This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1803 Level 1 Invasion, Domineering

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Urgot chose the main series Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, Perseverance, and the secondary series Enlightenment: Magical Shoes, Biscuit Delivery.

Urgot's regular equipment does not have an attack speed buff, but this hero actually needs a little attack speed, otherwise the AW feel will not be smooth in the later stage, so even if the opponent has more control, Lin Cheng will still point out joy.

Another reason is the legend of the precision system in the current version: the toughness has been cut a bit weak, just be afraid to control the mercury shoes.

Regarding the choice of summoner skills, Lin Cheng thought for a few seconds and brought out Flash + Ignite.

It is the main line of suppression.

It's not that Lin Cheng doesn't have a team, but that he thinks this is a relatively good combination of skills.

The reasons are as follows:
One is that the current 14-minute teleportation unlock setting is too painful, so it goes without saying.

The second is that as the only front row mid-to-late player in the formation, Lin Cheng certainly can't run to lead the line by himself, so it doesn't make much sense to lead the line in the middle and late stages of teleportation.

Furthermore, this lineup does not need Lin Cheng TP to circle the back at all.

Teammates are all heroes who pull and consume. During the grouping period, Lin Cheng should stand in front of his teammates at any time to gain space for his teammates to pull. Urgot is a clumsy person who runs around and then easily ignores it. Maybe he hasn't successfully circled and his teammates have already been killed. opened.

Moreover, the positioning of the crab is not a tank. Even if the hero is pure meat, he can't carry it that much. It is better to go around and start a group by himself.

In summary, it is only logical for Lin Cheng to bring Flash + Ignition.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng pretended to buy extraction + red medicine.

The suppression effect of Urgot's extraction is actually better than that of Doran's sword, because W's three damages per second can trigger the recovery of extraction every time.

Both sides started the game relatively steadily, standing parallel to the river and each guarding the intersection of the wild area to prevent the opposing side from deploying intrusion vision.

As 1 minute and 20 seconds approached, Lin Cheng leaned towards the red square triangle grass.

"I'll do an eye-check to catch Li Qing's position."

At this point in time, there will definitely not be an ambush in the upper half of the area. Lin Cheng wants to make a deep eye position before going online, so that he can suppress it with confidence.

By the way, if you have a chance, you can also harass peanut butter to become popular.

The opponent goes up the road, the stone man goes down the road, and the policewoman goes down the road. Little Peanut has a 99% probability of driving red and swiping down.

Dolan's stone man stood on the triangle grass ahead of time, and when he saw Urgot walking the grass, he decisively pulled it away from below, and did not choose to learn the skill Q.

Since this game is not against Jayce, Dolan's belt is indestructible, and the consumption of level-[-] learning Q is of little significance.

Seeing the stone man pulling away from under the triangular grass, Cong Congcheng stood still in the grass and made no other moves for the time being.

But as former teammates, they are really familiar with each other. When they found out that Lin Cheng's Urgot was grabbing the triangle grass, Peanut immediately knew that Lin Cheng might come to harass him.

"Xuanzhun, don't be in a hurry to go online, help me take a look."

Little Peanut called his teammates to cover in advance.

Dolan was standing guard for the blind monk outside the red BUFF grass, and he found Urgot approaching.

The stone man went up.

A burst of echoing flames broke the shield and bones of the Golem, and Urgot turned his head subconsciously.

Without vision, Lin Cheng thought that Peanut had to clean himself up first if he didn't become popular.

Seeing the opponent retreat, the Golem also chose to turn around, but was pulled away by Urgot's backhand A again.

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi came here to harass the blind monk to become famous! But GENG·G has already thought of it, and the stone man did not go online in advance."

Zeyuan: "What do you mean by Dolan? Go up and take two blows in vain... To be beaten and persuaded to quit, right? If I dare to go up and be beaten by you, it means there are people behind. Brother Chengzi, you better be more sensible."

Exactly 1 minute and 30 seconds, BUFF has been refreshed.

Peanut's blind monk became popular.

At this moment, Urgot, who had turned his head back, suddenly turned around and leaned in the direction of the red BUFF.

"Block him! Don't let him come."

Having learned the W skill to become popular, Little Peanut directed Dolan to resist Urgot's harassment.

The routine of harassing the jungler at the top level is really disgusting. Lin Cheng likes to do this when he gets a strong top laner in the training match and faces the enemy's weak top laner.

In fact, he didn't do this much in games. Who made it so difficult for the opponent to keep people in the field?
Urgot sprayed out the passive on the oblique front leg at the stone man coming up from the top.

The blind monk hasn't shown his face yet.

Even though he had no vision, Lin Cheng was 100% sure that the blind monk was becoming popular.

Since the opposite jungler is involved in the red BUFF, then he can show his face.

Urgot decisively walked sideways to adjust his position, and tied A again.

The stone man is close to AW, very fierce.

The stone man's ability to continue fighting at the first level is not weak, but it also depends on who he is facing.

What's more, Dolan's persuasion strategy failed just now, and when he lost his face, Urgot had already played a second passive + tie A.

Why is this person not afraid?
Don't you know that our jungler is next to us?

After two slaps, he found that the opposite side had a bit of a tendon, and Dolan was about to retreat.

The stone man's retreat made Urgot force him over.

At the same time as the eye was inserted into the grass at the extreme distance, Lin Cheng adjusted the angle and shot out the third echoing flame, and the stone man was only half alive.

"Help me become popular! Don't fight with him."

Little Peanut has already discovered that the stone man can't stand it, so he decisively changes his strategy and asks Dolan to come over to help him become popular.

Originally, he thought that Lin Cheng might give up if Dolan pretended to be fierce, after all, if the ink continued, he would lose the experience of the minion.

But Little Peanut didn't expect Lin Cheng to be so radical today.

Urgot rolled over hard, and the stone man really couldn't stand it.

But it is too late to change the strategy at this time.

Seeing that the buff still had more than half health, Lin Cheng suddenly became murderous.

With the blood volume of BUFF, it is impossible for the stone man and the blind monk to quickly press down below the punishment line.

And Lin Cheng will not give the opponent a chance to focus on the BUFF brother.

Just as the stone man leaned towards the red buff, Lin Cheng decided to imitate E and make a move.

Disdain the furthest distance back to the stone man.

Although Urgot didn't trigger the passive basic attack and only stacked one layer of Conqueror, but Dolan's first wave of foreskin eye attacks gave away three layers of effect for nothing, which happened to allow Lin Cheng's E skill to fully stack Conqueror.

Hang up the ignition.

The passivity of the three legs behind him is still there, and the reverberating flames erupt.

The basic damage of Urgot's E skill is very high. After the Conqueror is fully stacked, a large amount of blood will be knocked out instantly.

Dolan crossed and pulled away.

But Lin Cheng's card position is very good, the leg A on the back is the first time to press the position to the right, and it happens that Dolan chooses to flash in the direction of the blind monk.

Lin Cheng flashed, and just appeared on the oblique right side of the stone man.

The echoing flames erupted again.

Little Peanut put a layer of film on the stone man in time.

But it was useless, the reverberating flames sprayed the two of them at the same time.

Dolan just buried his head in running away, and was sprayed out by Lin Cheng's extreme distance to adjust the angle, and the last leg was passive.

The stone man died suddenly on the spot.

"First Blood!"

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