This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1774 Hoya: Praise Brother Chengzi

Chapter 1774 Hoya: Praise Brother Chengzi
Seeing the outrageous scene on the field, Yu Tong couldn't hide his shock.

"Hey! This is unscientific! It stands to reason that you can't pass between the two towers in the middle lane. You must be attacked by the tower at least once."

Rita: "But he really escaped. Has Brother Orange studied this escape route? He is really a master of escape."

The bullet screen is already full of question marks.

"Depend on!It's on! "

"unbelievable!Can this be passed? "

"Reported!Shield Defense Tower

"You are interfering with the LOL game, right?hold! "

"Fuck!Nong! "

The director quickly gave the first-person view playback. Lin Cheng's sneak attack on Gwen was originally dangerous due to Canyon's sudden promotion to sixth, but he moved close to his face to avoid Gwen's deadliest third R.

The next move between the two towers is even more coquettish.

Lin Cheng accurately judged the hatred limit distance between the two defensive towers as if he was playing with a man-machine. Jess probed back and forth with his toes, and used the short-term acceleration of the cut shape to jump left and right between the two defensive towers.

The two towers didn't react in a daze, and they were pulled away as soon as they charged up and were about to attack.

He made the defense tower numb!
The KT teammates in the first-person voice were also surprised.

Rookie: "Lin Cheng, are you going that way? Do you want to delay as much as possible? I can cover again when my skills are good."

Lin Cheng: "Forget it! Don't waste time, let fate, I'll see if I can run from here."

Beryl: "WOW~~~~ Is this okay?"

Mr. Dai: "WOW~~~"

Rookie: "Damn it! Awesome! Did you get away with this?"

Cuzz: "Lin Cheng, you are the god of positioning!"

Lin Cheng: "Haha! It's hot to survive! I'm so fucking handsome!"

In fact, Lin Cheng is also very hypocritical.

Even if the attack distance of the defensive towers is accurately grasped, it is not easy to get stuck in the hatred judgment of the two towers. This kind of positioning difficulty is also very difficult for Lin Cheng.

Of course, it would be much easier to switch to a yordle, and some larger heroes cannot pass between the two towers anyway.

"LOL!I'm so fucking handsome!Handsome and self-aware Lin Xiaocheng"

"He is really pulling the defense tower, twisting so coquettishly"

"369 Come and Learn to Pull!" "

"I thought only yordles could live like this"

"I know that the blind monk can survive, but the fatter hero can't"

"Family, who knows!Really speechless, a company with such a big fist discriminates against fat people"

"If Brother Shuizi came, this wave of operations would at least be beaten twice"

"Carry the tower AD, right? (funny)"

"Can professional games not open the attack range of defense towers?It should be easy to open, right? "

"Do you think it's a human machine? "

"It may also be that there are too many farms"

This wave passed between the two towers, which means that Lin Cheng survived successfully, and the opponent's duo didn't intend to come over to intercept them in advance.

With a huge advantage on the road, Gwen lost his ultimate move, and Cuzz directly moved the vanguard in the early 8 minutes.

The blue side has no top iron, and when Xin Zhao moves forward, DK chooses to attack the bottom lane.

Because their own jungler is at the top, KT's duo didn't go for a hard change when they saw the policewoman and Lux ​​getting aggressive.

The line of soldiers entered the tower, and Gwen also showed up beside him.

This wave is actually not easy to cross the tower. Although Lux and the policewoman have consumed a lot of HP of the KT duo in front of the tower, there are not many minions left.

Lux tried to carry the tower first, but Kellin's Q skill missed, and the blue team immediately pulled away and did not dare to trade.

Gwen chose to go around and then disconnected, preparing to let his next wave of troops come in before overtaking.

EZ and Karma were blocked under the tower.

The clockwork also leaned over.

Lin Cheng didn't bring TP in this round, and the fox couldn't make it through this round. There was really no other way.

The two KT brothers tried their best but still had no choice but to send out the kill.

DK Four Koshier successfully equalized the head ratio on the court.

But the KT duo dragged on the bottom lane long enough, and Cuzz immediately ran to the middle lane after getting the vanguard.

The DK personnel who have just crossed the tower must go back to the city to replenish due to their poor condition.

In this way, the tower in the blue square is in an empty state.

There are a lot of soldiers. Xin Zhao released the vanguard and cooperated with the fox to directly unplug the opponent's fully plated middle tower in 9 minutes.

And this pioneer also hit the end of the second tower in the middle.

At the same time, the top road completed a solo kill.

Lin Cheng's Jess withdrew B after pushing the string, but actually came back from the toilet.

Budou thought that Jess had really returned, so he came out to hand in his skills and wanted to push another wave of lines, but Lin Cheng caught him.

With the equipment leading by a large margin, there are no operational details, and the numerical crushing makes the single kill look unpretentious.

Yu Tong: "DK is already numb! This wave of opponents playing vanguard and their choice of four packs and two packs in the bottom lane seems to be no problem, but EZ and Karma dragged it for too long, causing the full-plated mid tower to drop directly."

"Facing KT losing the middle tower so early, I don't even know how to play DK's next game."

"And Budou didn't hold back. He was single-killed by the opponent for the second time in 9 minutes, and the male gun has been threaded."

"We really might not see him in the next move!"

Rita: "Although KT is only one head ahead, but the economy has been stretched, the disadvantage of DK's lineup is really unplayable."

Although it is a vase, Rita's words hit the nail on the head.

The early disadvantages of DK's lineup are very difficult to play.

Although the quad-core lineup looks good and invincible in the late stage, the whole team does not have enough control. Relying on Lux's lottery alone means that even if there is an opportunity, it is difficult to seize it.

This lineup is behind and can only be beaten.

The middle tower fell too early. DK chose to switch the duo to the middle lane to resist, forcing KT to drop the duo to the middle too. At least the female policewoman Lacus will be able to carry it.

Lux can also help relieve the vision pressure caused by the collapse of the mid tower.

But Lin Cheng couldn't control it anymore.

Now the male guns are afraid to go out of the tower, and it is dangerous to be caught by Jess who is leading the mythical outfit.

In 11 minutes, Lin Chengta consumed the male gun to half blood.

Cuzz's Xin Zhao came over after smelling the smell, and helped Jess easily get rid of the male gun.

Lin Cheng ate the DK up the pagoda by himself until there was only one layer of pagoda left.

After 1 minute, Lin Cheng switched lanes and ran to the middle lane to cooperate with the three brothers in the wild to easily catch the opponent's duo.

The second dragon quickly fell into Cuzz's hands.

KT did not rely on the advantage of the middle tower to switch lanes as before. Instead, Nosuke tried to keep the view of the work area as much as possible, allowing Jess, who has a huge single-lane advantage, to suppress as much as possible.

After eating the top tower alone, Jess switched to the bottom lane, and cooperated with the second-generation pioneer to eat the bottom tower.

Minions and vanguards continue to advance.

All the teammates turned to the lower cover.

DK originally wanted to defend the second tower, but the wild area was blocked by Xin Zhao and couldn't get through. The clockwork under the tower didn't dare to stand forward after eating a booster from Jess.

In this way, Lin Cheng quickly brought up the second tower economy.

KT raised a fat Jess.

In 17 minutes, with the EZ big move, Lin Cheng killed the male gun for the fourth time in the audience.

At 19 minutes, Lin Cheng climbed up to the second tower alone and killed the male gun.

In the camera, Budou slumped on a chair behind a black screen, staring blankly at the ceiling and muttering non-stop.

This is already killed to the point of insanity.

Yu Tong: "The mentality has collapsed! This is the game where Budou has been killed by the most opponents since his debut. Brother Chengzi has already killed him five times."

"And the game is not over yet, no one knows how many times Brother Chengzi will have to kill him before giving up."

Rita: "Go find a psychiatrist for the child after the beating! His eyes are gone."

"Distressed Budou!I'm going to put light bulbs on his eyes"

"Brother Orange, you have no heart!too cruel

"Hoya: Praise Brother Chengzi!here comes the opportunity

"Brother Chengzi is very serious every time he educates newcomers, last year Zeus was also knocked out"

During this time, DK has been led by the nose.

The equipment is behind and can't fight, and even without a stable first DK, it is impossible to even take the initiative to find opportunities.

The economy is getting bigger and bigger.

They didn't even have the qualifications to catch the edge, a fox couldn't catch it, and a fat Jess didn't dare to catch it.

Leaving aside KT's vision protection for Jess, Lin Cheng only had a three-piece suit in less than 20 minutes, and even three players might not be able to beat him.

The most important thing is that Lin Cheng's Jess team battle is very little threatened.

There is almost no stable control on the opposite side. Could it be that a stunted Gwen team fights to punch Jess in the face?

Unless it can really be delayed until the late stage and wait for multi-core to exert its strength, DK has no chance.

Finally, at 23 minutes, DK caught a wave of replenishment nodes from the opponent, and stopped in advance on the upper river to prepare for the Dragon Soul Group.

The policewoman placed clips all over the river, and DK protected the lower half of the field of vision to ensure that Xin Zhao could not go around.

However, KT is too bad.

Facing a row of traps from the female policemen, they didn't struggle too much, and they all huddled together and turned to force Dalong.

The situation DK set up is self-defeating.

In any case, the big dragon cannot be given. Once the opponent gets the big dragon BUFF Kamikochi, DK will not be able to delay the development any more.

They can only go up to guard the dragon.

But the river in the upper half of the area does not have a policewoman's pinch formation, and Jess and EZ's Poke abilities are brought into full play when the field of vision is dominant.

The DK brothers squeezed into the upper river in a group, and Jess came over with a cannonball.

Well!Three and a half blood came out directly.

This injury shocked everyone.

EZ's big move was scraped, Cuzz's Xin Zhao flashed up and stabbed up to start a group.

DK was defeated in an instant.

0 for 5 and played a group kill. After KT took down the big dragon, he immediately turned around and took down the fire dragon soul.

Ten thousand economy, fire dragon soul, big dragon.

How to turn DK?
In the end, relying on the steady operation of Dalong, KT slowly eroded the opponent and successfully ended the game.

(End of this chapter)

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