This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1777 Treat every one as the last one, and then don't be afraid of being washed away

Chapter 1777 Treat each one as the last one, and don't be afraid of being washed away

Not long after the first wave of soldiers went online, the jungler was solo-killed, and KT teammates were a little dizzy.

Beryl: "What's the situation? Isn't Wen Youzan going to carry this one?"

Cuzz: "I may not be able to C this one! Come on."

Lin Cheng: "It's just one blood, it's not a big problem."

Mr. Dai: "It's only been 2 minutes, so Lin Cheng can die faster than you!"

Lin Cheng: "None of my business! You want to blackmail me again."

Mr. Dai: "Your fastest death record is 40 seconds, how am I hacking you?"

Rookie: "Because you told the truth."

Lin Cheng: " little blacks."

Rookie: "I am Black Orange, I have a showdown!"

Teammates laughed.

Seeing the pictures of the contestants, the audience didn't hold back.

I don't know why this group of guys laughed so happily when they saw their jungler being solo killed.

Is this the self-confidence of the strong?

That is to say, there are a lot of adults in the director, and they didn't release KT's voice to torture, otherwise the fact that the teammates are black and orange will be exposed.

After Gwen killed Xin Zhao, he immediately turned around and went to the red square F6. Rookie in the middle lane couldn't go to the jungle to harass him for the time being. Cuzz could only suffer a dumb loss and then go back to the second half of the jungle to start over.

Canyon observes the situation on the road while brushing F6.

Lin Cheng was very aggressive from the first level.

Jess's aggressive flanking forward press seemed to want to consume it when they met, but at the moment when the barrel made a Q, Jess stepped back and twisted the rolling barrel.

The position of Hoya's Q is very embarrassing, even the soldiers did not Q.

Now that Jess is holding the hammer, he can go up to the swaggering A-pawn without any pressure, and the barrel can only wait for the skill CD in the back.

The first Q empty is doomed to completely overwhelm the barrel line. Although Hoya's second barrel is used to bomb soldiers, Jess is still clearly ahead in experience.

Seeing that Jess is about to grab the second, Hoya retreats early.

It is impossible to create GANK opportunities for Gwen without E, so even though Jess seems to be in a bit aggressive position, Canyon did not choose to go around to waste time.

Lin Cheng is very experienced, and he didn't care too much about being drained by the wine barrel in the early stage. He forced the third wave of cannon cars to enter the tower and immediately went home to make up for the goddess' tears. He didn't give him a chance.

Gwen took advantage of the trend to brush the lower half.

In fact, this version of Jess is really hard to hit the barrel online, especially the comet barrel. If the Q is accurate and Jess is blown twice, the blood volume will go down. On the contrary, the barrel can be slowed down even if the blood is consumed. Slowly bring the blood back up.

However, Lin Cheng's Jess technique is too superb, and Hoya found that his barrel hit rate is very touching.

Because the Q of the barrel can't be shot in seconds, you must give a little prediction, and the master Jess will often use the position to deceive the barrel.

Both the cannon form E and the acceleration of the cutting form can help Jace twist the barrel Q very well.

Once the comet wine barrel Q is empty, it is basically the target of Jess. At this time, Jess can use the remote form card to get away from the blood-consuming wine barrel.

But the wine barrel can really return, Lin Cheng worked so hard on the details for a long time, and the wine barrel crazily released skills to raise the blood volume again.

Lin Cheng got the E skill of the wine barrel when he was fighting Q to clear the soldiers, and he lost half of his blood when he was beaten.

The audience is really not tense now.

Did you see that such a smooth Jace cannon is overloaded with A and still can't hold down the blood of the wine barrel, so it goes without saying who should buy it?

In fact, this laning fight is all about the details, but the fault tolerance rate of the wine barrel is much higher than that of Jess.

But if it is not a very criminal way to eat skills at will, it is still no problem for Jess to hold the line. It is still very difficult for a single player before the sixth level of the barrel to threaten Jess.

It's just a test of Jayce players' ability to deal with GANK, because you don't know if a jungler will come out behind you when you press the line.

Of course, when the star eclipse comes out, even 1v1 online will start to make it easier to hit the barrel, and the magic cut stack is basically easy to fight.

To put it bluntly, the current version of Jess is not a hero who suppresses people in the early stage, but a C position who exerts strength in the middle and late stages.

Even if it is caught 0-3, Jess Demon still hurts when he cuts out the two-piece suit.

It's just that Lin Cheng's Jess was too powerful online before, and many viewers still regarded his Jess as an old version.

In 5 minutes, the red pawn line in the middle was slightly pushed forward.

Rookie's Weigusi chased Crocodile A in the middle and delivered an electric shock, reducing Xu Xiu's blood volume to about one-third.

But it happened that the crocodile backhanded A Bing's anger and turned red.

The crocodile directly flashed the red anger W and played a strong attack, which ignited AQ to make a shot.

Wei Gusi, who was close to full blood, only had about a quarter of his blood left in an instant.
Wei Gusi stood up and released W, keep strangers away.

But the final effect is not long spent, and W can't trigger fear.

Rookie looked at his position, and did not flash at the first moment.

The crocodile chased AEAE to complete a single kill.

Yu Tong: "Rookie in the middle lane has already pressed close to ten knives, which is not bad. Weigusi is about to wear down the crocodile... hey! Flashing red and angry bite, is the damage enough? Solo kill!"

"This is the crocodile that is ignited by a strong attack! Although it seems that Wei Gusi is very cool with his long hands, but the crocodile is the red anger W that suddenly turns back and is deadly."

Rita: "It feels like a bit of a mistake for Rookie to flash and not hand in."

Yu Tong: "The main reason is that the crocodile is holding two sections of E, he may not know where to dodge, and there are soldiers, Wei Gusi will be chased by the crocodile E soldiers when he dodges back, and another Gwen will come out if he dodges to the side. "

"Just don't flash, save a flash and use it later."

The director gave a replay, and Yu Tong discovered the blind spot.

"Rookie went a little too far for the electrocution of A... Hey? Isn't this Jack's hot dance in the middle of the hook?"

Rita was silent for two seconds, "What did you say? I got stuck just now."

The barrage exploded.

"Good! "

"In one sentence, sister Tazi's CPU was dry-burned, 23333"

"Sister Tazi's strategy is stuck, laughing and peeing"

"Wailing is true courage"

"Treat the commentary table as a dining hall, treat each one as the last one, and don't be afraid of being rushed"

"unbelievable!There is no JKL, no EZ, and even no hook, can this be opened? "

"JKL super talk!Who is Yutong? "

"Incheon people gather!Give me a flush on him (red face)"

Both the middle and the wild were single-killed once. KT's early rhythm is very poor, and the economy has not lagged behind for the time being because there are pressures on both the upper and lower lines.

DK's tactical thinking is also very clear: just hit the middle field.

Although Xu Xiu lagged behind in making up the knife, the crocodile did not hesitate to clear the line in the early stage, and immediately linked up with Gwen when he went to the river to eat a fruit.

At more than 7 minutes, Cuzz was hitting his own stone man, and the crocodile and Gwen suddenly hit the exploding cones and fell from the sky.

Crocodile E pierced the stone man and forced Xin Zhao to flash.

Gwen took off the residual blood stone man.

Although Lin Cheng has an advantage in pushing the lane on the top lane, it is impossible to come and collide with the opponent's midfielder at this time.

My own Xin Zhao has just been promoted to level five, and Weigusi is still in the middle, so it is absolutely unwise to go to the level six crocodile to fight Gwen.

Brother Cuzz can only suffer a dull loss and go back to the city under the tower.

"Lin Cheng, I feel so bad! I was bullied by the field!"

(End of this chapter)

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