This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1802 Old Song, you have become more and more abstract recently

The last two BAN positions of the blue side KT in the first round were given to Card+Ryze.

It's all to limit Chaowei's roaming.

Although in the inherent impression of many viewers, Chaowei has the label of the earth-bound spirit since his debut, but in fact Chaowei was the mid laner with the highest support frequency in the entire LCK in KT last year, and his support tendency this season is still among all LCK mid laners. Inside the front row.

It's not that he doesn't like supporting his teammates, it's just that sometimes key nodes are suddenly attracted by the pawn line.

That's why some netizens joked that the biggest punishment for Chaowei is to tie him to a chair and watch the soldiers enter the tower and not be allowed to make up.

The last two BAN positions of the red square GEN·G were given to Zeli + Qinggangying.

Restricting Qinggangying is naturally to maintain respect for Lin Cheng, and Zeli, a hero in team battles, is too flexible. Currently, she is not a must-choice existence in the BAN, and the red side usually assumes this BAN position.

Starting to choose people, the blue team grabbed Jess.

"Turn up the intensity! Brother Cheng chooses Jess to beat Dolan."

"Jess's oppressive power in the hands of Brother Orange is unquestionable, and Dolan may be under a lot of pressure in this round."

Wanwan was a little louder, "I've accumulated anger bars for a long time, Brother Cheng, I wonder if Dolan can handle this punch?"

Zeyuan smiled: "Well~~~ I can only say that Brother Chengzi is confident. There are actually many heroes with higher priority than Jess on the field. Then GEN·G must grab the blind monk here."

In version 12.5, Xin Zhao has just been weakened, and the priority of the jungle position of the blind monk has been further raised. GEN·G does not hesitate much in the red side, and locks the blind monk + policewoman.

The understanding of the LCK teams in this competition is relatively consistent, and the best choice to deal with the female police system is Karma.

Kalmar+EZ was locked on the second and third floors of KT.

On the third floor of the red square, Lacus is determined.

In the second round of BAN, GEN·G pressed the prince + Xin Zhao against the jungler.

On KT's side, it is the choice to continue to oppress Chaowei, sending Syndra + Wei Gusi to the BAN position.

Start picking.

GEN·G takes the stone man first on the fourth floor of the red square.

The GEN·G fans cheered.

The audience is also happy to see such an unpopular hero appear on the stage.

And it seems that this is Dolan's secret weapon specially prepared to deal with Lin Chengjies?
Zeyuan: "Golem! This hero is easy to beat Jess. Now Jess's stats are too low in the early stage to suppress Golems. Besides, Jess has no recovery ability in the early stage. It is possible to eat two Qs of Golems. I don’t dare to press it.”

Wan Wan: "But in fact, Brother Cheng's RANK Jess beats the stone man violently. The stone man is at most a jerk. If he is pushed before the big move, he is easy to be overrun. It depends on how the junglers of both sides take care of the road."

After a pause, Wanwan continued: "But obviously, there is no way out to help a top bastard. If Peanut helps Dolan madly, he just doesn't want to win."

Seeing the stone man on the opposite side, KT was also a little surprised.

It’s fine if Peanut is another jungler. The blind monk’s melee ability is very strong. It will be difficult for Lin Cheng to use Jess to face the stone man + blind monk’s siege.

Rookie: "What does Lin Cheng say? Jess hit me!"

Lin Cheng: "It's okay! My Jess beats the stone man! Many people have the illusion that the stone man is easy to beat Jess. Let me wake them up."

Cuzz reminded: "I know your Jace is strong, but what if, I mean, what if the stone man keeps QQing you, and then Lee Sin comes up?"

Lin Cheng: "I can operate it."

Rookie: "I know that your master is very strong, but your Jayce has always been playing on the line. If the opponent forces you to flash before the sixth level, what will you do if you go to the wild?"

Lin Cheng: "Forget it, Jess will give it to you."

Rookie: "OK! I'll show you a mid laner Jess."

In this way, KT decided to shake Jace to the middle.

With Jayce's AP jungler, there are limited choices. Originally, Kalma didn't have the ability to initiate. The entire lineup of Leopard Girl Bright Moon is really too stiff.

Cuzz simply took out Lilia, who was hardly used in this version, at least he had a big move to start a group.

At least KT will definitely not have an abstract scene where Lilia sleeps with five people and no one follows.

"Our Poke ability is very strong, get me Urgot, it feels like a trick!"

Rookie chuckled, and said in Chinese: "When I hit the opponent's HP, Lin Cheng, you will overtake them hard!"

Lin Cheng: "???"

Rookie: "What look in your eyes? I mean fear beyond death!"

Lin Cheng: "Old Song, you've become more and more abstract recently! Don't omit things indiscriminately."

Therefore, after the fourth floor confirmed Lilia, KT finally locked Urgot.

The KT fans at the scene were boiling.

If you pick up a stone man on the opposite side, it will be troublesome. Isn't it rare for us Urgot?

Zeyuan: "Wow! Urgot! The Urgot I remember before in the LCK is still Kiin. It's been a long time since a player picked out this hero."

"Is Chengzi really going to use Urgot as the top laner? Although Urgot is good at fighting Golem in theory, this hero is too embarrassing in the mythological version."

Wan Wan thought about it, "Urgot's advantage as a top laner should have been, but the designer chose to design equipment with different benefits for long and short range, and the long-range benefits were basically cut to pieces."

"This has led to no mythical equipment that is particularly suitable for Urgot so far. If I remember correctly, Urgot's unique skill brother who is the number one in the Korean server has now dived into diamonds."

The red side chose the fox in the last hand.

After the change, Ahri is too flexible. Now more and more mid laners are proficient in this hero, and Lin Cheng, who has played top laner Fox for a long time, also occasionally uses it in RANK.

But thanks to the Internet cafe variety show last time, every time he plays Fox, some friends always want to mention Zhao Meiyan.

Both teams are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Dreadnought, Urgot)
Jungle: Cuzz (Shy Bud, Lilia)
Mid lane: Rookie (Future Guardian, Jayce)

Bot Lane: Deft (Explorer, Ezreal)
Support: Beryl (Apocalypse, Karma)
Red Square GEN·G:

Top Road: Doran (Lava Behemoth, Malphite)
Jungle: Peanut (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Mid lane: Chovy (nine-tailed demon fox, Ahri)

Bot Lane: Ruler (Piltown Cop, Caitlyn)
Support: Lehends (Shining Girl, Lux)
From the perspective of the lineup, GEN·G has undoubtedly continued its stable and steady style, with clear front and rear rows, and the lineup can be regarded as very solid.

But KT is very abstract here, the hero Urgot can't play the first move, the team's only first move turned out to be Lilia's ultimate move, KT is strictly speaking a Poke lineup.

After finishing the BP, the coaches of both sides left the field with compliments.

The live director gave Lin Cheng the last shot.

He smiled and nodded.

Looking at the bright smiling face on the big screen, Ju Li felt better for no reason.

"come on!"

After finishing speaking in a low voice, she couldn't help muttering in her heart:
I'm helping Jiyeon!

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