grab the line, and stood beside his three long-range soldiers with residual blood, and used general attack to point troops in cannon form.

Budou already realized something was wrong.

In this situation, Jess is holding on to his skills, and there may be some problems.

The male shooter is short, and two of his front row soldiers have been killed. After clearing the melee soldiers, Budou is not very good to cross his own back row to clear the line.

So after clearing out all the melee soldiers, Budou deliberately went around and hid in the grass on the sidewalk. While Jess's A soldier was in the middle of the grass, the male gun fired a smoke bomb and hit the three residual blood ranged soldiers and Jess at the same time.

The cloth pocket is already very thin now, and the direction of entering the grass is to let the only melee soldier block his body, and the smoke bomb can cover his eyes and clear the line so that he can retreat without pressure.

But Lin Cheng reacted quickly, and Jess QE hit the moment the male gun was out of the grass.

The enhanced cannon just hit the male gun with the melee soldier.

Just as they accelerated, Jessie took two steps in the form and directly Q Sky Leap hammered at the male spear who wanted to lean on the grass.

Although the male gun handed over E, he was still hit by the deceleration.

Lin Cheng got on the ignition immediately, and was not caught by the opponent's field of vision.

With the four soldiers on the field, Jess, who had activated the W Lightning Field, chased after the male gun hammer.

Budou tugged at Bian A, not daring to fight on.

I have been handing in skills to clear the line, and the mana of the male gun has almost bottomed out at this time.

The Jessie Conqueror in the melee form was faster, and Lin Cheng was already ready to kill with the hammer.

clang!The Conqueror sound effect sounds.

Hammering all the way to push the male gun out of the defense tower, Lin Cheng's E skill hammered the male gun towards the defense tower.

When the opponent froze, Jace switched forms.

The W in the cannon form has been useless, Lin Cheng now activates the A twice and shakes his head frantically.

Due to the fact that Jess's blood volume was also very poor due to four pawns being pushed against him, Lin Cheng made a gesture twice and turned his head back not wanting to carry the tower.

Just when Budou thought his opponent had given up, Jess suddenly turned around and flashed into the tower.

The last hit of the limit attack speed is a flat A shot, and the Q skill is immediately thrown out.

The bloody man flashed his guns and pulled back.

But Jess's cannon form Q just predicted the position.

After the male gun flashed, he was taken away by a small electric ball.

Jace gave the tower a lift just to pull away.

"First Blood!"

Yutong: "Budou is about to be beaten back on the road... Wow!!! Solo kill! So sudden! This flashing Q predicts the position where the male gun is flashing."

"Level [-] Jess happened to be the node where the damage broke out in the early stage. Brother Orange directly killed the full-blooded male gun without any preparation in advance. This wave of trouble was absolutely unexpected by Budou."

Rita: "Brother Chengzi is so fierce! This cannon is really accurate."

"? ? ?Miss Tazi is driving again? "

"grass!This is a single kill? "

"The road is going to blow up the line"

"Wuhu~~~~ Hurrah, slip and kneel in the backstage! "

"This Jess is so confident, I can't learn it"

"This male gun can only push the thread from the first level, it's too cowardly"

"If he doesn't push the line, is he looking for Jess to exchange blood?" "

"Ignite the Dogs!" (Pooh)"

(End of this chapter)

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