This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1798 The Reason You Can't Lose!

Chapter 1798 The Reason You Can't Lose!


This is a very good record, and in previous years, it can basically lock in the first place in the regular season.

However, the strong rise of T1 in the Spring Split this year has broken the pattern, overtaking KT with a 17-1 regular season record. Even if KT hadn’t won the News Agency War in the first round, T1 would have won the regular season.

Of course, KT fans are not panicking at all.

This is called scientific support!

Our trump card is not on the table, let the stalls dance for a while, and then kill them after they have hope.

Exciting to think about.

There are even KT fans who started to feel regretful. They had known about the first round of the match and deliberately let them win.

After all, it's just the regular season, so it doesn't matter if T1 wins 18 consecutive games in the Spring Split.

Have you heard the story of the [-]th consecutive victory total runner-up?
Let you laugh first, then you will be severely humiliated when you enter the finals!
With success, T1 is only worthy of being the runner-up!
The regular season is over, and the LCK teams entering the playoffs are announced. The top six in the standings are as follows:

The top two news agency brothers will start from the second round of the playoffs, and the remaining four teams will decide the two semi-finals in the first round.

At this time, it is considered to enter the most critical stage.

This year, the top teams in the LCK have spent a lot of money, each spending more money than the other. The investment of the top four teams is huge no matter which division they are placed in.

Both DK and GEN·G's middle and field prices are sky-high. Although the contracts of young players in T1 are not big, Faker's 72 billion won contract is almost as high as the entire DK team.

KT is even more exaggerated. Even if you don’t look at Lin Cheng’s [-] billion contract, their lineup is still very expensive. Only KT’s income has skyrocketed in the past two years can afford it.

Therefore, every game in the playoffs is extremely critical.

Who is worth the money and who is being taken advantage of will be revealed when the final result comes out.

Unlike the LPL side, the bully has already written these words on his face in advance.

Uzi personally revealed in the live broadcast that BLG spent hundreds of millions even if they didn't buy Knight in this year's lineup.

Although hundreds of millions is definitely not a one-year contract for all players, it can also be seen how much BLG spent to suffer the most vicious fights.

At the beginning, there was a vigorous team meeting at station B. As a result, BLG's spring game was struggling. When the regular season came to an end, they were able to hang the tail of the car to determine the place for the playoffs.

According to the performance in spring, it is probably another round of travel.

BLG fans are already numb.

You are paralyzed!

[-] million to buy all these things?
If you use all of the [-] million to smash Brother Chengzi, and then casually mend it to bring up old things like Xiye and Sima old thief, it won't be like this, right?
Even if it's for traffic, isn't Brother Cheng's traffic more than Uzi's now?
This wave of BLG is really spending all the money on the handle.

Even the LCK audience began to feel sorry for Uncle.

People can still hear it when they spend money on water, but my uncle is carrying a large amount of money and throwing it down without even a splash.

sorry!In e-sports, you can't do whatever you want even if you have money.

During this time, Lin Cheng began to participate more in team training matches.

Compared with the end of the regular season, the playoff version has not changed, but many teams in the playoffs have started to play routines, and KT may be caught by surprise.

DK is the kind of team that likes to make fun of things in the playoffs. Although Mr. Danny's Gongdou level is not high, his BP and tactical quality are really good, and he can live it out every time in the playoffs.

And this time Danny really lived up to expectations.

In the first round of sweeping KDF, DK took out the long-seen single-laner Lucian, the bot laner Giggs, and the jungler Nightmare in the three games, which were completely different from the previous regular season.

GEN·G, on the other hand, continued his steady and steady style, and also easily defeated DRX by relying on solid casting.

In this way, the top four have all been born, which happens to be the four teams with the largest investment in the LCK.

It can only be said that although money cannot do whatever one wants, money can indeed bring strength.

BLG that was purely accidental.

And T1 has the right to choose opponents in the semi-finals, and they lost GEN·G, which seemed more difficult to deal with, to KT.

March 3, the day when the semi-finals of the playoffs started.

Lin Cheng opened his eyes early in the morning.

Staring at the ceiling in a daze, he recovered and looked to the side.

A little orange cat curled up next to Lin Cheng's pillow.

The little white paws hugged the head, and the stomach covered with light fluff rose and fell slightly, sleeping soundly.

After the first two days of fear, the Orange Cat family also got mixed up in the base.

The orange cat mother has a calm personality, and she is not too close to anyone except Lin Cheng, but even if she is caught and raped by the team members, she will not show aggression.

But the little gray cihuamao is very lively and can play with anyone.

In fact, the little guy was very rebellious at the beginning, and anyone who teased him would be threatened by it waving his little paws. It wasn't until he was slapped sober by Miss Orange Cat that he became polite.

But the little orange cat was still timid. At first, he either hid in a corner or followed behind the cat's mother, but he was very close to Lin Cheng.

Probably knowing that Lin Cheng saved it, the little orange cat liked to cling to Lin Cheng very much after getting used to the environment in the first two days, and sometimes would come to the training room to find him.

Lin Cheng had to subconsciously look at his feet after the training match, for fear that he would step on the little orange cat if he didn't pay attention.

Occasionally, it would come to sleep on Lin Cheng's bed. At first, the orange cat's mother would take the little orange cat away, but after seeing that Lin Cheng didn't care about it, it didn't care about the little orange cat anymore.

If Lin Cheng didn't close the door when he slept, he would have a half chance of finding a cat growing on his bed the next day.

Following the sound of Lin Cheng getting up, the little orange cat also opened its eyes, stretched itself, and called out to Lin Cheng in a low voice.

This is urging breakfast.

Lin Cheng got up and went to make milk powder.

The little orange cat struggled to slip out of bed along the sheets, meowing and following behind Lin Cheng.

Soon, the little gray raccoon flower in the hall also followed.

On the other hand, Miss Orange Cat opened her eyes in the cat nest in the corner and swayed her tail leisurely. Her amber eyes glanced at her two cubs and then ignored her.

"Concentrate on drinking milk and don't make trouble."

After making the kitten milk powder, Lin Cheng took care of the two little ones with his own eyes and immersed himself in drinking it.

There was no way, these two cubs were not very smart, Lin Cheng was worried that they would drown if they drank milk by themselves.

After the kitten had finished its breakfast, Lin Cheng poured the cat food for Miss Orange Cat, and then went to the gate of the base to feed the pretty boy outside.


Seeing a group of cats cooking and stroking Tabby's head at his feet, Lin Cheng was in a good mood.

"Are you cheering for me too?"

"Don't worry! I have a reason why I can't lose today's game."

This year's LCK Spring Finals will be held in Ulsan.

There is sister Shuyan's hometown.

In any case, Lin Cheng would not let himself fall on the way to the semifinals.

When he arrived in Ulsan, Lin Cheng was also going to visit his grandma.

Sister Shuyan was abducted, and Sister Shuyan was wronged. Lin Cheng decided that even if grandma was dissatisfied with him, he had to lick his face and comfort the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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