This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1778 Praise Brother Chengzi!

Chapter 1778 Praise Brother Chengzi!
Cuzz was bullied by the field, and Lin Cheng was helpless for the time being anyway.

He can only shrink back and wait for the opposite Nakano to leave before going to press the line.

This period of time is also the most uncomfortable node for Jess online.

Barrel has ult and flash, if Jess is consumed twice, there is a risk of being solo killed at any time.

Lin Cheng looked extremely cautious.

Due to the strength of Gwen and the crocodile, the first pioneer KT cannot be watched.

KT still has an advantage in the bottom lane. When facing the manual pioneer, Cuzz chose to go down to help the duo overcome the tower.

But Jhin has been sparing no effort to clear the line with his skills, and the first wave of soldiers entering the tower is not many.

Cuzz ran to kill the opponent's stone man and disconnected, and the dirty soldier jumped over the tower immediately after reaching level six.

Karma draws tower aggro first.

Xin Zhao's A minion had saved up the knock-up in advance, and directly stabbed Jhin under the tower.

Sorrow Sha hits from a long distance, and Weigusi enters the field.

Even if Yuumi gave Xin Zhao the weakness in advance, it still couldn't change Jhin's fate.

Jhin's death broke out the cat, everyone in KT chose to pull down the defense tower and stop first, and waited for a wave of skill CDs before jumping over the cat to prevent being replaced.

In this way, the policewoman ate two and a half layers of tapas at the first tower down the road, and the DK duo was blown up after being surpassed.

However, almost the same plot as the previous game happened.

Because Cuzz was too miserable in the early stage, it took a long time for Xin Zhao to finish the stone man and disconnect the dirty soldiers to level six.

It has been 9 minutes since Wei Gusi came over and finished the tower. After taking the vanguard, Gwen immediately ran to the middle and released it. Together with the crocodile, he pushed down KT's first tower in the middle.

Yu Tong: "We have seen this scene in the last round! In the last round, DK lost blood when he got down the tower. In this round, KT also lost blood when he got down the tower. It is not good news for KT to fall down the middle tower in 9 minutes."

Rita: "However, in the last round, Brother Cheng had a solo kill. In this round, at least KT was safe on the road."

Before the words fell, a fight suddenly broke out on the road.

Knowing that the opponent's jungler was attacking the vanguard just now, Lin Cheng, who was originally pressing the line, began to be very careful not to waste the opportunity of the barrel, and let the opponent push the line back.

Jess didn't go out until Gwen showed up in the middle.

It happened that the pawn line was stuck by the red square corner wall by the new pawns. Lin Cheng saw several pawns with residual blood at the same time choose the hammer form Q to go up.

However, Hoya's wine barrel did not return to the city. Hidden in the grass on the side road, he found that Jess turned in Q decisively and knocked out with his E skill. QWA detonated the barrel and blasted Jess' blood.

Lin Cheng immediately turned around and retreated.

Because the killing line has not yet arrived, Hoya did not directly give the ultimate move.

But this wave of consumption made Jess very uncomfortable.

The line of soldiers is advancing under the red square tower, and when the wine barrel E skill is ready, Jesta will not be able to eat when he goes offline.

For the time being, no teammate came to make a rescue. Jess teleported to the CD, so he couldn't go home early to make up his status and come out to wait for the tower to go offline.

For Lin Cheng, it was a dilemma.

Hoya is also aware of his opponent's struggles.

At this moment, he was in high spirits.

Either give up the tower and go offline later, and wait to be killed by me alone!
The wine barrel staggered and puffed out his stomach and nodded his praise.

Praise Brother Orange!
Call Budou to see the water dispenser first, and then give him a chance to behave. Isn't this a good person?
Yu Tong: "It's so uncomfortable to go to the lane! Brother Cheng was careless and wasted a lot of blood. When the wine barrel's E skill is ready, he will kill him with a flash of E."

Rita: "Do you still want to eat this wave? But not eating it seems to be the same as dying."

However, Lin Cheng's decisiveness was beyond everyone's imagination.

Seeing the wine barrel swaggering in front of the tower, A's long-range soldiers pushed the line, Lin Cheng activated W Lightning Field and launched Q Sky Leap at the moment when the Q skill CD turned good.

Based on the skill damage, it is known that the wine barrel should only have a level E, and the skill CD is 16 seconds.

The CD of Jace's fourth-level Q-hammer form is only 10 seconds.

So at this time, the opponent has no meat bomb impact.

The moment he landed, Lin Cheng flashed E to shoot.

Just after taking a sip of old wine, the wine barrel was hammered down the tower.

Switch to the cannon form, and immediately turn on W after Jesspin A, and walk A at the speed of light left and right.

Hoaya's first reaction was to try to blast Jace away.

The position where the hammer was hammered into the tower is not deep, as long as Jess is blown away, even if he walks out with the tower wine barrel twice, he won't lose too much HP.

However, when the blasting wine barrel was thrown, the door of acceleration appeared at Jace's feet.

Lin Cheng's left and right walks of A just now made it difficult to judge the placement of the wine barrel's big move. Now Jess just avoided the wine barrel's big move by relying on the reverse movement of the acceleration gate.

Jess backhanded A and launched a basic attack with a limit attack speed.

Hota didn't hesitate when he realized something was wrong, he took the damage from the tower and quickly flashed out.

Electric energy surges!
The reinforced cannon passed through the corner of the acceleration door and directly hit the wine barrel.

Barrel Q has been shot.

Lin Cheng walked along the accelerator door and just stood on the edge of the rolling wine barrel.

The barrel exploded, only two minions were killed.

Hoya originally flashed out of the tower in the direction of the triangle grass, but after seeing Jess' blood volume, he resolutely pushed over.

There were too many blue minions on the field, and Jess' blood volume was less than one-third when he was set on fire by the minions.

Against Jess's basic attack, the wine barrel launched a meat bomb attack with the end of CD.

However, the movements were still a bit obvious. Lin Cheng moved sideways and avoided the E skill of the wine barrel when he was not close to the body.

The wine barrel held the barrel and took a step closer, but found that A was not there.

Jessica made a backhand point from the distance.

The barrel shook its belly and turned to run.

Lin Cheng chased A and hit the dead barrel twice.

The triumphant reply, Jess' blood volume is still safe when he pulls off the hatred of the minions.

"Jess made the move first, brother Cheng Zi is committing suicide! Jess Q flash E swing hammer is very handsome but there are too many soldiers..."

Yutong originally judged that Jess launched a suicide charge, but he was dumbfounded by the following scene.

"The big move of the wine barrel is empty! It's better to dodge, you can't be hit by the tower again... Q is also empty! E is also empty! It's over! Is this okay?"

Rita: "Wow!!! The skills are all empty! This wave of Hoya people are dizzy! What a solo kill!"

The barrage exploded.

"Fuck!This wave is outrageous! "

"Ah ah ah ah!Beautiful Jesse! "

"This hero can also swing a hammer?"a little handsome

"Suggest a strict investigation!Dodging skills are too perverted"

"Skills are all empty, ah, is that you?" "

"The wine barrel is too easy for a hero to eat, 233333"

"Very consistent with my cognition of wine barrels"

This wave of Lin Cheng's solo kill is indeed very handsome. His teammates originally expected him to be stable in the lower half of the offense, but they didn't expect him to come up with such an extreme solo kill.

The main reason is that Lin Cheng is too confident.

He knew that he couldn't let the opponent have the chance to kill with E flash, so Jess got stuck on the CD of the barrel's E skill and launched an attack in advance.

When Hoya found out that his ultimate move failed, he didn't dare to carry the defensive tower a second time, and pulling out the flash gave Lin Cheng more room to operate.

Isn't it normal for the hero of wine barrel to have all QE empty after flashing?

The director is very good, and he showed the DK lounge shot at the first time.

Mr. Danny and Budou next to him held their heads with both hands at the same time, and their movements were exactly the same.

the difference is.

Mr. Danny looked annoyed.

The corners of Budou's mouth were distinctly raised slightly.

"LOL!Is Budou smiling? "

"Nearly Stretched, 23333"

"Budou: Praise Brother Orange! "

After watching the replay and reviewing Lin Cheng's operation ideas again, the commentary was even more amazed.

"It's outrageous! Brother Chengzi, is this a human reaction? He just hammered the barrel into the tower to force dodge first, and I bet that all the skills behind your Hoya will be dodged by me."

"People play Russian roulette and put a bullet in a revolver to bet on the five-sixth probability of survival. He directly uses a semi-automatic bet on the bullet jamming."

"I even won the bet on him!"

 I wanted to finish the game in two chapters, but I can't

(End of this chapter)

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