A bit silly

Blindfolded and stared at in a circle by four women, no matter if they are beautiful or not, Lin Cheng will feel a little uncomfortable.

Honestly wear a steam eye mask.

The eye mask heats up quickly and is very comfortable.

"Can you see it?"

"I can't see it at all"

Zhiyan gestured in front of Lin Cheng for a while to confirm that he really couldn't see.

Hanhan suggested to beat him with lip language, anyway, Lin Cheng didn't know who did it.

En Jing took the opportunity to slap "Hey, ha" in front of Lin Cheng.

Ju Li also became interested, and almost touched the tip of Lin Cheng's nose when she waved her fist.

Lin Cheng took off the blindfold, "Hey! Is it fun?"

"Wow!!! Didn't you say you couldn't see it?"

"I'm not stupid, how could I not know if you make such a big noise."

The lighting in the living room is very bright. Although it is true that you can't see anything, you can feel the light and dark changes of the light through the eye mask.

The angle of view in his blindfold flickered and almost turned into a flashlight. How could Lin Cheng not know that his sisters were playing tricks on him?

Seeing that this guy is so vigilant, the sisters stopped making trouble. After a while of discussion, the rules of the game were quickly determined.

The playing cards of A-5 were selected and placed on the table in disorder, and each person drew a card and played it out.

The number on the card is the order, and this card cannot be known to others until the result is announced.

Because you not only have to guess the taste of the wax bottle candy, but also guess the corresponding person, so you can't reveal your order of appearance.

Ji-yeon set the time on her mobile phone.

"OK! The alarm clock will ring every 2 minutes, everyone come in their own order."

"Put on the blindfolds, I'm going to start the timer, and the ones who draw number one are allowed to take off the blindfolds."

Everyone put on the steam goggles and started the timer,
After a few seconds, Ji-yeon took off the blindfold.

She drew an A.

Seeing Lin Cheng and her sisters wearing blindfolds obediently sitting in a circle, Zhiyan beamed with joy and made a fist in front of everyone in turn, and it took nearly half a minute for her to think about the business.

There were wax bottles of candy in five colors on the table. She picked up a green one, bit it open, and drank the liquid inside.

Coming close to Lin Cheng, Zhiyan didn't dare to make a sound, held her breath and carefully blew on the tip of his nose.

Peppermint, too obvious.

Lin Cheng guessed the taste of wax bottle candy immediately.

But he wasn't sure who the person in front of him was.

Because Zhiyan didn't make a sound the whole time, and the person who eats candy can also randomly choose the order of blowing, so Lin Cheng didn't know that he was the first person to be tested by Zhiyan.

Otherwise, combined with Zhiyan's previous behavior of deserting and scribbling for a long time, Lin Cheng could easily guess that it was his silly wife.

Jiyeon blew another breath in front of the sisters one by one.

Glancing at the time, she put on a blindfold and disguised herself.

Two minutes later, the alarm clock rang on time.

Lin Cheng took off the blindfold and turned off the alarm clock.

He drew 2.

When the alarm clock stopped, it meant that the second person had already started preparations, and the sisters cheered up.

The alarm clock starts counting again.

Bite open the red wax bottle of candy, seeing the four sisters wearing blindfolds, Lin Cheng struggled a little.

Who should start with?

But the older sisters are all wearing blindfolds and their cheeks are flushed from drinking, which is a bit...attractive?

Don't think about it!

Putting aside his messy thoughts, Lin Cheng moved closer to Xiao Min.

The alcoholic elder sister sat sideways on the floor, wearing black silk, a hip-wrapping skirt, and an eye mask, and her hands on the ground seemed like foul play.

Unfortunately, this is a serious game.

This guy is inexplicable and a little regretful.

Lin Cheng cautiously breathed out on the tip of her nose, finished the task and prepared to get up.

As a result, Xiao Min sniffled, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to hook Lin Cheng's neck and smell it carefully.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng reacted quickly and did not get caught by Xiao Min when he dodged ahead of time, otherwise he would definitely know it was him as soon as his body touched him.

Don't try to cheat!

Lin Cheng took a horrified look at the drunkard sister who was wearing a blindfold and was inexplicably shy, and got up and moved closer to Enjing.

There is nothing to say about Brother Jing's appearance, but probably because of the temperament of acting in a drama today, Lin Cheng felt that even though she was wearing a blindfold, she didn't feel very astringent.

Lin Cheng carefully breathed out on the tip of her nose.

En Jing frowned, her nose twitched slightly, and she seemed to be thinking.

Then Lin Cheng moved closer to Zhiyan.

Hanhan will be a bit boring, wearing a blindfold, pouting and raising eyebrows, etc. There are many small movements.

Coupled with the red cheeks under the eye mask, it is inexplicably attractive.

Already sensing someone in front of her, Zhiyan raised her head subconsciously and stretched her nose forward.

Lin Cheng kissed her directly.

Hanhan still smelled mint in his mouth, Lin Cheng immediately knew who that person was just now, and instantly praised his wit.

Zhiyan naturally came to her senses, and gently responded to Lin Cheng, and even voluntarily stuck out her little tongue to tangle with Lin Cheng.

Wearing blindfolds and kissing Lin Cheng next to the sisters, Hanhan felt very exciting.

The two were very restrained and did not make any sucking sounds, and Lin Cheng finally let Zhiyan go after entangled for a while.

Realizing that time was running out, Lin Cheng couldn't take advantage of his sister-in-law in the end, so he could only take a well-behaved sigh and put on the blindfold.

Since the mint in Zhiyan's mouth tasted different, my sister-in-law probably didn't know what kind of wax bottle candy this guy was eating.

Just in time, the alarm clock rang.

Wearing a blindfold, Lin Cheng became a blind monk again.

Listening to the slight movement in his ears, Lin Cheng sat lazily on the floor, thinking about who would appear this round while feeling dizzy.

Soon, a figure appeared in front of Lin Cheng.

A very soft breath appeared at the tip of the nose, faintly present.

Seeing that she seemed to want to leave, Lin Cheng became anxious all of a sudden.

That's how ghosts can smell it.

He took the initiative to stretch his nose and leaned over.

The tip of his nose touched something, and at the same time his lips touched a piece of softness.

The elder sister in front of her was stunned for a moment, probably because she had not reacted because of the alcohol.

As a result, Lin Cheng got it wrong.

You didn't respond when I kissed you?
hum!It must be my aunt.

So, Lin Cheng hugged her neck and kissed her lips.

After not noticing for a while, my sister turned around and found out that this guy had stuck his tongue in.

She widened her eyes.

However, Lin Cheng was not polite at all, and entangled his sister's tongue very gently.

Realizing that she seemed to be hiding, Lin Cheng became strong again.

While kissing, his hands moved down.

Lin Cheng was dumbfounded when he accidentally touched his sister's leg.

how could be?

The texture of these jeans...how could it be Brother Jing?
This unscientific!

what should I do?
Waiting online, very anxious.

This guy Lin Cheng reacted very quickly, and immediately made up his mind that if Enjing settled the score, he would say that he regarded her as Zhiyan.

Anyway, Hanhan is used to taking the blame.

If you run now, you will be exposed instead.

Therefore, Lin Cheng continued to suck his sister's tongue lightly.

Hmm~~~ Knowing the truth, why does it feel better?
Not too much, soon Lin Cheng honestly let her go.

Sit down obediently.

Enjing was still in a daze at this moment.

Seeing this guy's nonchalant look, she wrinkled her nose and said nothing.

Game continues.

Later, Lin Cheng became honest. Although the alcoholic sister and sister-in-law each had a half probability of being the last two people, he didn't try to use intimacy to distinguish them.

The alarm clock rang for the last time.

Everyone took off their blindfolds.

Both Zhiyan and Enjing looked at Lin Cheng.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared, and this guy Lin Cheng pretended to be calm and began to write the answer.

"OK! The game is over. Everyone write down their answers on their own paper. In the end, the one who made the most mistakes takes out the trash."

Lin Cheng took a pen and wrote down his answer.

The first one: Enjing-mint flavor.

The second one: Lin Cheng-strawberry flavor.

The third one: Jiyeon - Vanilla.

The fourth: Juli-chocolate flavor.

Fifth: Hyo Min - Peach Flavor.

Of course, Lin Cheng knew that the first one should be the mint-flavored wax candy that Zhiyan ate, but in order to pretend that he was really innocent, he could only switch the order of Enjing and Zhiyan.

In this way, in case Brother Jing makes trouble, he has a reason to admit his mistake.

Everyone posted their answers.

Generally speaking, since everyone knows their own order and the taste of wax candy, everyone can guarantee one.

In the end, Lin Cheng was only right about one.

As it should be, he came last.

And when he knew that Enjing had drawn 3, Lin Cheng looked in disbelief.

"Really? Eun Jung-nu is that 3? I thought the third one was Ji-yeon."

While speaking, Lin Cheng looked at En Jing with slightly apologetic eyes.

Brother Jing didn't say anything, just smiled generously.

On the other hand, Zhiyan smiled very happily.

"Smelly brother, you even admitted your sister wrong?"

Only Zhiyan knew that Lin Cheng cheated on her. They both kissed and exchanged the taste in their mouths, but Lin Cheng didn't smell the peppermint in her mouth?
Smelly brother is a bit silly!

(End of this chapter)

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