This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1787 Exciting game with sisters

Chapter 1787 Exciting game with sisters
It was a little different from Lin Cheng's impression that his sister-in-law liked to avoid it.

She is really good at it!

Through the thin stockings, the flexible toes and soles are constantly teasing.

Lin Cheng tensed up in the continuous rubbing.

Then, probably tired.

She stomped slightly angrily.

Lin Cheng gasped.

This taste is indescribable.

During the dinner, the sisters chatted about their recent life.

Lin Cheng listened quietly while feeling the tenderness.

Seeing and listening to his sister-in-law talking quietly and calmly with his sisters, Lin Cheng admitted that he had slightly underestimated her.

On the other hand, the alcoholic sister on the opposite side occasionally asked Lin Cheng for a drink and clinked glasses.

"Xiaomin is angry, don't pour it for me anymore."

"Are you a man?"


Lightly stepping on the soles of his feet, Lin Cheng almost cried out in delight.

He stopped talking, and let Xiao Min fill him up.

It's a pity that the light from the mobile phone's flashlight can't reach the sister-in-law next to Xiao Min, otherwise Lin Cheng would have given her a vicious look.

Brother Cheng was almost embarrassed.

Suddenly, the living room was brightly lit.

The call is coming!
The sisters cheered, and the sudden light made Lin Cheng narrow his eyes subconsciously.

The tenderness under the table disappeared.

Feeling lost, Lin Cheng hurriedly put his sword and gun into storage.

Very strenuous, almost stuck.

It's all your fault!Make Brother Cheng unable to get up or down.

Lin Cheng glared at his aunt, her cheeks were flushed, it was obvious that she had drunk too much from dinner.

The same goes for the other sisters.

Hyomin was slightly better, but she drank the most.

Lin Cheng couldn't see it, and his complexion didn't look any better.

"No! I drank a little too much, I'll clean it up later."

"OK! Do you want to play a board game?"

"Forget it! Let's watch TV."

Zhiyan got up, collapsed heavily on the sofa, and took the remote control to turn on the TV.

Enjing scolded, "Ah! Be gentle."

Zhiyan giggled, a little heartless.

Seeing Hanhan's casual and relaxed look in front of his sister, Lin Cheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He sat down on the floor and leaned back comfortably with his hands on the ground.

"See what?"

"Variety show! Just find one."

Seeing that everyone shifted their positions, Ju Li at the dining table got up and stretched, and threw herself on the sofa in two steps regardless of her image.

The hem of the skirt slid up a little bit, and Lin Cheng was a little dizzy from the shaking of her silky legs.

Normally, my aunt seldom behaves so carelessly. It seems that she really drank too much.

Xiaomin drank the last drop of soju in the glass, and the action was exactly the same as that of Juli.

However, most of the space on the L-shaped sofa has been taken up by Zhiyan and Ju Li. She can only lie on the end of the sofa, with her back facing Lin Cheng boldly, her upturned buttocks and slender black silk legs under the hip-wrapping skirt It was a foul.

She looked very relaxed, her legs were bent behind her back, her black silk-wrapped feet curled up and stretched mischievously, stretching the thin stockings to make them transparent and seductive.

But Lin Cheng was too close to her.

Seeing the seductive action of the alcoholic elder sister, her posture was high-spirited.

He subconsciously bowed his body to hide his embarrassment.

Don't blame him for not being up to date, it's really difficult.

The sister-in-law's shredded meat, Xiaomin's black silk, and Zhiyan's snow-white long legs had a great impact on the dizzy Lin Cheng.

Fortunately, Enjing changed into jeans after the performance. If she was tempted by a stage uniform again, Lin Cheng might be killed on the spot.

"Hmm~~~ There don't seem to be any variety shows at this point in time."

"Look for it again."


Accidentally, Ji Yeon found a program on a paid adult channel.

"Hey! What variety show is this? Do you want to watch it?"

"Whatever, just this one!"

Korean adult channels are not necessarily erotic, but as a late-night show, they are not so pure. Anyway, Koreans are best at edging.

This variety show is a multiplayer dating show, and one of the games like the candy challenge is very interesting.

The three girls were blindfolded, and the three boys each sprayed breath fresheners with different flavors into their mouths, and then blew in front of the blindfolded girls one by one in random order, asking the girls to guess the taste of the freshener and the corresponding person .

For an adult dating show, this kind of scale is very small, and everyone watched it with gusto.

Seeing Lin Cheng stretching his neck with his hands on his chin, Zhiyan smiled and winked at him, "Smelly brother! Do you want to play this game with your sisters?"

Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows.

So exciting?

Enjing glared at Jiyan angrily, "What? You're in a hurry, right?"

Zhiyan curled her lips, "Eunjing O'Neil doesn't want to play, so why not play, he just happens to be the referee."

En Jing smiled helplessly, she turned to look at Lin Cheng.

Ju Li and Xiao Min also looked over, their eyes were a little dazed, as if they were still in the happy hour of the wine barrel.

The sisters were all staring at him, Lin Cheng subconsciously felt something was wrong.

"Not good! I don't want to take advantage of my sisters."

"Cut! Who said it was the sisters who smelled your mouth? Let's take turns and guess one by one. The person who guesses the least correctly cleans up the trash on the table."

"Okay...but do you have that many scented fresheners?"

Zhiyan was stunned, "No! But my sister has wax bottle candies of various flavors, and the taste is also very obvious."

None of the three sisters raised any objections, but seeing their burning gazes staring at him, Lin Cheng was actually embarrassed, "This...isn't it good!"

"You have bad breath?"


Lin Cheng twitched his neck, "Come here! Don't say I'm taking advantage."

"Ha ha!"

Zhiyan gave Lin Cheng a wink, "You can take advantage of my sister as you like."

Enjing couldn't stand her anymore, "Ah! You two!"

"I'm going to get the blindfold and the wax bottle of sugar, you guys get ready."

Ji-yeon ran away with a bang.

She still staggered a little, Lin Cheng was afraid that this fool would bump her head against the wall.

Lin Cheng carefully glanced at the three sisters.

"Hey! It's not that I want to take advantage of my sisters, who of you don't want to play?"

Enjing looked at him with a smile, but didn't speak.

The alcoholic sister looked slightly drunk.

Ju Li secretly glared at him.

Soon, Ji Yeon brought a wax bottle of candy and a disposable steam eye mask.

The steam eye mask can relieve eye fatigue, and it is not bad to give the eyes a horse while playing games.

Lin Cheng tasted a wax bottle of candy first.

It's called sugar, but it's actually a liquid.

The wax bottle the size of half a pinky finger contained liquids of various colors, and when Lin Cheng bit off the bottle, there were actually only a few drops in it.

It can't be said to be delicious, but the taste is really big.

In fact, this thing is used by many anchors for ASMR. Although the wax bottle cannot be eaten, the sound of chewing in the mouth is very pleasant. Coupled with the sucking sound of the liquid inside, there is an alternative intracranial stimulation.

"Come on! Test it first, Lin Cheng, put on the blindfold and don't peek."


Lin Cheng took off the disposable eye mask and was about to put it on.

Suddenly seeing the excited eyes of the four sisters surrounding him, Lin Cheng felt a little uneasy again.

Why does this scene seem to have been seen in a Japanese literary film?
"You are not allowed to do strange things to me."


(End of this chapter)

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