Chapter 1779

Lin Cheng's solo kills boosted morale a lot.

Although the crocodile and Gwen used the vanguard to take down the full-plated defensive tower in the middle lane, they succeeded in four and two in the bottom lane, and completed a single kill in the top lane. Regardless of the strategic significance of the middle tower, KT is not at a loss.

The duo took advantage of the situation and switched to the middle road station line.

The female policeman is still able to hold down the line, and taking advantage of the speed of changing lines, Mr. Dai ate two layers of tapas as soon as he arrived in the middle.

Cuzz also relied on his teammates' line rights to win the first dragon in 10 minutes.

The disadvantage of the middle tower falling too fast is also obvious.

When Xin Zhao is by the side or can confirm the number of opponents in the middle lane, the middle lane female policewoman + Karma can push the line to suppress, but the two brothers cannot always press the line without thinking.

Without the support of the middle tower, the pressure on the view of the river increases sharply. Beryl must keep eyes on his body at all times.

When the assistant goes back to replenish his eyes, Mr. Dai must also retreat and wait for the opponent to push the line.

The female policeman retreated to the front of the second tower, and during this period of time when she lost her vision of the center line, the opportunity for DK and Nosuke's linkage came.

Just now KT's target was the first small dragon, and there was not much vision in the upper half of the river for the time being. Lin Cheng went to the triangular grass cautiously as soon as he came back to replenish his equipment.

As a result, Gwen also happened to take the cat into the triangle grass.

Without further ado, Yuumi opened the final chapter of the Grimoire.

Gwen pinned his hands.

Jess died suddenly.

There is no way, Lin Cheng didn't dodge this wave and there is not even a little room for manipulation.

Yu Tong: "Oh! Brother Cheng Zi is so uncomfortable! After making up the star eclipse, he was going to go online to repair the wine barrel, but he was caught when he came back to insert wards."

"I really can't blame Brother Cheng, the middle tower fell too early, and KT just didn't give enough vision protection to the upper half to get the first dragon."

"The upper half of the area was pitch black. When his teammate took Xiaolong, Chengzi had already pushed the line steadily and went home. It was a coincidence that he was caught just as he was about to go online."

"Look at Brother Cheng Zi, he's really uncomfortable."

In the camera, Lin Cheng tilted his neck with a helpless expression that made the audience cry out.

Lin Cheng was really uncomfortable.

I knew I wouldn't buy it.

The head is given, but the real money I just bought is also free.

Originally, he could have bought an extra long sword if he didn't buy the money on Yibo's body, but he just gave up the long sword and bought the real eye, and he couldn't help running to insert the eye because he had eyes.

Then something happened.

The KT teammate reacted very quickly to the death of Bojes, the middle lane had been pushed to the front of the blue square tower by the policewoman, and Xin Zhao immediately leaned over.

"There is only Jhin in the middle, pass him over."

Beryl's Karma had already run to the back of the opponent's blue BUFF to take an eye, and immediately turned around to block the Jhin under the third wolf intersection.

Kalmar RQ hits.

Deokdam turned and retreated.

Mr. Dai is very careful. First, the female policewoman saved headshots in tower A and rushed to the tower decisively. With one shot, Jhin only had one-third of his health left.

Jhin hurriedly stepped back.

Karma accelerated herself to pull out the chain.

The female policeman reverses E, takes two steps of A to Jhin and pulls down a tower of hatred.

Jhin was imprisoned under the second tower, and the policewoman took the head with one shot.

Before Jhin's death, the tower in the blue square has already lit up TP.

But Xin Zhao had already leaned in.

The female police clip suppressed the TP landing point.

Karma with full blood ignites and carries the tower first.

As soon as the wine barrel came down, he took a headshot + peace messenger.

Although the barrel's backhand blow blasted the policewoman and Karma behind, Xin Zhao got stuck in the position to prevent the barrel E from running away, and Chrysanthemum Sanlian quickly lifted the barrel away.

The policewoman let the bullet fly to take the double kill.

Yutong: "Deokdam and Huoya gave chances in a row! This wave of Chengzi brothers was caught and KT immediately retaliated in the middle lane. Fortunately, the crocodile came back to defend in the end, otherwise DK's middle tower would also fall."

Rita: "Have your teammates started fishing with Brother Orange? When Kuro was around, he liked to sacrifice Brother Orange. The hero Jess is really good at fishing."

Yu Tong: "That's different! In the past, Kuro took the initiative to fish with Brother Chengzi, but now with the status of Brother Chengzi, his teammates should not take the initiative to do so."

"But Gwen is so fat. The upper tower will be removed. It depends on how KT will deal with Canyon in the future. Gwen is indeed a great threat to the red lineup."

Gwen's first item, Nash's Fang, demolished the tower too quickly. Originally, Lin Cheng had no chance to deal with a large wave of soldiers when he came back just now. Canyon didn't care about the battle in the middle, and took the cat and a lot of soldiers to demolish the fourth floor of KT. Tapi's last tower.

At the same time, because the crocodile returned to defend the middle lane, Rookie also successfully took away the remaining blood tower of the blue square bottom lane.

In 12 minutes, the head-to-head ratio was 3:5.

Although there are more or less pressures on the KT line, and there are two more kills, but Gwen's matchup counterpressed Xin Zhao by 30 knives. In addition to eating an extra defensive tower, DK's economy is still ahead.

The most important thing is that DK's economy is concentrated on Gwen, which poses a great threat to KT.

"At this time, it is a test of KT's inferior operation ability."

"Although it seems that the economy is not too far behind, Gwen's combat ability with cats + crocodiles + wine barrels is too strong. If it is an encounter with equal numbers, KT has almost no chance of winning."

When the upper tower was broken, KT did not choose to change lanes, and took the initiative to arrange the focus of vision to the upper half, and let Rookie play alone in the bottom lane.

Now that Weigusi's line clearing speed has increased, as long as she holds the passive, she can counter the crocodile's approach.

And the ultra-long support distance of Wei Gusi's ult also allows Rookie to not have to run the dangerous route of the river, and he is not afraid of being unable to support in a fight from his own wild area to the middle.

Xin Zhao leaned against the Ueno area, and the upper river channel was also lit by Karma's vision. At this time, Lin Cheng was relatively safe on the line.

The two side lanes have the right to lock the crocodile and the wine barrel. After seeing the poor driving ability of DK in the field, the female policewoman in the middle lane has no brains to press the line and quickly pulls out the blue side's residual blood tower.

While Jhin was defending the line in front of the second tower, the three KT Shimono brothers immediately switched lanes and moved up.

Rookie's Weigusi has also run into the middle.

Teammates sent out wild signals, Hoya Barrel was crushed into a Muggle by Jess under the tower, and now he abandoned the tower and left.

The blue Fangshang tower also broke in the early 14th minute.

KT economy has overtaken.

Yu Tong: "KT's operation transfer is really picturesque! Their lineup is indeed not as good as their opponents in fighting these days, but KT uses the lane right to lock the wine barrel and the crocodile."

"Without the barrel, DK and the others have no ability to retain people. If there is a real fight, KT's support will definitely be faster."

"KT took the advantage of their own lane-turning speed. When the middle tower was broken first, they broke the opponent's tower through a joint lane change in a short period of time."

Rita: "Cuzz is also very smart. He doesn't want the second half. He would rather eat the opponent's toad."

Yu Tong: "This is the online feedback to the jungle! So what if you kill me solo at the first level? So what if you suppress me for 30 knives, my brother can suppress online, and I can still enter the jungle."

Rita: "Is this a fox pretending to be a tiger?"

The barrage is lively.

"A fox can pretend to be a tiger!very image

"Cuzz: Are you jealous that I have a big daddy (huh)"

"Why does Sister Tazi look down on me, the grapefruit thief?"Isn't she also explaining the situation on the stage? (funny)"

"Sister Tazi's Commentary Desk Vase, Cuzz Field Vase, 23333"

"What's the trouble with the vase"

(End of this chapter)

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