This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1796 New member of the club

Facts have proved that Lin Cheng's abstraction is not covered. He pretended not to see the messy barrage in the live broadcast room, and talked about cars on his own.

"About the headlights and the size of the trunk, to be honest, I pay attention to both."

"But the key to a car light is not the size, but the shape and aesthetics."

"Although some headlights look big, if the shape is not good, they will lack aesthetic feeling. For example, Cayenne... You can see that although the headlights of Cayenne are not small, but the shape is flat, I don't think there is any beauty at all."

"Although some headlights are smaller, their shapes are round and perfect, and they actually have a good driving experience."

"Small, but also very cute."

After a pause, Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, "As for the trunk, it's also very important. I prefer camping, and I need to pack things... Who posted the dragon's lair? Fork it out!"

The barrage exploded.

"? ? ? "

"Cayenne died laughing!"Deflated headlights

"Dragon's Lair is really a show!" "

"So for Brother Chengzi, the size of the headlights is actually not important, but the trunk is more important, right? "

"I also think the trunk is more important, and the lights can be refitted in the repair shop"

"The more you talk, the more outrageous"

"Stop talking guys, I'm going to start growing my buttocks"

"Knowing the sky is easy, the man against the sky"

"Is it possible that Brother Chengzi was talking about the car seriously the whole time? "

"I don't know if he's serious or not, but I'm not serious anyway (funny)"

After joking for a while, Lin Cheng finally returned to seriousness.

"Hey! Why doesn't Sister Shengxi turn around?"

Lin Cheng looked out of the window and realized that something was wrong, "Turned on the wrong way! Why didn't you turn on the navigation at the intersection just now?"

"It's okay, you can go this way."

While talking, Chi Shengxi turned from the next intersection ahead.

"Yes, but there is a school here, and the speed limit is 30 kilometers instead of 50, brake quickly!"

Seeing her indifference, Lin Cheng was anxious, "Brake! Drive so fast! I'll see how many points you have to punish."

Chi Shengxi frowned, "Why are you reacting so much? There is still a section of the road with a speed limit of 30. Doesn't my sister know the road better than you?"

While speaking, she still reduced the speed of the car.

"Keep right, keep right, you're too close to the middle! You're almost on the line!"

"Friendly reminder, if you are fined more than 121 points within one year, your driver's license will be revoked."

"Why do female drivers like to drive in the middle of the road? Is it more secure?"

Lin Cheng chattered on and on, but Chi Shengxi was driving seriously, "You're broadcasting live, pay attention to your attitude towards female drivers... But it seems that you are driving a little crookedly."

"You didn't drive crookedly, it was Lu Xiu who drove crookedly."

Chi Shengxi smiled helplessly and ignored him.

"LOL!This is so hard to beat"

"Miss Sister has such a good temper"

"Is South Korea's driver's license revoked after deducting 121 points?outrageous

"Pay attention to the attitude towards female drivers, KKKKK"

"What do female drivers like to drive in the middle?"Brother Cheng's AOE punch is a bit fierce"

"It seems to be true, female drivers always feel that the road is wider when driving in the middle"

"Bros!I reported the live broadcast room on the grounds that it discriminates against women. Am I doing the right thing? "

"I reported it earlier, the reason is that I am pornographic (funny)"

Lin Chengan took a break for a while, then glanced at the rearview mirror.

"Be careful! There is an SUV trying to overtake on the side and rear."

"Give it up, he's very fast."

"Sister Shengxi, don't drive an angry car. Life is complicated. We should try our best to stay away from danger. Although you may get a lot of compensation if you don't give way, compared to the rest of your life, you may have to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair... "


Finally, Chi Shengxi couldn't bear it anymore, and cast a sharp glance at Lin Cheng.

"Are you finding fault on purpose?"

Lin Cheng calmed down, shrunk his neck and shook his head in denial.

The barrage has gone crazy from laughing.

Arriving at the pet hospital, the two registered and explained their intentions, and the young lady of the hospital took them to the cat inpatient department.

The orange cat's family of three gathered together in a small glass room. Although Miss Orange Cat was still a little thin, she was in good spirits and her body was washed clean.

The two kittens have been cleaned and dewormed, one orange and one gray, very cute.

Seeing Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi, the little gray raccoon came close to the glass and meowed non-stop, while the little orange cat timidly leaned against its mother cat.

Chi Shengxi waved his hand, "Ah Ni~~~ I said that I will come to pick you up when you recover."


The gray kitten stretched its limbs and tried to pounce, but hit the glass with a snap.

The hearts of a group of guys who are preparing to raise cats in the barrage are almost melted, and they are all clamoring to suck the kitten bald.

"They are the new members of KT. Everyone can think of their names and leave a message in the club's comment area."

Chi Shengxi thought for a while, "If your names are adopted, then you can get the autographed team uniform worn by Lin Cheng."

Hearing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room were excited.

In fact, except for a few meetings, there are not many opportunities to get Lin Cheng's autograph, let alone his autograph on the team uniform.

On the Carrot APP, someone bid millions of Korean won for Lin Cheng's signed team jersey. It has been hanging for a month but the transaction has not been successful.

A group of people's enthusiasm for naming was ignited again.

"In addition to the two kittens, the mother cat also needs a name. It is also our new member."

After seeing the condition of the cats, I have to make a final confirmation with the doctor.

The doctor in charge of the cat's family was having a consultation, and the two sat down in the waiting area on the side of the lobby on the second floor of the hospital.

The audience in the live broadcast room were curious about the environment of the pet hospital in Korea, so Lin Cheng took a picture with his mobile phone.

An aunt who seemed to be about 50 years old came over holding a silver gradient. While looking anxiously at the situation in the consulting room, she kept comforting the cat in her arms.

"Hey Yigu! Don't be afraid of walnuts! You'll see a doctor soon, and mom will be with you."

"it's okay no problem!"

Even the water friends in the live broadcast room could feel the tension in Auntie's voice.


When Lin Cheng heard the name, he thought he had met Mr. Dai's family. He knew that Mr. Dai had adopted a stray cat named Walnut.

But after thinking about it carefully, Mr. Dai has adopted walnuts for several years, and the cat in his aunt's arms is only three or four months old, so it cannot be Mr. Dai's one.

It's just that the names collided.

Chi Shengxi looked at the sluggish cat, "Auntie, sit down first, have you registered yet? What's wrong with it?"

Looking at the sofa next to her, the aunt obviously couldn't sit down and wait with peace of mind.

"Oh! Thank you... Usually our walnuts are eaten by ourselves, but today I came back and found that it was all wrong."

"Usually it sticks to me, but today it's not active, and it started to tremble even after entering the hospital. Ouch! I'm really worried."

Lin Cheng took a closer look at the cat, "It's okay! Many cats are timid and afraid when they come to the hospital for the first time, and it's not necessarily the reason for their illness."

"The little girl at the front desk also told me, but I'm still worried!"

The aunt put her arms around the cat and kept comforting her, "At my age, raising a cat is really... more nervous than my daughter's illness."

"I was never so nervous when my daughter had a high fever when she was a child."

Although it was impolite, Lin Cheng still wanted to laugh.

This aunt's daughter probably picked it up, right?

Chi Shengxi comforted his aunt softly, and suddenly the hall jumped up.

A dark figure suddenly jumped in front of them.

"Don't run around! Come back quickly."

The figure jumped to the other side of the treatment area. There were glass doors installed at the junction of the hall and the corridor, and the two glass doors opened on one side and closed on the other.


The figure slammed headlong into the glass door.

With an aggrieved howl, the figure was bounced back,
It turned out to be a little husky, probably only two or three months old, exactly the same as Hanzai back then.

After howling, the little husky immediately turned over and got up, kicked its hind legs, and ejected to start.

With a whoosh, he went through the open glass door on the other side and disappeared.

"Ghost! The head is really iron."

Lin Cheng was speechless, before he could say anything, another black and white figure jumped over.


It was still a little husky, and it hit the glass door again.

This guy is even more kind, he doesn't make a sound, he just gets up and runs.

Before it was over, another white figure rushed over in just a blink of an eye.


This time it is a chubby Alaska, which is a bit more bloated than a husky, but it also looks more naive.

Even getting up doesn't look so neat.

Both Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi were dumbfounded.

Auntie couldn't care less about comforting her cat at this moment, even the silver gradient in her arms was dumbfounded.

"Damn it! The mass suicide of dogs in the pet hospital?"

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