This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1789 Zhiyan: I'm not stupid

After the oolong game, as the loser, Lin Cheng consciously got up to clean up the trash on the table.

While tidying up, I listened to my sisters talking and laughing.

Occasionally meeting Shang Enjing's eyes, Lin Cheng immediately showed a harmless smile.

En Jing also smiled, and didn't mean to trouble him.

Lin Cheng suddenly remembered that he joked about Brother Jing before, but he really owed him a kiss?

In this way, even if it is evened?
But what about the interest?

After such a long time, the interest rate is increasing, and the interest rate is increasing. Is this even?
Brother Cheng is doing charity, right?

While this guy was picking up the garbage, he started to run the train with his mind full of flirtatiousness.

After drinking a lot of wine in the evening, the sisters rested earlier, and Lin Cheng was assigned to the sofa again as a matter of course.

Then he sneaks out of Ji-yeon's bedroom door again.

Pushing open the half-closed door, Lin Cheng poked his head in.

"Is there anyone? Is there someone kind enough to take me in for a night? It's uncomfortable to sleep on the sofa."

Zhi Yan and Ju Li were whispering under the covers, they all turned their heads to look over.

The two older sisters half exposed their heads under the quilt, their cheeks were red and they looked a little cute.

Zhiyan waved with a smile, "Come in! My sister takes you in."

Ju Li gave Lin Cheng a warning look.

It's a pity that her appearance at this meeting is really not deterrent.

Lin Cheng opened the cabinet and found a mat to spread on the floor beside the bed.

Wrapped in the quilt, lay down and stretched comfortably.

"Jiyan, come down and stay with me, I want to talk to you."


Jiyeon looked at her sister next to her.

Ju Li rolled her eyes angrily, "Go, go! I just want to rest, so don't bother me."

Zhiyan got out of bed with a smile and slipped into Lin Cheng's bed, leaning comfortably in Lin Cheng's arms.

"How are you doing recently? I heard that you are a substitute."

Lin Cheng joked, "Recently, I am engaged in a palace fight. I am going to drive away the coach first, and then the club manager. From top to bottom, I belong to me. After KT, Lin Cheng alone will have the final say. "

"Ha ha!"

"There seem to be cherry blossoms in the south, how about we go to see the cherry blossoms in April?"

"Okay, you can come to the cherry blossom camp."

"Juliana will go with you, too?"

"depend on mood."

"Okay! What will Zhiyan arrange tomorrow?"

"I'm going to take Dobby and Xuehua to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow, do you want to go with my sister?"

"Okay, let me tell you, the new cat at our base took me to see its baby the day before yesterday..."

The two chatted about daily life, and Lin Cheng occasionally made jokes to make Zhiyan laugh all the time.

Ju Li felt warm inexplicably.

Although Lin Cheng is full of fears, he is indeed not bad.

And so it went for a while.


Lin Cheng propped himself up, and suddenly turned his head and shouted.

The aunt turned her head and glanced at him lazily, too lazy to answer.

As a result, Lin Cheng immediately winked at her.

"Jiyan, Nuna is already asleep."

Juli: "???"

Someone gritted his teeth.

This guy wants to do something bad again.

"Really? So fast?"

Jiyeon looked up to confirm.

Inexplicably guilty, Ju Li subconsciously closed her eyes.

The sister-in-law's reaction almost made Lin Cheng unable to hold back his laughter.

"I drank a lot tonight, but the two of us drank the least."

While talking, Lin Cheng poked his hand into Zhiyan's clothes, "Zhiyan, it seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time."


Hanhan lightly pecked his cheek, "Smelly brother! Sister misses you so much."

"Me too."

With thoughts he hadn't seen for a long time, Lin Cheng went straight to the point.

Zhiyan bit her thin lips lightly, and obediently parted a pair of fair and slender beautiful legs.

At this time, Ju Li hid in the quilt like a thief and turned her head to look over.

With just one glance, she immediately closed her eyes tightly, for fear of being caught.

From this angle, you can only see Lin Cheng's upper body, and the maknae's splayed legs. The subconscious picture is that the already red cheeks of the sister-in-law have become even redder.

"Take it easy, Guileoni is here."

Lin Cheng wandered around outside the customs, leaning over and staring straight into Zhiyan's eyes, "Isn't it more exciting to be next to Ju Linu?"


Someone clenched his fists on the bed.

Zhiyan was also embarrassed when she heard this, and pinched Lin Cheng angrily, "I hate it! Don't say it."

"What's the matter? Anyway, I think so."

"What if Ernie finds out?"

Lin Cheng shrugged, "If you find out, you'll find out. Can she still vent her anger on us?"

This speech revealed naked arrogance, and a certain sister who pretended to be sleeping almost gritted her teeth.

"Oh yes."

Zhiyan laughed heartlessly, "Anyway, my sister won't be really angry, and..."

Having said that, Hanhan pouted and pressed his forehead against Lin Cheng's chin.

"Actually, I know that my sisters also like my stinky brother."


Someone on the bed tensed up.

"I know, the older sisters definitely like the younger brother... at least a little bit."

Looking at Lin Cheng's clear eyes, Zhiyan stretched out her hand and rubbed his cheeks, "But my brother must like me the most, right... ah!!!! Take it easy."

The voice suddenly trembled and became extremely boring.

And someone grabbed the quilt tightly.

The sword and shoes arrive.

Lin Cheng's movements became very gentle.

He kissed Zhiyan's face apologetically, but he didn't admit it so honestly.

"What kind of liking are you talking about? Sister to brother? Man to woman?"

"I'm not stupid."

Zhiyan bit her lip and frowned slightly, "Smelly brother, don't lie to me! My sister is not angry with you."

She said she wasn't angry, but she still pouted and turned her head away on purpose.

"Anyway, I'm also a junior, so I don't have any right to control you... No, it's not right, it's the fourth! Little five? Oops! I hate you so much!"

This silly!
She is actually not as heartless as she appears, she thinks deeply about many things.

Lin Cheng lovingly kissed her delicate eyebrows and eyes, and slowly straightened his waist.

"You fool."

Listening to the doting in Lin Cheng's tone, Zhi Yan hugged his neck tightly, "You don't understand, some things are very important to my sister, and some things are not so important, hiss~~~~ You should be more shallow."

As if touching the soul, Lin Cheng felt her beauty.

"So, what is important to Jiyeon? How do I compare with my sisters?"

"Hate it! Anyway, you are not important."

"Really? Then I'm not happy."

"Woo~~~~ Scoundrel! You can't do this."

At this moment, Ju Li's mood was extremely complicated.

Although she knew that her youngest was careless and her brain circuit was very abstract, but hearing what the youngest said, Ju Li was as embarrassed as if her ulterior secret had been breached.

But... why do they have to talk about this kind of thing at this time?

Even if it's a black face, it's more normal to quarrel, right?

Also, Jiyeon's voice is too embarrassing!

In fact, when Lin Cheng entered the bedroom, Ju Li knew that he was uneasy and kind.

But she didn't object as strongly as she did last time.

It's useless to object, she's subconsciously already flattened a bit.

It's not the first time anyway.

However, even with a little psychological preparation, this is still too difficult for my sister-in-law.

Holding his legs tightly together, he suddenly trembled all over.

Ju Li felt that she was particularly disappointing today.

Just hearing their conversation, actually...

Suddenly, Lin Cheng picked up Zhiyan.

"Yeah! You turn off the lights! Ernie is here."

"It's okay, Nuna slept soundly."

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