This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1773 Even Chapter 1788 Even bought the defense tower?

Chapter 1773 Even Chapter 1788 Even bought the defense tower?
Lin Cheng completed a solo kill on the road, and his teammates shouted Nice.

Cuzz is the loudest.

Since the eldest brother has not been given substantial help, the atmosphere must be set in place.

The director's shot was shown in DK's waiting room at the right time. Mr. Danny was very speechless when he saw Budou being single-killed so easily, rolling his eyes.

Then he turned and covered his mouth and said something to Hoya next to him.

Hoya had put his head in his hands and looked extremely sorry for Budou, but when he heard the coach's instructions, he tilted his ears and nodded repeatedly.

The audience cried out in frustration.

"Danny: I can't stand the one above, you are ready to warm up"

"Laugh if you want to laugh! 23333》

"This head-holding performance is not strong enough, and the emotional investment is a little lacking"

"Huo Ya: Crying with Panda's Head (Laughing behind the back) · jpg"

"Praise Brother Orange! "

After the solo kill, Lin Cheng immediately chooses to return to the city, and the next wave will be the artillery line. Even if the male gun is revived and he returns to TP immediately to push the line, Lin Cheng will not lose many soldiers.

Jess was able to make up for the sawtooth dagger in the first wave of homecoming, which is considered the most comfortable laning situation. There is already a clear gap in the combat effectiveness of the two brothers on the road.

Budou obviously also felt the call of the water dispenser, and the male gun only wanted to develop insignificantly and did not communicate with Jess.

Lin Cheng was under a lot of pressure, and the male gun couldn't rest assured to eat the thread in front of the tower, and was constantly being drained of blood.

However, Jess didn't dodge, and it was impossible for Lin Cheng to have any thoughts about the smoke bombs and the displaced male gun under the tower. It was enough for Lin Cheng to be able to suppress the opponent while rubbing some Tapi blood.

In the early stage of this round, KT played well in the three lanes. Cuzz in the middle lane helped Rookie catch the flash of the clockwork in 5 minutes, and the fox in the middle lane stood firm.

There are back and forth between the two sides in the bottom lane, but as long as Lux's Q skill fails to hit first, the EZ+Karma lineup will not be under great pressure.

7 minutes.

Xin Zhao showed his head down the road, helped the duo who had already returned home once to grab the line, and then immediately activated Xiaolong.

The red side has the line right in the middle lane, and the bottom lane is also leading the line right for the time being. DK did not choose to come to pick up the little dragon group.

Canyon's Gwen silently buried her head in the field.

Just when Gwen wiped out the second blue buff in the upper half of the magic marsh frog, Lin Cheng's Jess had already touched the grass opposite the blue buff.

"Jess's advantage in the top lane is too great! Brother Cheng has placed his ward in the jungle of DK ahead of time. This ward can clearly see Canyon's movements."

"Brother Chengzi is going to do something bad! Do you want to try to snatch Lan away? But Gwen will punish you."

Canyon has a lot of experience, and after receiving Budou's message that Jess disappeared, Gwen pulled the blue BUFF as far as possible into the grass when he didn't know whether the other party would return to the city.

But he didn't know that bushes had eyes.

Originally, he planned to grab Lan with one shot and run away, but when he saw Gwen handing over his E skill in order to fight Lan, Lin Cheng suddenly became murderous.

Gwen on the opposite side is only level 7, and Jess is level [-]. Isn't it too conservative to just grab a blue?

After cutting Jess into the hammer form in advance, Lin Cheng glanced at the upper middle position on the opposite side.

Get ready to do it!

"Lao Song help me drag Orianna, don't let him support."

When the blue BUFF was about to lose blood, Jess walked around the shadow of the wall, and the sky leap hammered up.

When it landed, the lightning field opened.

Canyon reacted very quickly, W entwined to increase dual resistance, leveled A+ punished and killed the blue BUFF first.

Gwen rose to level six.

Pin shower shot out.

Lin Cheng's reaction was equally astonishing. At the moment Gwen rose to six, he ignited an advance feed to limit Gwen's reply.

Canyon flat A just stacked four layers of passive, and Q quickly cut and shot.

White's true damage bounced wildly.

Jess' decisive E skill hammered the opponent to the edge of the Three Wolves Pit.

Jess the Conqueror with a short dagger did a lot of damage, and Lin Cheng's set of hammer form skills knocked out more than half of Gwen's blood volume, which was not in good condition.

Gwen turns E forward, and the second-stage R pin shower hits and slows down.

After sprinting, Canyon was about to come up and try his best.

Lin Cheng decisively cut his shape and pulled towards the right side of the Three Wolf Pit.

At this time, the male gun is already approaching the wild area, and running back the original way will be blocked, and Rookie's fox has covered Lin Cheng and fought with the clockwork, so Xu Xiu has no time to support the wild area for the time being.

Soon dragged until the opponent's W ended, and Jess's cannon form W went to A at the speed of light.

Gwen sprinted close to his face, Ping A refreshed his big move, and made another shot with a needle shower.

An acceleration door appeared at Jess's feet, and Lin Cheng accelerated angrily and turned around a little to avoid Gwen's three big moves.

Turning around, the booster blasted straight at Gwen's face.

Gwen's health is low.

The form was suddenly reversed.

Originally, even if he was one level ahead, it would still be difficult for Jess to fight Gwen with his ult, but Gwen's five needles are completely different.

Although Jess the Conqueror is not as slick as Jess the Phase, the damage done by Jess the Conqueror in a desperate situation is not comparable to that of the Phase Jess.

Canyon realized that he hadn't done enough damage, so he turned and ran.

But Lin Cheng's acceleration gate was on the back of the wall of the Three Wolf Pit, forming an extremely long acceleration belt.

Relying on the acceleration effect of the door of acceleration, which is not inferior to that of sprinting, Lin Cheng successfully killed Gwen with the A-point.

At this time, the clockwork had repelled the fox and was about to pack it from the intersection behind the blue BUFF.

"Lin Cheng, run, I can't see Orianna anymore."

Ahri, the hero of scraping the sun, is not called for nothing. It's okay for the kite to argue with the opponent, but a wave of Ahri's early damage is really not enough.

Coupled with the fact that Rookie fought a wave of soldiers but failed to avoid Clockwork's big move, he helped Lin Cheng stop Clockwork's immediate support and could only pull away with his big move.

In the shadows, the male gun's ultimate bomb blasted over the wall.

Jess is bloody.

Lin Cheng turned around and ran for his life in the direction of the opponent's second tower in the middle.

Yu Tong: "Solo kill! The top laner Jess solo killed Gwen in the jungle."

Rita: "But the male gun and the spring are both wrapped, and Brother Orange is not easy to run."

Yutong: "Well~~~ Jess chose to escape in the opposite direction, probably to delay time, and he absolutely can't escape in this direction."

Knowing that Jace had nowhere to go, the male gun turned and went back to eat the thread.

And Clockwork is still catching up.

Lin Cheng's Jess had already emerged from the intersection of the Three Wolf Pit, and got between the two towers of the blue square.

It stands to reason that it is already a fatal situation.

The next scene shocked everyone.

Between the first and second towers of the blue square, Jess followed suit.

Twist your head up and down with small amplitude and high frequency.

At the moment when the second tower was charged with hatred, Jessie accelerated and twisted a small step upwards.

The second tower gave up the attack.

The first tower in the middle road is attracted to hatred.

Jess immediately took another small step down, pulling away a tower of hatred again.

Just like that, Lin Cheng repeatedly jumped horizontally, and the bloody Jess was ignored by the opponent's defense tower.


As if dancing a tango, Jace just passed between the opponent's two towers.

"I can't run away, Brother Chengzi doesn't want to give the clockwork head... what? Is this possible to walk over?"

"Did Brother Orange even buy the opponent's defense tower?"

(End of this chapter)

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