This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1783 First defeat! KT's new life

On March 3th, KT ushered in the second battle with GEN·G this season.

Lin Cheng still sits firmly on the bench.

The KT official announcement yesterday has informed fans in advance that Lin Cheng will not play in the rest of the regular season this season.

There is a lot of doubt.

Although the top two of the regular season have been locked, but there are two strong opponents in the next three games, Lin Cheng's confirmation in advance that he will not play at all is a bit confusing for fans.

Especially the Telecom Wars.

KT has maintained a complete victory against T1 for two and a half years, why don't they continue to beat their mortal enemy to death?

Fans want to see KT's invincible winning streak without interruption, and also want to see Sima's face of T1 fans after the news agency war.

What if T1 steals a victory and Tanza thinks he can do it again?

Because of this announcement, some people began to spread conspiracy theories, thinking that KT Club and Lin Cheng had conflicts, and that they were preparing to hide Lin Cheng.

For this reason, Lin Cheng specially appeased fans in the live broadcast.

"Brother and I are half of the training match. It is outrageous to say that I have conflicts with the club."

"Don't compare us with T1. No coach will fight me. Do you think I'm as easy to bully as Faker?"

"Mr. Kang? What joke are you talking about?"

Lin Cheng suddenly turned his head and glanced behind him viciously, and sneered after confirming that no one was there, "If I really have conflicts with the coach, you will probably have seen Mr. Kang posting a job application letter on the Internet by now."

Just 3 minutes after Lin Cheng finished speaking, Mr. Kang rushed in.

"Lin Cheng, what did you say in the live broadcast just now? They asked me to come and watch your performance?"

"Nothing? Coach, you are so handsome!"

Lin Cheng refused to admit it on the spot, and the barrage was already laughing like crazy.

After making jokes for a while, Lin Cheng finally reassured the fans.

He and Rasacl are the necessary normal rotation.

Now that the regular season record has no effect, Lin Cheng firmly supports Rascal to play the full game.

If you see a weak team and let him go, and change Lin Cheng immediately against a strong team, it is obvious distrust for me.

At that time, if Lin Cheng leaves the team early for the Asian Games, won't my brother be able to face a strong team?

In the same way, changing Lin Cheng immediately after losing a game is also a harm to the players.

Since it's an irrelevant regular season, no matter whether you win or lose, you should trust me.

Although the fans regarded the result of the Telecom War as very important, they also calmed down after hearing Lin Cheng's explanation.

Even if you really lose at that time, it doesn't seem to matter.

Trick the stalls in and kill them!

Give them a little hope, and then ruthlessly extinguish it.

Thinking about it this way, the script seems to be more exciting?
Besides, invincible is lonely.

Having won for more than two years in a row, some KT fans even hope to see their home team lose a few games.

You win too much, what if others stop playing with you?
Being KT fans is so happy, they can even treat insignificant failures as happiness additives.

In this way, even if Lin Cheng decides that he will not play in the regular season, the fans' enthusiasm for supporting KT is still high.

They don't even care about winning or losing.

Enjoy the game.

In the game against GEN·G, LOL PARK was full of seats.

In the first game, Rascal selected Qing Gangying, who was also his signature, and played very well. He played a solo kill against Dolan and played a strong Carry game.

KT fans are happy but also a little calm.

It's really lonely like snow!
Guan Zeyuan, who was in the Chinese-language commentary seat, took the time to post a Weibo.

"Kim Kwang Hee's attack is too ruthless! "

Last year, he was the first to call brother at the commentary booth, playing with brother's stalks, and now he doesn't even want to call brother.

However, GEN·G is not a soft persimmon. In the next two games, under the anxious situation in the early stage, Peanut used his seasoned experience to tear a breakthrough.

Although his overall performance is not bad, his laning strength is still much weaker than that of Lin Cheng, and his tacit understanding with the team also showed a little lacking in the last two games.

When the opponent was under pressure, I first took the initiative to start a team and my teammates failed to keep up, and then when the team was opened, I cut too deep and lost touch with my teammates for nothing.

GEN·G ended KT's winning streak by allowing one to chase two.

This is also KT's first loss in two years.

But the reaction of the audience made the commentator very puzzled.

The KT fans were not depressed at all, instead they cheered and applauded happily.

Just looking at the auditorium, it seems that KT is the winning side.

"I can't hold back anymore! K miscellaneous already crazy? "

"Finally lost!Ha ha ha ha!easy

"Losing a game, it seems that the shackles are gone"

"This is the self-confidence of the strong, it doesn't matter if you give it a point"

"No one thought that it was Pinat and Chaowei who ended KT"

"Backstab from a traitor!" "

"The next T1 opportunity is here, smash KT for me!" "

"revenge! Come on, Faker! "

"Cheng can't play, T1 can't beat T[-], right? "

"I'm afraid that the five old KT fans will deliberately lose to GEN·G today, and then kill T1 in the next game"

It was very lively after the game.

After all, it was KT's first loss in two years, and netizens from all competition areas started discussions like crazy.

Although Lin Cheng's absence made GEN·G's victory look a little lacking, after all, KT's multi-year winning streak was finally suspended.

Moreover, Little Peanut and Chaowei killing the old master are also topical enough.

The back-and-forth is crazy and rhythmic, while KT fans are as stable as old dogs.

Check it out!

It's just that KT, whose core is not there, lost once, and these guys are just like Chinese New Year.

This is KT's sense of oppression!

First lure the sunspots in.

When Cheng comes back, you will know what cruelty is.

The next day, Lin Cheng left the base early in the morning carrying cat food and canned food.

Without waiting for him to greet, a group of cats quickly ran to sit in front of him.

"Sit in a row and eat fruit."

After setting up the food bowls one by one, Lin Cheng poured cat food for the cats, and divided the cans among them one by one.

Mr. Orange Cat is here.

This time it came without the lid in its mouth.

"Where's your job? Lost it?"

There happened to be canned food, and Lin Cheng was going to use the canned food box as a food bowl for this guy temporarily.


But before Lin Cheng could feed him, Mr. Orange Cat barked at him urgently and immediately turned around.

After walking two steps, it stopped and turned to look at Lin Cheng.


"Huh? Do you want me to go with you?"

Lin Cheng understood what it meant.

It seems to be in a hurry.

Seeing Lin Cheng following with cat food, Mr. Orange Cat trotted to quicken his pace.

Lin Cheng also stepped up to keep up.

Seeing Lin Cheng being abducted by the orange cat, the clingy tabby couldn't care less about eating, and followed behind with a stride.

Going around the alley and turning the street corner, Orange Cat led Lin Cheng and Huban to the corner between two commercial buildings.

There are a lot of debris piled up here, and the gaps in the debris are an excellent hiding place for stray cats.

But at this time, the two thin kittens were just exposed, shivering and huddling together on the cardboard.

One orange, one gray raccoon pattern.


"Is this your child?"

Lin Cheng's first reaction was a little surprised.

KT has a new life!
did not expect.

KT's cats were clicked by him, and a new kitten was born.

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