This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1780 Turning over?key turning point

Chapter 1780 Turning over?key turning point
Through the linkage transfer operation, KT gradually found the rhythm on the field, and the economy completed the overtake.

But DK is not a soft persimmon.

At this time, DK is still too strong. It is the weak period of the female policeman. When the opponent hugs the group and squeezes the position to take the second-generation pioneer, KT does not choose to take it hard.

With a good view of the lower half in advance, Xin Zhao activated the second dragon in 16 minutes.

At this time, the vision of the upper half of the area was completely occupied by the blue side, and Lin Cheng's Jess shrank in the second tower to defend the line, holding TP and ready to support the little dragon group at any time.

The advantages brought by the field of view of the professional arena are very obvious. When DK's two lines of troops were pushed, they did not go to the black to fight for the dragons.

The vision was so poor that Lin Cheng never expected a Gwen with a cat to come out from behind the second tower.

Jace died again.

Jess is like this, no matter how good Lin Cheng's consciousness is, after all, there is no way to get caught without opening the full map.

The second red square tower on the top road fell, and Pioneer knocked down the high ground tower on the top road.

If it wasn't for the teammate's return to defense in time, the high ground tower would have fallen in less than 17 minutes before KT hit the road.

DK took back the economic advantage again.

"Canyon! It's him again! Brother Chengzi has been found by Canyon again!"

"No one thought that the first player to break through Brother Chengzi this year would be Canyon, a jungler!"

"This is the first time Brother Chengzi has been placed on a high ground within ten minutes! Normally, at this time, he is on the high ground of the opponent's top laner."

Although there were not many head bursts in this round, the rhythm of the field was very tight.

KT held two dragons, and DK switched to economy when releasing the dragons. The goals of both sides are actually very clear.

In 18 minutes, Gwen took the cat and cooperated with the crocodile to forcibly catch and kill Weigusi who was guarding the line in the next lane.

The KT duo took advantage of the situation to forcefully press the second tower of the blue square middle road.

DK chose to let Gwen and Crocodile take the red side to the next tower and continue to push forward to put pressure.

Xu Xiu's move was the armor-piercing crocodile, and it was too fast to cooperate with Gwen to destroy the tower. Although Lin Cheng was the first to defend, he could only watch helplessly as his opponent took down his second tower and then successfully retreated.

In the end, DK got two towers + one head at the cost of one tower.

DK's economic lead has exceeded [-].

In 21 minutes, the third dragon is about to refresh.

According to KT's original plan, the little dragon was released to the C position to gain time for development.

Policewoman Gale + Artillery + Small Armor Piercing is still weak, and the opposite Moonstone cat is not too afraid of Jess Poke at this time, it is indeed a very rational decision to command and let Xiaolong go.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Seeing that the opposing army was in the lower half, Lin Cheng was on the road alone, preparing to send the pawn line to the opponent's second tower.

Xu Xiu's crocodile suddenly rushed out from the flank intersection.

Lin Cheng subconsciously switched the hammer form to the accelerator door and retreated.

The crocodile pressed the position and chased for a few steps, a section of E narrowed the distance, and directly hit the face with WQ with dark claws to knock out half of Jess' blood.

When the crocodile was facing his face, Lin Cheng had already activated W Lightning Field in advance, got up and Q Sky Leap to trigger the star eclipse shield.

It just so happened that the crocodile's level A damage was blocked by the shield.

EA hammered the opponent upwards, and Lin Cheng immediately cut the cannon and shook his head frantically away to A.

Jess' equipment was already cheap, but Lin Cheng's development wasn't too bad in this round due to the opponent eating a lot of Tapi. Now the damage of the two and a half pieces of Star Eclipse + Magic Cut + Warhammer is actually very high.

The crocodile lost most of its blood when Jess hit it three times when he started his big move.

Lin Cheng's counterattack startled Xu Xiu.

Originally, he didn't express his anger in advance because the wine barrel was behind him, and he felt that if he kept Jess, it would be a safe situation.

As a result, the crocodile Bai Nu found that the opponent's counterattack was extremely violent.

Xu Xiu was pulled back by the ignition.

But just when the red square soldier came over and blocked the position, Jess went A and blasted the crocodile to death.

The wine barrel behind has launched a meat bomb impact.

Three flashing sound effects sounded successively.

Jace and the barrel flashed almost simultaneously.

The barrel wanted to flash E to Jess, but Lin Cheng just predicted the opponent's move, flashed up one step ahead of time, and backhanded A to the crocodile.

Then Xu Xiu also flashed when he saw that the situation was wrong.

But the crocodile flashed a bit late, and Jace chased out a deadly basic attack.

The crocodile turned in a flash of death.

Hoya's wine barrel flashes into the air at the first moment, and subconsciously uses a big move to blow up Jess and save the crocodile.

But the blasting barrel flew too slowly, and Jace was blasted towards the barrel after he killed the crocodile.

Lin Cheng turned around and punched Hoya.

The wine barrel turned to Q immediately to pull it.

As one of the few heroes who can upgrade their skills to level [-], Jess' Q basic CD at full level is only [-] seconds, and the cooldown of Star Eclipse and Warhammer actually shortened this time to just over [-] seconds.

Before the rolling barrel explodes, Jace switches forms and unleashes Sky Leap.

The rolling wine barrel fell through, and Hoya took a sip of the old wine and ran away with his head in his arms.

Don't look at Jess's half health. At this time, it is impossible for the barrel to fight Jess alone. Jess' damage has already overflowed too much.

But it is not easy to run now.

Lin Cheng's details made Hoya feel sick.

Jess used the first hammer form Q to slow down and get stuck in the position, and then cut the cannon form to accelerate and move A, and he kept hitting the face of the wine barrel.

In this way, even if the E is ready, the wine barrel has no angle to hand over the E and run down the tower.

The blood volume of the wine barrel drops rapidly.

The E skill CD was ready but couldn't hand it in at the first time. In the end, Hoya ran back to the second tower and pushed Jess, avoiding the opponent and trying to run.

Jess backhanded A and received a reinforced gun, which directly blasted the wine barrel under the tower to death.

Yu Tong: "Hey! We see that Xiaolong is about to kill Xu Xiu and suddenly goes up to catch Jess. This wave is a bit unexpected... But Jess' damage is so high! He will kill him! What does the barrel say... Double Kill it!"

Rita: "Wow!!! Brother Cheng's damage is so high, my God!"

Yu Tong: "This is Jess! Don't look at Brother Chengzi being caught twice, but after the magic cut, Jess' damage is outrageous, and Xiumei Ke~~~~ Why don't you open the big one? The crocodile goes away It's too stiff to go up and hit two white anger skills and be counter-killed."

"He was an armor-piercing crocodile in this round, and he couldn't withstand the damage of Jess at all."

This wave Lin Cheng didn't leave after the double kill on the road, and continued to lead the line to demolish the second tower on the red side.

Beryl immediately changed her mind.

The rest of the teammates quickly approached Xiaolongkeng.

Xiaolong has been refreshed, and the frontal DK people stand in advance and don't want to give up in vain. Gwen chooses to activate Xiaolong.

But before Xiaolong finished fighting, KT's large army had already approached.

Gwen had no choice but to use her E skill on the wall, letting Xiaolong beat him for a long time in vain.

KT Fire Dragon Soul draws cards.

Lin Cheng's Jess also ate the second tower on the road.

This season, the second tower on the wing gave [-] economics too exaggerated. Lin Cheng eating the tower alone is equivalent to taking the money of four heads in this wave. suits of people.

Although Gwen's economy is a little better than him, Gwen's equipment is also expensive.

Just now Gwen led the cat like a god of war to the KT high ground to chase people away, but turned around a few minutes later, Jess's shot in the middle and the policewoman's big move almost killed Jhin.

The audience shouted excitement one after another.

That's the beauty of inversion.

However, the 26-minute Dragon Soul Group has completely reached the period of KT's strength.

The policewoman is already a three-piece suit.

Although Gwen's three-piece suit with a watch is still scary, it is not an unsolvable existence for KT.

Jhin's disadvantage in the middle line made it easy for KT to stop down the river first.

The policewoman set up traps in front, making it impossible for DK's people to get through.

The main blue side is that the vision is too poor and there is no chance to go around.

The crocodile and the wine barrel circled the flanks, but Jace shot down and calmed the two brothers down.

The armor-piercing crocodile will lose half of its blood after one shot, and it is basically useless if you can't rush in for a team battle.

And Lin Cheng's Jess is too accurate.

The female policeman made a big move first to suppress Jin's blood volume, and Yuumi came down to help block it.

As a result, the policewoman's bullet was blocked, and before Yuumi could get into the car, Jess shot her back and killed her.

No one was tense at this scene.

Where is my cute kitten?
Once the cat dies, Gwen is equal to a few pieces of equipment, and the DK group can't fight at all.

But it doesn't work if you don't fight.

Fire Dragon Soul made DK almost impossible to come back.

Seeing that KT has activated the dragon, DK chose to force Gwen to go down from Dragon Pit E to try to grab the dragon.

But at this time, KT's damage is too overflowing.

Lin Cheng's Jess decisively cut the hammer and rode his face, and cooperated with Xin Zhao to directly play Gwen's stopwatch in the circle.

This watch is waiting to die, Canyon got up and quickly blacked out.

Take the fire dragon soul, and seize the opportunity of the opponent's jungler's death, and KT takes advantage of the opportunity to turn up and take down the dragon.

In just 6 minutes, after Lin Cheng hit the road and completed a double kill in the second tower, KT jumped from being behind by [-] in economy to leading by [-] in economy.

And got the fire dragon soul.

With a big advantage in hand, it is still difficult for KT to operate the pawn line steadily.

Although Karma of the original god brother somehow ran to the four-one zone alone and was caught by Gwen and the barrel, which was a bit abstract, but Rookie rushed to the high ground in the middle and successfully opened the group.

After easily killing three people, the four KT brothers attacked the front tooth tower strongly.

Although Xu Xiu and Canyon came back and tried their best to defend, Cuzz's big move threw off Gwen and cooperated with his teammates to kill the crispy crocodile in seconds.

Gwen was left powerless.

Beryl directed his teammates to end the game at the spring.

(End of this chapter)

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