This guy Lin Cheng is not at all willing to settle down.

With his back turned to his sister-in-law and posing to watch the performance, Lin Cheng reached back from the side of the aisle and touched Ju Li's calf wrapped in flesh-colored stockings.

Tut tut!This feels great!

In his heart, he already regarded his sister-in-law as one of his own.

After all, he had personally measured Ju Li's bust size, and even helped him do it. Lin Cheng was ambitiously planning to take advantage of the situation to capture half of the crown.

However, Ju Li's temper likes to avoid, which is a problem.

So Lin Cheng felt that he should be more proactive.

Ju Li's legs are a little more voluptuous than Ji Yeon's, but she has lost a lot of weight compared to when she had a round figure before, and it feels amazing under the delicate silk stockings.

After being stunned for a while before realizing it, Ju Li angrily wanted to push Lin Cheng's hand away.

It's outside!

She didn't notice it, and she wasn't annoyed.

Just for being outside.

But he didn't want to, Lin Cheng easily grabbed the hand of his aunt.

She struggled, but did not break free.

The phone vibrates again.

Lin Cheng: Juli Nuna, are you busy recently?

Biting her lip, Ju Li tried to break free from Lin Cheng's hand again.

Unfortunately, it failed again.

So, she could only type with one hand.

Ju Li: Fortunately, I'm not very busy. .

After the news was sent out, she realized that she had forgotten something.

She quickly edited again.

let me go

Halfway through editing, Lin Cheng sent another message.

Lin Cheng: Tell me, what has my sister been doing recently?Do you want to play golf with me?
After thinking about it, Ju Li deleted the part that asked Lin Cheng to let her go.

Ju Li: (rolling eyes) Are you good at golf?
Lin Cheng: Generally speaking, mainly because I am very accurate.


Although she acted a little disgusted, Ju Li still chatted with him through messages under Lin Cheng's harassment like brown sugar.

As if she had completely forgotten something, she let Lin Cheng hold her hand.

Only occasionally she would look worriedly at Ji Yeon, then look at Hyo Min next to her.

Fortunately, there are only lights on the stage, and the two holding hands at the side of the aisle are very concealed.

Inexplicably, Ju Li suddenly wanted to laugh again.

I am obviously already old, why am I still like a little girl?
At this time, Hyomin reached out and pushed Juli.

"I'm going to the toilet."

The aunt was startled, and quickly broke away from Lin Cheng's hand.

The shallow impact sound fell on Lin Cheng's ears.

When Ju Li stopped her hand, she knocked on the chair.

Lin Cheng turned his head with an innocent face, "Ju Li is angry! What's wrong?"

"It's okay, just knocked."

The voice is a little gritted.

Lin Cheng suppressed a smile.

Ju Li quickly grabbed Xiao Min's arm, "I'll go to the toilet with you, I seem to have drunk too much coffee."

Glancing at Lin Cheng again, he found that this guy had already turned his head, and Xiao Min didn't notice anything.

Miss Li Juli, who was a little guilty, breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Then, she was inexplicably and a little annoyed.

Blame this guy.

She wrinkled her nose and stared fiercely at the back of Lin Cheng's head.

"Let's go, come back quickly."


The two stepped forward, trying not to make any obvious noise from the high heels.

Imagining how panicked his sister-in-law was just now, Lin Cheng was insanely happy right now.

Looking at Zhiyan's focused side face, Lin Cheng moved closer to her ear and whispered:
"Do you want to know who the murderer is? Call OPPA and I'll tell you."


Zhiyan twisted his waist unyieldingly, Lin Cheng's heart was moved by his coquettish look.

"No! I've called you angry so many times, Zhiyan should reciprocate."

"Cut! Who made you a younger brother?"

Zhiyan was a little apprehensive.

Lin Cheng bit her ear viciously, "You can just pull it, I will also depend on my mood when Zhiyan calls OPPA to beg for mercy next time."

Ji Yeon was shy, "I'm ignoring you! Watch the performance seriously, Eun Jung Ooni has appeared again."


After a while, the two sisters came back.

Lin Cheng turned his head and glanced quickly.

The auditorium was very dimly lit, making it hard to see clearly.

Ju Li, wearing a peaked cap and looking down, seems to be arranging the hem of her skirt.

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand back in a treacherous manner.

Touching his sister-in-law's beautiful legs in stockings, he was almost overwhelmed.

Feeling the delicate texture of the stockings, Lin Cheng gradually realized something was wrong as he groped carefully with his palm.

There is really nothing to say about the feel... But it seems that it is slightly different?
Lin Cheng turned his head.

Behind him, Xiao Min was looking up at him.

Lin Cheng gasped, his hands froze.

They changed places?

Quickly glanced to the side, Ju Li watched the performance seriously.

Too dark!

This aunt is messing with me on purpose!
Lin Cheng turned his head and silently withdrew his hand.

Play dead!

Otherwise how would he explain it?

Touched wrong?
Xiao Min didn't say anything, since she didn't make generous jokes, she didn't give Lin Cheng a brain breakdown on the spot, and she didn't torture Lin Cheng with every thought.

It's as if nothing happened.

Is my sister trying to save face for him?

Lin Cheng heaved a sigh of relief and was a little moved.

Then, holding back his anger towards Ju Li, the guy opened his mobile browser.

Start query.

"How to deal with the Water Dragon King"

"Strategy for 30-year-old Women"

"Auntie Loves Me"

Why?Why is the painting style wrong?Why did porn movies come out?
Finally, the play has reached the interactive reasoning link.

The protagonist who plays the role of detective acts temporarily as the host and begins to randomly select the audience for interaction.

Lin Cheng was lucky to be drawn.

"This audience, can you tell everyone your inference?"

Lin Cheng was very confident, with one hand in his pocket, pointing at the cleaning staff.

"The murderer is already's her! I guarantee it with my head."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

It's just watching a drama, isn't it?
The actors on the stage were all happy.

"Wow!!! This audience is really confident, but it's just a performance, it's not so serious... Is it right? Please look forward to the last scene of the performance!"

The host continued to interact with several audience members.

After a short break, the last section of the whole play was staged.

However, looking at it, Lin Cheng was not feeling well.

In the end, the murderer he identified was completely different.

The cleaner who was supposed to be the murderer turned out to be an innocent person, and the powerful workplace beauty Eun Jing was not the murderer, but the front desk of the company, who was an important witness in the last performance, became the murderer.

"What? My memory has been tampered with?"

Zhiyan poked Lin Cheng, "Hey! Did you watch a drama last time? Didn't you just fool Eunjing Ouni?"

Lin Cheng continued to be confused.

After the curtain call, all the actors took a curtain call on stage to express their gratitude to the audience for their support.

Lin Cheng raised his hand and stood up.

He was a little dissatisfied, "You guys cheated! Last time I saw it, the murderer was clearly the cleaning staff!"

The audience saw that it was the buddy who had just used the head of the item as a guarantee, and couldn't hold back anymore.

The actors on the stage burst into laughter.

Brother Jing smiled especially happily.

She took the opportunity to raise the microphone in her hand, "I'm sorry, audience! Thank you for your continuous support, but our director temporarily changed the script before this show."

Lin Cheng: "... I can't afford it, can I? Is this reasonable?"

The sisters are already laughing like crazy.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when the drama performance ended, and the four of them waited until Eun Jing met and went back to Ji Yan's apartment together.

Dinner was a great takeaway meal.

"Cheers! Congratulations to Eun Jing O'Neill's drama for the first time."

"Although I'm late, cheers!"

Korean drinking table culture permeates everyone, regardless of gender.

Even Lin Cheng drank a lot under the guidance of his sisters.

Hyomin is even more aggressive.

"Drink it up in one gulp, today is a celebration feast for you, Enjing."

"Neither! You are not allowed to run."

"Lin Cheng, are you a man? Drink! Weaker than Zhiyan!"

"...Why are you so aggressive? I'll just keep drinking."

"Ha ha!"

In this way, the atmosphere at the wine table was very lively.

After drinking for three rounds, the living room suddenly plunged into darkness.

"Huh? Power outage?"

"How to do?"

"I just went to drink, and I haven't eaten a bite yet."

"It's okay, I'll turn on the flashlight and eat slowly."

Lin Cheng set up the flashlight of his mobile phone, and everyone continued to eat under the bright light.

Of course, the alcoholic sister still didn't let everyone go.

After a long time, the electricity still did not come.

The atmosphere has become relatively quiet.

The alcoholic sister stopped arguing, and had a drink while eating vegetables with flushed cheeks.

The rest chatted in whispers in the light of the table.

Lin Cheng inexplicably felt that the atmosphere was a little warm.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth turned up.

She reached under the table and grabbed a delicate foot wrapped in stockings.

Feeling someone put his leg on his lap, Lin Cheng originally thought it was Zhiyan.

But Jiyeon didn't wear stockings today. it the aunt?

Then I'm welcome!
Lin Cheng unzipped the zipper.

The owner of the beautiful feet paused slightly after touching Lin Cheng who stirred up the flames.

Then, her slender and delicate toes tried to separate, and were rubbed lightly by the thinly stretched stockings.

Extra gentle.

brake!don't report me

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