This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1784 Enjing's Chapter Opera Performance

After the surprise, Lin Cheng noticed that the kitten's condition was not right.

He stepped forward to check.

But the little gray cat was very fierce, it meowed in a childish voice, and waved its paws trying to drive Lin Cheng away.

Before Lin Cheng could respond, Tiger Ban, who was approaching next to him, was startled and staggered.

"Look at how useless you are."

Lin Cheng leaned down.


The gray kitten jumped up on its short legs, waving its paws aggressively at Lin Cheng, but the orange cat came up and grabbed the kitten's back with one bite.

Immediately, the kitten stopped being fierce, and stared innocently.

Lin Cheng checked it carefully.

Both kittens are thin and dirty, the gray kitten is still alive and the orange kitten is not so optimistic.

Its eyes were half-opened, curled up weakly, and did not bark, and there were a few pieces of cat food scattered around.

Lin Cheng also saw the missing lid of the cat food bucket.

"Did they eat cat food?"

Lin Cheng touched the little orange cat's belly, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

Such a small cat has a poor digestive system, and the cat food he bought is not for kittens. It is obvious that the little orange cat has a bad stomach.

He couldn't blame Mother Cat, though.

The big orange cat is really thin, and it must have insufficient milk.

It's also because of Lin Cheng's carelessness, he never paid attention to the gender of the orange cat before.

Or it's too thin to look like a lactating cat at all.

Moreover, Lin Cheng, who had learned a lesson in Iceland and was afraid of being regarded as a pervert by the cat, no longer casually checked the cat's stomach.

The teammates should be sleeping late, so Lin Cheng called Chi Shengxi.

"Lin Cheng, why are you calling me?"

"Has Miss Sheng Xi arrived at the club?"

"What do you think? Do you think my sister can sleep in like you?"

"You go to the utility room and send over the air box containing the cat, I am now..."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Cheng remembered that the two guys next to him hadn't eaten yet.

He poured some cat food on the cardboard, and the orange cat and the tabby ate it with their heads buried.

The little gray raccoon also wanted to lean over to eat cat food, but was pulled away by the back of the neck by Lin Cheng.

This guy was still a bit rebellious, he kept yelling at Lin Cheng fiercely.

Lin Cheng scratched the little orange cat's head comfortingly, and the little guy weakly rubbed his head against Lin Cheng's hand. He was much friendlier than his brother.

Looking at the two kittens with completely different reactions, Lin Cheng added some cat food to Mr. Orange Cat.

wrong!It should be Miss Orange Cat now.

"Since you trust me, I will take care of the kitten for you."

The cat can't understand the words, and it still cooks like a storm.

Tabby eats slowly, and within a few mouthfuls, he finds the orange cat coming to grab his cat food.

Being driven aside, it called out to Lin Cheng with some grievances.

Lin Cheng poured some cat food on the side, and Tiger Ban happily continued cooking.

Soon, Chi Shengxi drove over.

Seeing the appearance of the little orange cat, Chi Shengxi was more anxious than Lin Cheng.

The two stuffed the Orange Cat family into the flight case and were going to take it to the hospital for examination.


Tiger Ban looked up at Lin Cheng eagerly.

"Do you want to come too?"

Lin Cheng took advantage of the opportunity and stuffed Tiger Banner into the car, "It just so happens that you haven't had a physical examination for a long time, go! Follow me to the hospital for an injection."

In this way, Tiger Ban followed him to the pet hospital in a daze.

"The situation is not the worst! The kitten's teeth have not yet developed well, and it should be the cat food that was eaten recently."

"However, this one's enteritis is very serious. It is too small and needs to stay in the hospital for 24-hour care."

After a very detailed examination, the whole family of the orange cat had some health problems. The eyes of both kittens were a little inflamed, while the enteritis of the little orange cat was very serious and required hospital care.

Lin Cheng simply left the whole family in the hospital. The presence of the cat mother will make the kitten less sensitive to the surrounding environment, which is conducive to physical recovery.

The most unlucky one was Tabby, who followed him to the hospital for a full physical.

Although the final examination results showed that he was in good health, after being checked for a long time, the chrysanthemum was also stabbed, and the tabby became weak.

Through the transparent glass, Lin Cheng said goodbye to the family of three in the pet ward.

"Hey! The three of you are recuperating well in the hospital. I will pick you up in a few days."


Miss Orange Cat called out to Lin Cheng, then turned her head and licked the little orange cat's head.

Gray Lihua yelled at Lin Cheng in a childish voice.

Chi Shengxi teased the sluggish little orange cat with his fingers through the glass, "Come on! Get better soon, and you won't have to work so hard in the future."

The two returned to the car.

Chi Shengxi looked at the tabby with a dazed expression in the box, "The two kittens are healthy and they are not suitable to be placed outside. Will they be kept in the base?"

"Well, let them live in the base."

Chi Shengxi was a little happy, "Then what should we name them? They will be our KT cats from now on."

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "Yumi?"

"Isn't this too perfunctory? And there are two of them."

"Yumi No. [-]? Yuumi No. [-]? Anyway, it's just a difference in color, so let's treat it as Yuumi's two skins."

Chi Shengxi was speechless, "Forget it! Don't worry about naming things, let's let fans vote for the name of the cat."

Lin Cheng shrugged, and suddenly smiled playfully again.

"Sister Shengxi."


"Is this the little life we ​​saved together? How about having a good meal to celebrate?"

"Ha ha!"

"Why are you laughing? I haven't said what to eat yet?"

"Don't tell me."


On Saturday afternoon, Lin Cheng took a taxi to Daxue Road.

The sisters are all free today, and they agreed to come together to support En Jing's stage play.

Daehang-ro is located in Jongno District. It is a famous street centered on the site of the former College of Arts and Sciences of Seoul National University. There are more than 130 theaters, large and small, dedicated to performances.

In Korea, if you think of movies when you mention Chungmuro, then the first thing you think of when you think of Daehangro is drama and stage plays.

The form of drama has no market in China, but it is developing very vigorously in South Korea. For many young people, watching a movie is better than watching a drama.

The ticket price is similar, and the duration is also similar. For many young people, watching a movie is not as exciting as watching a live performance.

Daehang-ro retains many buildings that were originally the former site of Seoul National University, and the library and other buildings that were once rich in cultural atmosphere have become theaters one after another.

Lin Cheng got in touch with Zhiyan, and was waiting for his sisters to arrive in the small square of Romagnier Park.

There is a lot of traffic on Daxue Road today, Lin Cheng was sitting on a stool under the shade of a tree, surrounded by youthful men and women from time to time.

Some of them are young people who come to watch dramas, some are young actors who specialize in dramas, and many are members of university drama clubs.

Lin Cheng stared at it boredly for a while, then took out his phone and started playing.

"looking at what?"

Suddenly, a head poked out from behind his shoulder, staring curiously at the screen of Lin Cheng's phone.

Lin Cheng shuddered.

"Why are you walking silently? You startled me."


Zhiyan was wearing a mask, narrowing her long and narrow eyes.

Ju Li and Xiao Min couldn't help laughing when they saw Lin Cheng's neck shrinking in fright.

Xiao Min handed Lin Cheng the extra cup of coffee she bought.

Lin Chengzi took a breath.

American style, with ice.

"Hiss~~~~ Cool!"

After looking at the outfits of the sisters, Lin Cheng asked, "Are you all competing in beauty today? Why are you all so beautiful?"

Hearing Lin Cheng's obvious rainbow fart, Zhiyan and Xiaomin enjoyed it very much, but Ju Li couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Okay! Stop sticking around here, and get ready to enter the arena soon."


Lin Cheng shrugged.

He wasn't flattering, the three older sisters were clearly well-dressed for the show today.

Even wearing masks, you can see exquisite eyebrows and eye makeup, and their outfits are even more unique.

Jiyan tied her long hair into a low ponytail, and she wore a light-colored dress that looked a bit playful. She had long, fair legs without stockings, and a pair of nude-colored high-heeled shoes on her feet.

Ju Li wore a small white double-breasted casual suit with three-quarter sleeves. The buttons of the coat were unbuttoned. The thin beige knitted sweater set off her proud upper circumference and slender waist. Her legs under the light-colored skirt Wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, a pair of white high-heeled shoes are elegant and graceful.

Xiao Min is wearing a black hip-wrapping skirt, showing off her hot body. Her long legs are wrapped in black stockings, and her feet are in knee-high boots. Even Lin Cheng, a stinky and shameless person, is too embarrassed to keep staring at her.

Both Ju Li and Hyo Min are wearing white baseball caps, but there are often entertainers here, even the biggest names in Chungmuro ​​come here to perform, but no one pays special attention to them.

The square is very lively, many drama troupes have set up small sheds in the open space to promote their plays, even Lin Cheng saw the promotion of 19 ban dramas.

Passing by the publicity booth, Lin Cheng pointed at the poster above viciously.

"Hey! This drama seems very interesting! 19 ban."

Zhiyan turned her head to look at him, "The 19-ban drama is not a pornographic drama, why do you have that expression?"

Lin Cheng was curious, "Have you watched 19 ban dramas?"

"The 19 ban is because there are a lot of explicit lines, and of course there will be some revealing scenes, but it is different from a purely pornographic performance."

"How explicit?"

Zhiyan smiled mysteriously, "Guess!"


Lin Cheng pouted and turned his head, "Ju Linuna, have you seen it?"


"What's the scale?"

Ju Li glanced at him, "The pants are all off, what do you think?"


Lin Cheng became interested, "Let's go! Let's go see that one, Enjing Nuna's drama will be watched next time."


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