This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1797 Cat Moral Education

Chapter 1797 Cat Moral Education
The sleigh slammed into the door one after another and left. This scene was comparable to that of sows queuing up and falling into the ditch, causing a commotion in the hall.

Lin Cheng was about to watch the fun, when he found an orange figure following out from the consultation room where the Erhas rushed out.


Miss Orange Cat chased after a few steps and stopped, roaring in the direction of the corridor, with a menacing posture.

The nurse who followed was very nervous, and tried to catch the orange cat but was dodged by it.

The orange cat was still chattering, Lin Cheng went up to hug it.

"What's this for? If you're going to be discharged from the hospital, you're going to turn against your fellow patients, right?"

This was Lin Cheng's first time hugging an orange cat, and the cat didn't resist.

After all, it has been fed for a period of time, and it is already a very trusting expression of the orange cat to ask him for help when the kitten is sick.

"Fortunately! It scared me to death."

Seeing the three dogs on the other side being caught by the staff, the nurse finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on here?"

"Is such that·····"

It turned out that the source of the riots was Miss Orange Cat.

Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi were waiting in the lobby just now, and the Jumao family was undergoing a routine final examination before going to the hospital. The doctor will give appropriate advice based on the examination report later.

Some consulting rooms in the pet hospital are shared. Everyone was safe and sound. The cats were hugged by the nurses, and the dogs stayed on the ground.

But when the little orange cat was put on the reception desk, a husky was so curious that it jumped on the chair and pulled the consultation desk, wanting to get close to the little orange cat to smell it.

The orange cat mother exploded immediately, broke free from the nurse's embrace, jumped over and slapped Erha's face with her paw.

Erha was beaten away on the spot.

And the three brothers who dismantled the house were really stupid. Seeing their companion get a paw, the other two were not vigilant, and instead went to the orange cat mother one by one.

Then the orange cat mother rewarded each with a paw.

Thus, there was the scene that Lin Cheng saw just now.

Hearing the general description of the nurse, Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi looked at each other helplessly.

Well!After eating melons and eating them at his own house, the three idiots who demolished the house were all beaten out by Miss Orange Cat.

"It's also worried about the kitten, it's understandable."

Chi Shengxi reached out and touched the orange cat's head, and the cat was still threateningly barking towards the other side of the corridor.

"Has it been checked?"

"Guess! The orange cat has been checked, and the two kittens are still checking."

Everyone who entered the pet hospital had to register their names, and the names Lin Cheng registered for the Jumao family were random.

Orange cat, little orange cat, little gray cat.

Anyway, the name will come later, so use it first.

"Then let's stay with it for a while... and the inspection fees of the three dogs are also charged to our account. It sounds like a big hit."

The nurse agreed and left the orange cat to stay with Lin Cheng.

Although she was allowed to be hugged, Miss Orange Cat was different from the clingy tabby, she would not take the initiative to rub her head against Lin Cheng to show her closeness, and the energetic look of raising her neck was a bit imposing.

From now on, she will be a member of the club. Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi took turns hugging Miss Orange Cat for a while, and also showed it to the water friends who raised cats in the live broadcast room.

"Wow!So all three dogs were beaten away by the cat? "

"One hit three kill three!"As expected of Brother Orange's cat"

"Although this cat is thin, it looks really imposing!Much better than the trash in my house"

"This is KT's future guardian beast! "

"If you don't understand, just ask, is supporting Yuumi so strong?"One hit, three beatings and running three dog heads (funny)"

"Assisting Yuumi?This is a battle cat with a violent build! ! ! "

Having been a homeless person, walking through the noisy streets all day long, the orange cat doesn't show any stress to the hospital environment. Compared with the shivering silver gradient in the arms of the aunt next to him, he is much calmer.

After this episode, the aunt was not so nervous anymore, and soon brought the cat into the consulting room.

After the two kittens were checked, the doctor confirmed that there was nothing wrong and explained some precautions, which Chi Shengxi carefully recorded on his mobile phone.

After everything was over, the two were officially discharged from the hospital with the Orange Cat family.

Just ran into that aunt at the front desk again.

Fortunately!Auntie was just a false alarm, and there was nothing wrong with her cat, who cared more about her daughter.

The main reason is that I usually eat too well. Yesterday, a large piece of salmon supported the cat, which is why it looks sluggish.

"Okay! Everyone is relieved to receive the cat, let's go here today! The battery of the mobile phone is almost dead."

Lin Cheng turned off the live broadcast, got into the car with Chi Shengxi and prepared to return.

Chi Shengxi looked at the time, "It's already twelve o'clock, why don't we have lunch first?"

"Lunch? Sister Sheng Xi wants to invite me?"

"Okay! You've worked hard today, sister please eat something good."

Hearing that the food was good, Lin Cheng suddenly regained his energy.

"I want to eat abalone!!!"

Chi Shengxi smiled helplessly, "Ah! You bastard! You always do strange things and say strange things when you see fits."

Lin Cheng said with a straight face: "What are strange words and strange things... But I recognize it when I see it."

Chi Shengxi: "???"

The addition of the orange cat family made the atmosphere of the club lively. All the hanhan were not in a hurry to train in the afternoon, and each of them took nutrition cream and snacks to try to get closer to the cats.

The little orange cat is very timid, shrinking under the belly of the cat mother timidly looking at the new environment.

On the other hand, the little gray raccoon is not afraid of life at all, he will eat nutrition cream whoever gives him, and beat anyone who wants to touch it, the appearance of showing his teeth and claws is exactly the same as when Lin Cheng first met.

Kittens are not suitable for keeping outdoors, so we prepared a nest for the orange cat family in the lobby on the third floor. There is also an outdoor cat nest in the corner of the grass in the backyard, so that the orange cat mother who likes to wander around can freely choose a place to rest.

The cats at the base are used to being free, and even Lin Cheng's clingiest tabby only wanders around the base occasionally, and spends most of the time scurrying around in the surrounding territory.

In fact, the person who appeared most often in the base was the guy who used to come to quarrel with Lin Cheng every now and then.

Probably because he smelled the smell of a kitten on Lin Cheng. In the afternoon, Lin Cheng fed the cat again at the gate of the base. After that, Tiger Banner eagerly followed the base.

It just so happened that Lin Cheng was free and was going to teach the Jumao family how to use the litter box.

By the way, Tabby was also caught learning together.

Stray cats in the wild have no conditions to use cat litter. Out of nature, they usually use soil or sand to bury their excrement. The orange cat mother quickly mastered it. Lin Cheng only taught it once and it understood.

Tiger Ban is a bit silly, Lin Cheng taught him several times before he understood.

Kittens are a bit more difficult to teach.

The litter box was originally high, but Lin Cheng taught the two kittens to plant them headlong into the litter box, and then meowed and started digging shit inside.

The orange cat mother slapped the two little things twice when she went up.

Now they know that they can't dig shit, and start to study honestly.

Finding that Miss Orange Cat can teach the kitten to use litter by herself, Lin Cheng ignored it and took Tiger Banner to the lawn behind the base to show it the outdoor cat litter box.

"Hey! From now on, if you get beaten outside, if you can't beat him, you'll run back to avoid the limelight, you know?"


Tiger Ban squatted at Lin Cheng's feet, looking up at Lin Cheng eagerly.

From this angle, its eyes look big and watery.

Lin Cheng knelt down to tidy up the cat badges on its neck, and straightened the KT team logo on it.

"You are also a cat with a family, walk harder outside!"

"Don't act like a doormat all day long, come back and shake people after being beaten by cats outside."

"You don't know how to fight, don't you know that there are violent elements among the cats in the base?"

"You can't scold other cats, don't you know that your own cat speaks very dirty?"

"Able to do both civil and military affairs, our KT Maomao Gang is well-known in the entire Longshan District, do you know that?"

"Be tough on me."


By the window on the second floor, Chi Shengxi sipped coffee leisurely.

Seeing Lin Cheng gesticulating and nagging at Tiger Ban from below, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising.

"Although I always say strange things to my sister, she is really a warm person."

(End of this chapter)

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